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Author Topic: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version  (Read 52836 times)

Omega Tyrant

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With officially released, many of the suggestions in this compilation suggestions thread for have been implemented. So at Kornel's suggestion, I'm starting up a new compilation thread for, to start a fresh thread and to have a better organized OP that doesn't cover all the stuff that was already implemented or formally rejected, as well as to cover new suggestions.

I'll be maintaining this thread in Icy's absence, and any new suggestions from anyone else is welcomed, no matter how mundane or outlandish the suggestion may be. Before suggesting anything though, I would recommend reading Icy's OP in the aforementioned linked thread, consider the feasibility of being able to implement the suggestion, and backing your suggestions with well-reasoned points, while being open to any feedback your suggestion gets. I'll also note that I do not have any authority with the game nor am I a member of the ChaosForge team, so my own ideas are not above anyone else's, I'm just a passionate player organizing this and offering feedback.


This thread will be organized into separate posts for changes (which itself will be organized into bugs/exploits/fixes, traits, equipment/items, enemies, special levels, and miscellaneous), everything for badges/medals, and new content ideas. A suggestion marked with an "X" in its box and colored light blue means it has been implemented; a suggestion marked with "~" and colored light green means it has been partially implemented; a suggestion marked with "-" and colored pink has been soft rejected but may by partially implemented in another way; a suggestion marked with "?" and colored light yellow means an attempt was made to implement it but needs testing to confirm it is working properly, or marks an "issue" that may not be an issue at all; and a suggestion that is struck through and colored red has been officially rejected by Kornel. Each suggestion will additionally have links to the posts explaining the justification for the change and other discussion regarding it.


[?] Bug: The game may lock up on the trait selection screen upon levelling up, where the game still runs with the music playing and you're able to scroll through the background with the mouse, but your trait selection does not register and you cannot exit the screen, forcing you to kill DRL in Task Manager to exit and lose your progress. 1 2 (May have incidentally been fixed in the JHC UI changes, needs thorough testing to fully confirm it has been fixed, but so far there has been no reported instances of this critical bug.)

[-] Bug: Nightmare's -10% speed penalty seems to not be working. 1 2 (Kornel has no recollection of ever adding Nightmare's speed penalty nor likes the idea of difficulties nerfing the player, and after farther testing previous versions back to, it may have never actually existed in the first place, or was removed in a very old pre-graphics version. It's up in the air on if this "feature" will be (re)implemented as a universal speed bonus for enemies instead, which needs discussion.)

[ ] Bug: If you complete a special level on Nightmare/AoD and then exit with any respawns alive, the exit text and mortem history text gives you the level's completion messages, and you'll earn any badges/medals that require completing the level, but the game doesn't actually count the level as completed for Conqueror purposes. 1

[X] Bug: If a former is killed out of vision by something other than you, an error message may pop up stating it failed an attempt to call a table value. This most commonly occurs when a Former Sergeant shoots a barrel and kills himself. 1

[X] Bug: Corpses will sometimes be ungibbable by explosions and plasma(tic) shotguns for no apparent reason. 1

[X] Bug: Lightfoot Diamond and Angelic badges aren't being awarded when their criteria is fulfilled, perhaps indirect kills are being counted as "melee" kills? (I can confirm this badge isn't being awarded, unsure what is the cause if it's not the change to indirect kill attribution causing it) 1 2 3

[X] Bug: The melee accuracy bonus of Brute is still not properly applying to thrown weapons. 1

[X] Bug: Sharpshooter doesn't work with explosive pistols, even on direct hits. 1

[X] Bug: In armor and boots assemblies that require a Technical Mod, if the Technical Mod is applied before completing the assembly, the Technical Mod's resistance boosts will stack onto the assembly's resistances, making assemblies like Fireproof Armor more powerful than intended. 1

[X] Bug: The new modding UI in the latest beta will not allow you to attempt modding non-compatible equipment with Firestorm and Sniper mods, which prevents you from assembling Demolition Ammo (and any future assembly that would require applying them to normally non-compatible equipment). 1

[X] Bug: The Dragonslayer's permanent berserk isn't working, with it granting no additional turns of Berserk at all. 1

[?] Bug: Using the Dragonslayer's altfire, Whirlwind, can crash the game. It's unclear what conditions causes this crash, as sometimes you can use Whirlwind without the crash happening. 1 (An attempt was made to fix this, needs testing to confirm if the fix has worked.)

[~] Bug: When initiating a rocket jump, the targeting cursor can extend beyond immediately adjacent tiles, despite rocket jumping only being able to hit immediately adjacent tiles (in previous versions, the game wouldn't let you extend targeting beyond this range). Additionally when initiating a rocket jump with enemies onscreen, the targeting cursor will default onto an enemy, forcing you to move it back to an adjacent tile to rocket jump. 1 (Reverting back to's targeting isn't possible, so Rocket jumping will now let you fire on a tile more than 1 tile away, with the fired rocket just exploding at 1 tile towards the direction fired regardless.)

[?] Bug: Projectiles can go through walls without exploding from certain angles, including the outer boundary walls, and explosive projectiles will not explode when clipping. (Needs more thorough testing to fully identify how this bug works). 1 (An attempted fix was made, needs thorough testing to determine if it's fixed.)

[X] Bug: Ammo stacks dropped by ammo levers are not affected by the difficulty multiplier. 1

[X] Bug: The lava flood in Halls Of Carnage sometimes does not activate. 1 2

[X] Bug: Screenshots aren't saving properly as of the latest beta, unless you manually create a folder named "screenshot" in DRL's root folder. 1

[ ] Bug: Technician, Armorer, and Heroic badges are bugged in a way where it seems the game checks if you fulfilled their requirements before you start up a run, rather than as you complete it. As a result, you won't earn these badges in the run where you actually first fulfilled their requirements, but in the immediate run after. 1 2

[ ] Bug: If too many sounds play in quick succession, the music can get turned off until you enter a new floor or save and reload. 1

[X] Bug: When booting up the game, the loading bar will stretch beyond the screen.

[?] Bug: If a flood event occurs on an island level, it's possible to start in the middle of lava. 1 (This may have been fixed in the old beta, neither I nor Icy have ever experienced this and no one has reported it happening yet, and the hard restriction on no longer spawning in any fluid should have fixed if it's still in the game.)

[?] Exploit: The Spider Mastermind can get stuck when shot across the bottom or top middle pillars, making it only able to go up and down. The AI might need to be adjusted. 1 (This may have been fixed in the old beta, and the AI was adjusted farther in the betas, needs more thorough testing to confirm.)

[X] Fix: The Unlock All option doesn't unlock the harder difficulties.

[ ] Fix: The item reveal mechanic when all enemies are dead does not work in Nightmare, it should activate when all enemies are dead at the same time, or after each individual enemy has been killed once. 1

[-] Fix: Damage calculation on direct hits with explosive attacks seem to happen after knockback is applied, resulting in direct explosive hits doing less damage than they should, or possibly no damage at all. 1 2 (Confirmed to be an intentional design choice, but a direct damage component on explosive hits may be added?)

[ ] Fix: The new screen shaking effect should have its intensity based on the strength of the inciting projectile/explosion, rather than shaking at the same intensity regardless. 1

[X] Fix: The new modding menu can display incorrect info, noticed instances so far is it displaying bulk mods making armors/boots 10% faster rather than -10% slower, and showing you being able to apply more than one of the same mod to armors/boots/melee weapons when you can't. 1

[ ] Fix: The mortem's kill ratio message in the latest beta is based on the total enemy kill ratio with respawns, rather than the unique enemy kill ratio, when it should be based on the latter. 1

[ ] Fix: The character info screen doesn't account for equipped ammo boxes with its displayed reloading speed, when it should.

[ ] Fix: Ironman's trait description is unclear with it stating you get +20% max health, which isn't fully true as Marines still only get +10 HP rather than 12 HP, so it should be reworded to state +10 HP. 1

[ ] Fix: In Scavenger's trait description, update it to clarify that melee weapons, armors, and boots can be scavenged. 1

[ ] Fix: Angel of Humanity's and Archangel of Humanity's descriptions should clarify that Marines start with 12 max HP rather than 20. 1

[X] Fix: For weapons with very long names (such as the "Burst nuclear plasma rifle"), the name can stretch beyond the available UI space on the HUD, obscuring its ammo. And for armors with very long names, their names will instead stretch into the next line the HUD, obscuring your weapon's name. Whether it be scaling down long names, letting them stretch farther into the HUD, or anything else, something should be done to fix this issue. 1 2

[X] Fix: When using the Look command, you are unable to scroll the screen with the keys, forcing the use of a mouse to do so. As an obvious detriment to keyboard-only players, this should be fixed. 1 2

[ ] Fix: When equipping a weapon from the ground that auto-equips on pickup, such as Azrael's Scythe, the game will erroneously give the "You don't have [X weapon]!" message. 1

[ ] Fix: Charch's Null Pointer shows that its damage is 0d0, when it's actually 10d1. 1

[ ] Fix: The infinitely spawning Nightmare Demons and Nightmare Cacodemons when equipping the Dragonslayer and Berserker Set severely complicate clearing special levels with said equipment. Either they shouldn't count towards a special level's completion, their spawning should be disabled in special levels, or they should have a spawning limit of some sort. 1

[X] Fix: When the Apostle spawns on the final floor of A100/A666, the ability to see all enemies immediately activates since all enemies technically die when you first enter the floor. Given this is supposed to be a boss fight, this mechanic should be disabled when the Apostle spawns like it is for boss levels. 1

[ ] Fix: Archangel of 666 shows both in-game and in the high scores that it's Ao100. Additionally, the ending mortem says you "finally completed 100 floors of torture". 1 2

[X] Fix: Non-lava fluids are supposed to be able to appear in A100/666 beyond floor 30 for greater level variety, but you still only encounter lava except for in specific level types/events/features that could already have water and acid appear. (Fluid spawning formula was tweaked farther in addition to two new fluids in blood and mud, later A100 is not a complete lava fest anymore.)

[X] Fix: Elite Former Captains erroneously didn't get the melee damage buff that all the other Elite Formers got. 1

[X] Fix: Nightmare Imps erroneously had two different speed values applied to them. 1

[X] Fix: The player's sprite does not update properly when armor is destroyed. The player additionally doesn't show the proper armor and weapon equipped at the start of challenges and mods that have different starting default equipment. 1

[X] Fix: In the ASCII version, the cursor for the look command does not show and the targeting cursor blends in the invulnerability overlay. 1

[X] Fix: Music resets to max volume regardless of setting whenever booting up the game or entering a new floor.

[ ] Fix: Repeated sounds (such as from several enemies being hit at once) can still get too loud, the sounds should be better staggered out instead of stacking all at once on each other, or perhaps add a limit of some sort that prevents the same sounds from being stacked too loudly on each other. 1 2

[-] Fix: Ensure bridges that go over rivers are not blocked off by walls or rooms without doors. 1 2 (This might be too technically difficult to implement.)


[X] Nerf Hellrunner's dodging bonus to +10% per level (needs discussion). 1

[X] Buff Tough As Nails to give +5% inherent resistances to fire, acid and plasma per level in addition to inherent +1 protection. If implemented, the Marine's inherent energy resistances will need to be nerfed to prevent them from getting too tanky. 1 (Implemented with a 10% resistance buff per level instead)

[X] Nerf Vampyre (needs discussion). Some ideas include increasing its prerequisites, disallowing Vampyre from healing beyond 100%, and/or prevent the resistances of berserk from stacking with the resistances of the Marine. If the aforementioned TaN buff is implemented, also change Vampyre's SoB block to TaN instead. 1 2 (Has been nerfed indirectly from berserk and Marine resistances being toned down, as well as directly with TaN block and no more healing over 100%.)

[X]Buff Entrenchment (needs discussion). Some ideas include increasing the resistance bonuses to +50% when chain firing, granting +20% to all resistances when just equipping a chain firing weapon, and some means to allow chain firing longer (such as reduce ammo consumption when chain firing or instant reloading when your clip runs out during chain firing). Alternatively, Entrenchment could be replaced with an entirely new mastery, a la Running Man -> Gunrunner in 1 (Indirectly buffed from TaN buff and buffed directly with +50% resistances and 1 ammo on subsequent Chainfire volleys.)

[~] Give Bullet Dance the additional perk of reloading faster when dual gunning. 1 (SoG changed to give +3 damage and 10% firing speed reduction per level, needs to be tested to see if farther adjustment to SoG or Bullet Dance itself needs to be made.)

[X] Give Fireangel an additional offensive-based perk (needs discussion). One possible idea is when using rocket-based weapons, each shot will get +2 dice in damage calculation. 1 (Was buffed to have explosions gain +1 radius and all projectiles they shoot are explosive.)

[~] Buff Gun Kata to have an instant Pistol attack after dodging instead of it being near-instant. Also consider letting it apply Dodgemaster to all enemy projectiles inbetween moves (needs discussion). 1 (SoG changed to give +3 damage and 10% firing speed reduction per level, DG firing speed penalty was removed, and Gun Kata now fires much faster after movement. Needs to be tested to see if farther adjustment to SoG or Gun Kata itself needs to be made.)

[~] Change Gunrunner's prerequisite of Juggler to Finesse 2. 1 (Prereqs were changed to just Hellrunner 2 and being level 5, so easier prereqs but might be too light?)

[X] Buff Malicious Blades (needs discussion). One idea is, in addition to nerfing Berserk, change Malicious Blades' TaN block to Badass or Son Of A gun. 1 (Now deals double damage with blades.)

Equipment and other Items

[ ] Add sounds for all actions for exotics/uniques/artifacts. 1 2

[X] Lessen the speed penalty for heavy boots, to make them less punishing to wear in fluids with the new fluid-slowing mechanic. Exact proposed values are in the linked message. 1

[ ] Allow Technicians to add a single mod or basic assembly to the following unique armors: Medical Powerarmor, Necroarmor, and Shielded Armor. 1 2 3

[ ] Buff the Chaingun's accuracy to +3. 1

[ ] Increase the Blaster's generation weight to 4. 1

[ ] Frag Shotgun needs farther buffs. One idea to make it standout is to change its damage to 6d3 and decrease its firing speed to 0.5 seconds. Additionally allow it to spawn sooner and be less rare (such as a depth of 10 and weight of 3). 1 2

[ ] Increase the Medical Powerarmor's generation rate to 3 (matching the similarly powerful Necroarmor in rarity). [1

[ ] Let Mega Buster use alt fire to switch modes, but you have to collect all the damage types (more similar to Mega Man). 1 2

[ ] Increase the Mjollnir's generation rate to 2 or 3. 2 3

[ ] Allow Subtle Knife kills to count as "knife kills". Additionally modify it to spawn sooner and be less rare (such as a depth of 7 and weight of 2). 1

[ ] Nerf Trigun's Angel Arm to not be an instant nuke and require 10s like regular nukes. 1

[ ] Farther buff Ballistic Armor by having it retain any plasma and acid resistances the base armor has. 1

[ ] Buff Grappling Boots to retain the base boots' movement speed instead of having a set -10% speed. 1

[X] Change Nano-shrapnel to a master assembly, with an assembly requirement of PPPN or PPTN. 1

[ ] Change the resistance values that Technical Mods add to boots to be +20% acid and fire resistances while removing the other useless resistance buffs, rather than using the same values they apply to armors. They can keep the +20% plasma resistance as well if the proposed blood fluid is added and utilizes plasma damage. 1

[ ] Buff Agility Mods to give +2 accuracy when applied to melee weapons instead of only +1. 1

[ ] Allow Firestorm and Sniper mods to be applied to melee weapons (needs discussion on exact effects). Current ideas are a Firestorm mod will turn their damage type to fire so they can gib much easier, in addition to possibly increasing the lower of damage die or sides by +1 too, and a Sniper mod will give them the autohit property. 1

[ ] Allow Firestorm mods to be added to explosive weapons with an explosion radius of 1 and 2. If done, consider making the mod give them only a +1 radius boost rather than the usual +2 boost. 1

[ ] Give Sniper mods an effect for Shotguns, instead of doing nothing. One idea is each Sniper mod applied to a Shotgun will reduce its dropoff reduction rate by 1% (so a basic Shotgun with one Sniper mod will have its dropoff damage reduced from 7% to 6% per tile, and if triple modded with Sniper mods, its dropoff damage will be reduced from 7% to 4% per tile). 1

[ ] When a third Sniper Mod is applied to a ranged weapon, have it give the autohit property instead of doing nothing. 1

[ ] Allow the Lava Element to appear as a randomly spawned item. Make its spawning weight 2 or 3, and perhaps give it a spawning depth of 30+ so it can only randomly appear in A100/666. 1


[ ] Add sounds for Nightmare enemies, Lava Elemental, Agony Elemental, Arena Master, and Apostle. 1 2

[ ] Add sounds for enemies spawning, enemies reviving, and Archviles charging their attack. 1 2

[~] Make Cacodemons and Nightmare Cacodemons more aggressive in their attack frequency. Possibly also consider buffing Nightmare Cacodemons to hit slightly harder. (needs discussion) 1 (Neither Cacodemon is more aggressive, but Nightmare Cacodemons been given a very serious buff.)

[ ] Farther buff all Elite Formers by increasing their melee accuracy. 1

[ ] Farther buff the Nightmare Archvile by increasing its attack's explosion radius to 2, matching the Arena Master's explosion radius. 1

[-] Lower the Nightmare Cacodemon's spawning depth in A100/666 to 50+. 1 (New enemy added with a spawning depth of 41, so the Nightmare Cacodemon's 51 is probably intentional.)

[~] Lower the Shambler's spawning depth in A100/666 to 70+. 1 (Lowered to 60+ instead)

[ ] Increase the Lava Elemental's generation weight to 2 or 3 so it isn't so uncommon in deep levels of A100/666. 1

[ ] Allow the Angel Of Death to spawn in very deep floors of A100/666. Its spawning depth can be either 80+ or 90+. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

[~] Buff the Apostle to have 500 HP and always teleport after being hit. Also when it dies in A100/666, kill all enemies and end the game like JC. 1 2 3 4 (Apostle has gotten massive resistances instead that makes it drastically more durable, but instant teleportation on hit has not been added yet nor ending the game when it dies in A100/666.)

[~] Change hunting AI to not ignore items and armors (if implemented, Cyberdemons may need their ability to use items removed or medpacks may need a healing limit of 110 HP to keep them from being potentially too obnoxious). 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Hunting AI still ignore items, but Cyberdemons have altered AI where they'll not hunt immediately in A100, so they can pick up items and armors they spawn near before their hunting behavior activates)

Special levels

[ ] When special levels are destroyed by a nuke, disable any traps/subsequent enemy spawns they may have from triggering and have the game register them as cleared (this includes Containment Area, City of Skulls, Abyssal Plains, House of Pain, The Lava Pits, and Mt. Erebus) 1

[~] Make Military Base more difficult as it's still much easier than Phobos Lab. One idea is removing its Tracking Map on UV and N! difficulties. Another idea is if the "patrol" AI flag is added to the game, it could be applied to enemies here so the player cannot rely on camping at the start to kill everything. (Needs discussion) 1 (Patrolling AI has been implemented and has buffed the difficulty of Military Base, but the Tracking Map still remains on all difficulties.)

[X] Change how Schematics drops in Hell's Armory/Deimos Lab work, so that players do not miss out on a rare mod because of them and so each run is truly independent (can probably just have them drop separately from the rare mods). 1 2 3 4

[ ] Have The Wall/Containment Area open up after all enemies are dead to prevent softlocks if you use a Phase Device. 1 2

[ ] Replace the redundant Missile Launcher in City Of Skulls/Abyssal Plains. What to replace it with needs discussion, but one idea is that it can instead be a random guaranteed exotic non-BFG ranged weapon, or a random guaranteed exotic armor, to make these levels potentially more appropriately rewarding. 1 2

[ ] In City of Skulls, replace the lever with a horizontal coordinate trap, so that it isn't free to run through. Also extend the middle pillars to go all the way up to the top and bottom of the screen, so that the player is forced to be between the pillars when the trap activates. 1 2 (Kornel prefers the lever trap for added flavor)

[ ] Buff the enemy layout on the Nightmare! version of City of Skulls and Spider's Lair, as these levels currently have no difference compared to UV (aside from extra HP for the Agony Elemental) and are much easier than their respective counterpart levels (needs discussion). How much to buff them is contingent on if a N! speed bonus for enemies is implemented, but current idea is increasing the amount of Pain Elementals in City of Skull's second wave, and replacing a third of the Arachnotrons with their Nightmare variants in Spider's Lair. An alternate idea for N! City Of Skulls is to flood the level with mud after tripping the lever/linedef, so the player is made much slower relative to all the flying enemies here (and perhaps on UV, it can flood with water, since the level is one of the easiest on UV too). 1 2

[~] The Nightmare! version of The Vaults was supposed to give each of the six Barons in the right vault a set of Red Armor to pick up, but currently it seems only one Red Armor is spawning. Additionally, have the two teleporters in the center vault have their teleport destinations be on opposite ends of the map, so a player cannot easily camp the teleport locations to safely kill each of the center vault's Nightmare enemies. 1 (Barons had their Red Armors added, but the ease of teleporter camping has not been addressed yet.)

[~] If you don't have the Arena Master's Staff, you can softlock in House Of Pain on Nightmare and in Angel Of Darkness from dead enemies reviving while you're locked in another room, so something should be done to prevent this softlock. 1 (Enemy respawning has been disabled on the level altogether for the timebeing, may be temporary if another solution is figured out to prevent softlocks while enabling respawning.)

[ ] In House Of Pain, make using the Arena Master's Staff required to access the Large Health Globes on the level. 1

[X] Define a default song to play for House Of Pain in the music.lua file, so that it doesn't play a random song at default that will likely be unfitting. Suggestions for the song to use are either Sign Of Evil (i.e. E1M8's track) or Dark Secrets (i.e. The Vaults' track).

[ ] Make Unholy Cathedral more difficult (needs discussion). Current suggestion is increasing the Demon count on HMP to match current UV/N!, then replacing half of them with their Nightmare versions on UV, and replacing all of them with their Nightmare versions on N!. 1

[ ] Add ammo pickups to The Mortuary and Limbo, to compensate for respawns no longer dropping ammo. Current idea is an ammo box in each corner, and double them on Nightmare. 1

[X] If Blood is added as a new fluid, replace the lava in Limbo with it. 1

[ ] In The Lava Pits and Mt. Erebus on Nightmare difficulty, remove the last Radsuit, so that there is no Radsuits on the level at all. 1

[ ] Prevent being able to teleport into the "mountain" on Mt. Erebus, so that the player does not end up potentially softlocked 1 2 3 4

[ ] Make Mt. Erebus more difficult (needs discussion). Some ideas include adding Cacodemons separately from Lost Souls/Pain Elementals (and then replacing them with their Nightmare versions on UV/N!), increasing the number of Revenants and Mancubi on UV/N! (or possibly even replacing them with Nightmare versions if they're added to the game), and/or having to fight two Lava Elementals as the boss fight instead of one. 1

[ ] Disallow nukes from being activated in Hell Fortress altogether. Additionally have any active powerups get turned off when entering Hell Fortress, so you cannot take an Invulnerability or Berserk stack into Hell Fortress to trivialize it. 1

[ ] Improve the Apostle fight in Hell Fortress. Suggestions include giving it unique entrance text, unique victory text, and have the fight spawn a ton of corpses of strong enemies when entering the level, so that the Apostle's resurrecting capabilities get utilized. 1


[X] Nerf Berserk to give +50% all resistances instead of +60%. 1

[ ] Have dying to John Carmack count as a normal death instead of as a partial win. 1

[ ] Add method for guaranteed Berserker Armor and Dragonslayer in Angel of 100 / Archangel of 666, so that full wins in A100/666 aren't terribly luck-based. 1 2 3 4

[~] Obtaining high scores mostly devolve into playing Archangel of 666 and aren't really used as a means to compare runs. Perhaps they should be changed (needs discussion). 1 (High scores have been separated into their own individual boards for each challenge, so A100/666 scores will no longer dominate a player's high score leaderboard.)

[ ] Give EXP for pulling levers (but consider disabling this bonus if the player has Intuition) 1

[ ] Make single enemy type levels be able to have Nightmare enemies at sufficiently high level rolls, just like how caves can.

[ ] Add unique level feel messages for Nightmare enemy-only levels. 1 2

[ ] Adjust armor and ammo crates to have their drop tables improve at deeper depths, or add "enhanced" versions of these crates with improved drop tables that spawn at deeper depths. 1 2
« Last Edit: March 05, 2025, 19:11 by Omega Tyrant »
Logged Badges - [26|26|26|18|6|2] (26/26/26/17/5/0 in Medals - 44/50 (35/43 in

Omega Tyrant

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Medals, Badges, and Rankings

This post is for everything regarding medals, badges, and rankings. This is primarily fixing redundant or realistically unwinnable medals/badges, and bringing up the count of Angelic badges to be equivalent with the count of the other badge tiers. Any ideas for new medals and badges will also be here though.

[ ] Add color-coding to medals and badges in mortems at the end of a game. 1 2


[ ] Change "Shotgunnery Cross" and "Marksmanship Cross" to each require 100% kills, so that they're not redundant with the Angel of Shotgunnery and Angel of Marksmanship challenges, and so that you can't cheese obtaining them in a pacifist run. 1

[ ] Change "Malicious Knives Cross" and "Sunrise Iron Fist" to require 50+% kills, so that you can't cheese obtaining them in a pacifist run. 1

[ ] Allow Gargulec Medal to be obtainable alongside Gargulec Cross if you haven't already gotten it, like how it works with other lesser versions of other medals. 1

[ ] New: Experience Token - Reach experience level 15 (excludes Angel of 100 and Archangel of 666). 1

[ ] New: Aurora Star - Find 10 uniques or more in a single game (Allow all challenge types). 1

[ ] New: Technician Medal - Create 15 or more different assemblies in a single game. (Allow all challenge types) 1 2 3

[ ] New: UAC Cross - Kill 2,500 or more enemies. (Allow all challenge types) 1 2 3

[ ] New: Boss Slayer Cross - Clear a boss floor and exit alive. (Boss floors are special floors where all enemies are a boss, which are Bruiser Brothers, Shamblers, Agony Elementals, Lava Elementals, or Cyberdemons. This does not include Phobos Anomaly, Tower of Babel, Dis, and Hell Fortess). 1 2 3 4 5 6

[ ] New: Unexplored Star - Visit no generated levels and win the game. (Excludes Angel of Confidence, Angel of Overconfidence, Angel of 100, and Archangel of 666) 1 2 3 4 5 6

[ ] New: Keen's Helmet - Defeat John Carmack without getting damaged. 1

[ ] New: A medal for completing a Conqueror run in any of Angel of Red Alert, Darkness, Impatience, Purity, and Masochism (name needs discussion). 1


[ ] Disallow Dual-Angel challenges for all badges that require performing a feat on a specific challenge. This includes Berserker Bronze Badge to Pacifist Bronze Badge, Berserker Silver Badge to Pacifist Silver Badge, Berserker Gold Badge to Arena Gold Badge, Berserker Platinum Badge to Everyman Platinum Badge, and Reaper Diamond Badge to Arena Diamond Badge. 1

[ ] Allow previously obtained badges to appear in mortems, and keep count of them. To prevent the awards section of UV/N! mortems from becoming absurdly large, have only the highest tier of each badge appear on the mortem 1 2

[ ] Have more badges require at least a standard win, rather than any win. Current suggestion is every Gold, Platinum, and Diamond badge that requires winning the game should require at least a standard win, with the exceptions of those that already require a full win and Pacifist Gold. 1

[ ] Have higher rankings require more of the previous tier badges (get to needing 15 Bronze, and then a few rankings later, start requiring them again for 18 Bronze, 21 Bronze, etc). 1

[ ] No-Life King ranking should require all badges of every type. Currently it only requires Angelic Badges. 1

[ ] Change Heroic Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum/Diamond Badges to require 10%/30%/50%/70%/90% of total medals respectively, so that the series remains proportional as new medals are added. 1 2

[ ] Add a new set of badges for House of Pain, since the Scavenger series doesn't work for it (as it doesn't require luck to complete without the Staff). You can read my linked post for ideas on what do for the badges. 1

[ ] Add a new set of badges for The Chained Court (needs discussion on badge requirements, linked post has my current ideas). 1

[ ] Add a new set of badges for Phobos Lab and Military Base (needs discussion on badge requirements, linked post has my current ideas). 1

[ ] Add a new set of badges for Hell's Armory and Deimos Lab (needs discussion on badge requirements, linked post has my current ideas). 1

[ ] Veteran Bronze Badge - Change this to requiring a standard game so that it's at least a bit different than Medal of Prejudice. 1

[ ] Speedrunner Bronze Badge - Change this to 40 minutes so that it's a little different than Compet-n Silver Cross. 1

[ ] Arena Bronze Badge - Change this to requiring a standard game so that it's at least a bit different than Hell Champion Medal. 1

[ ] Gatekeeper Gold Badge - Change to passing Phobos Anomaly on Hurt Me Plenty difficulty without taking damage, so that it isn't practically the same as Cyberdemon's Head and is less trivial. Alternatively, change it to both passing Phobos Anomaly + clearing Tower Of Babel without damage on at least HNTR. 1 2

[ ] Berserker Platinum Badge - Remove the kill count requirement, so that it isn't too similar to Gargulec Cross. 1 2 3

[ ] Hunter Platinum Badge - Change to Ultra-Violence and needing 75+% kills, as there's little reason to go for this badge instead of jumping straight to Hunter Diamond and UV is nonsensically skipped in this badge series. 1 2 3 4

[ ] Everyman Platinum Badge - Change it to requiring 100% kills, so that it isn't the same as Thomas' Medal. 1

[ ] Longinus Platinum Badge - Change it to beating Unholy Cathedral without Brute on any difficulty. Also disallow Angel of Max Carnage and Light Travel from being able to earn it. 1

[ ] Berserker Diamond Badge - Remove the kill count requirement and instead require the newly suggested medal "Unexplored Star" for a more unique and fitting challenge. 1 2

[ ] Centurial Diamond Badge - Change this to require the Experience Cross in addition to Nightmare difficulty, so that it isn't the same as Dervis' Medallion. 1

[ ] Daredevil Diamond Badge - Change this to require 100% kills, as it is too easy for a Diamond badge, and it makes little sense to require less kills in AoOC than in Elite Diamond, which requires 90% kills in a standard game. 1

[ ] Longinus Diamond Badge - Disallow Angel of Max Carnage and Light Travel from being able to earn it. 1

[ ] UAC Angelic Badge - Change to requiring Ultra-Violence, as it is realistically unwinnable. 1 2

[ ] Strongman Angelic Badge - Change to requiring 75+% kills, so that it is less tedious and more realistic without farming Pain Elementals. 1

[ ] Speedrunner Angelic Badge - Change to requiring 12 minutes or less, as it is realistically unwinnable. 1 2 3

[ ] Demonic Angelic Badge - Change to winning a standard game on Nightmare with 100% kills and Untouchable Medal or even an Untouchable Pin, as it is realistically unwinnable. Perhaps consider something else entirely, as long as it's changed to something that's realistically possible and isn't just a harder version of another Angelic badge. 1 2 3 4

[ ] Shottyman Angelic Badge - Change to requiring 100% kills, as it is too easy for an Angelic Badge, even with the Nightmare changes that eliminates the cheese of farming respawns to buff the kill count. 1 2

[ ] Pacifist Angelic Badge - Change to requiring Nightmare and remove the kill count requirement, as it is realistically unwinnable without absurd save scumming. 1

[ ] New: Heroic Angelic Badge - Achieve all medals. 1 2 3

[ ] New: Destroyer Angelic Badge - Complete Angel of Max Carnage + Angel of 100 on Nightmare with Untouchable Pin. 1

[ ] New: Hunter Angelic Badge - Complete the proposed Archangel of Darkness on Nightmare. If this challenge isn't created, instead go with Angel of Darkness on Nightmare as a conqueror. 1 2 3

[ ] New: Daredevil Angelic Badge - Complete Angel of Overconfidence + Angel of Darkness on Nightmare with 100% kills. 1

[ ] New: Purist Angelic Badge - Complete Angel of Purity + Angel of Light Travel on Nightmare. 1

[ ] New: Carnage Angelic Badge - Complete Angel of Max Carnage + Angel of Masochism on Nightmare with 100% kills. 1

[ ] New: Apostle Angelic Badge - Kill the Apostle in a standard game on Nightmare. 1

[ ] New: Sunrise Angelic Badge - Complete Angel of 100 on Ultra-Violence with 100% kills using only Fists. 1

[ ] New: Reaper Angelic Badge - Complete The Mortuary/Limbo in Angel Of Humanity on Nightmare. 1

[ ] New: Scavenger Angelic Badge - Clear The Vaults by luck in Angel Of Light Travel on Nightmare. 1

[ ] New: Longinus Angelic Badge - Complete Unholy Cathedral on Nightmare without Brute, Finesse, and Hellrunner, while disallowing AoMC and AoLT. (Needs discussion) 1

[ ] New: Arena Angelic Badge: Complete Hell's Arena in Archangel Of Humanity on Nightmare. (Needs discussion) 1
« Last Edit: December 09, 2024, 13:50 by Omega Tyrant »
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New Content

This post will cover all suggestions for new content to add to the game. It is organized by general features, equipment/items, enemies, new challenges, and miscellaneous stuff (a traits and special levels section could be added too if Kornel says they're on the table and anyone has decent suggestions for them).


[ ] Have the trait selection screen be more color-coded (example by Mader Levap): 1 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

[ ] Add a toggle for turning off the powerup overlays of Berserk, Invulnerability, and Envirosuit. 1 2

[ ] Add a toggle to enable legacy inventory selection (where each inventory slot was instantly selectable by an associated letter key) for players who preferred that method. 1 2 3 (Too technically difficult to implement)

[X] On the UI bar, in the empty right side of it, show the total amount of loose ammo in your inventory for your equipped weapon (or the ammo left in your equipped ammo box if you have one equipped). 1

[ ] When playing Nightmare or Angel of Darkness, have a message that informs you when every unique enemy on the floor has been killed at least once, so that a player going for 100% kills but not meticulously disposing of every corpse doesn't need to keep bringing up the player info screen to check when they have gotten 100% kills on any floor. Also maybe consider adding a visual indicator to respawned enemies to help immediately discern them, such as some dull-colored aura? 1

[ ] Consider having a time display in the player info screen? 1

[ ] Create/readd locked vaults, as they're described on the wiki. 1 2

[ ] Add trap rooms. These would have a power-up/exotic/unique item inside, and when picked up, has a randomized chance of spawning enemies similar to a summon enemies lever, or floods the room with acid or lava. The weight of the power-ups/exotics/uniques would not impact the rest of the floor, and any enemies spawned by the trap will not give EXP. The chance of the trap activating can be affected by depth level and/or difficulty. 1 2 3 4 5

[ ] Add support for more music slots beyond level 25 in the music.lua file, so that players have the option for more different music to play in A100/666 if they desire. 1

Equipment, assemblies, and other Items

[ ] New common Pistol type (suggested example is "Magnum" with more power and less accuracy). 1 2

[ ] New exotic: Acid-Proof Armor, which is 3 Protection, 95% Acid Resistance, -10% movement speed, everything else normal. (Could alternatively be named "Baron's Hide" to have a more flavorful name) 1 2

[ ] New exotic: Glass Armor, which is 0 Protection, 50% Durability, 50% all resistances. 1 2

[ ] New exotic: Glass Shield, which is 0 Protection, 50% Durability, 80% all resistances, cannot be repaired, cannot be modded, doesn't degrade. 1 2 3 4

[ ] New unique: Dimensional Boots, which is 4 Protection, -30% Move Speed, +30% Knockback, and when worn, you move two tiles for each movement rather than the usual one tile. 1

[ ] New assembly: Scouting Armor (any armor + AS), which is original with +1 Vision, +10% speed. 1

[ ] New assembly: Blastproof Armor (any armor + TF), which is original with half damage to explosions, +30% knockback. 1

[X] New assembly: Grappling Armor (any armor + BA), which is original with +30% Melee Resistance, -50% knockback. 1 2 3 4

[ ] New assembly: Sniper Rifle (Chaingun + BAS), which is original with auto-hit property. 1 2

[ ] New assembly: Laser Blade (Combat Knife + BTN), which is 5d5 plasma damage with 0.8 sec firing speed, -2 accuracy, and when equipped, it has the ability to reduce any plasma hit that deals less than 5 damage before armor/resistances to 0 (or alternatively gives +50% plasma resistance). 1

[ ] New set: Tactical Set (Tactical Armor + Tactical Boots), which gives Dodgemaster. 1 2

[ ] New set: Bruiser Set (Acid-Proof Armor/Baron's Hide + Acid-Proof Boots), which gives 100% acid resistance. 1


[X] New enemy: Nightmare Revenant, which is much faster, hits much harder in melee, and swaps its fire damage and resistance for plasma damage + resistance. (Exact stats to be discussed, view linked post for current suggested numbers). 1 (Deals jacked up fire damage instead but the idea is implemented as proposed.)

[X] New enemy: Nightmare Mancubus, which is far tankier, hits much harder in melee while having melee resistance, and its projectiles deal acid damage while being able to leave behind acid tiles. (Exact stats to be discussed, view linked post for current suggested numbers). 1

[X] New monster group: 2 x Baron of Hell, 2 - 6 x Nightmare Imp, with a minimum depth of 30, maximum depth of 60, and a weight of 4. 1

[X] New monster group: 2 x Bruiser Brother, 4 - 9 x Nightmare Imp, with a minimum depth of 60, and a weight of 3. 1 (Implemented with the newly added Nightmare Knight instead of Bruisers but the idea is the same)

[X] New monster group: 4 - 9 x Nightmare Demon, with a minimum depth of 50, and a weight of 3. 1

[X] New monster group: 3 - 6 x Nightmare Arachnotron, with a minimum depth of 70, and a weight of 2. 1

[ ] New monster group: 1 x Elite Former Sergeant, 2-6 x Elite Former Human, with a minimum depth of 60, maximum depth of 80, and a weight of 4. 1

[ ] New Monster group: 1 x Elite Former Captain, 2-3 x Elite Former Sergeant, 2-3 x Elite Former Human, with a minimum depth of 70, maximum depth of 90, and a weight of 3. 1

[X] New monster group: 1 x Elite Former Commando, 2-3 x Elite Former Captain, 2-3 x Elite Former Sergeant, with a minimum depth of 80, and a weight of 2. 1

[X] New monster group: 2-3 x Lava Elemental, 2-3 x Shambler, with a minimum depth of 70, and a weight of 1. 1

[X] New monster group: 1 x Agony Elemental, 3-8 x Nightmare Cacodemon, with a minimum depth of 80, and a weight of 2. 1

[X] New monster group: 1 x Cyberdemon, 4-9 x Baron of Hell, with a minimum depth of 80, and a weight of 2. 1

[X] New monster group: 1 x Cyberdemon, 3-6 x Bruiser Brother, with a minimum depth of 90, and a weight of 1. 1

[X] New monster group: 2 x Nightmare Archvile, 3-6 x Mancubus (or 2-4 x Nightmare Mancubus if they're added), 3-6 x Revenant (or 2-4 x Nightmare Revenant if they're added), with a minimum depth of 90, and weight of 2. 1

New challenge ideas

[ ] "Angel of Gladiating" and "Angel of Labyrinth" (or any other appropriate name): The former challenge will have all floors be Arena-type levels, and the latter challenge will have all floors be mazes. Alternatively, the challenges can be combined together and caves could be thrown into the mix for a "hard level types only" challenge. 1

[ ] "Angel of Misfortune" (or any other appropriate name): Every floor will have a level event. 1

[ ] "Angel of Spilling" (or any other appropriate name): Your inventory will be reset to the starting loadout upon entering every floor, emulating the popular Pistol Start challenge in Doom. The starting loadout may be modified so you're not practically forced to use Pistol builds, exotics/uniques may have increased chances of spawning to compensate for the temporary equipment, and an exception could be made for entering boss and special levels, so that they remain beatable. 1

[ ] "Archangel of Darkness": You have a vision radius of 4 and enemies revive, but you gain x2.5 experience. 1 2 3 4 5

New level events

[ ] "Mortuary event": All enemies will immediately die when entering the floor, then a random number of Arch-Viles will be spawned around the floor (and especially bad level rolls on UV/N! could spawn Nightmare Arch-Viles). Also disable the "reveal enemies" mechanic and stair sense in this event. 1

[ ] "Max Carnage event": Emulates Angel of Max Carnage for a single level, i.e. the player and enemies always deal maximum damage while having +12 accuracy. Particularly bad level rolls should instead have a "Snake Eyes" event, where only enemies deal maximum damage and have +12 accuracy. 1

[ ] "Masochism event": Emulates Angel of Masochism for a single level, i.e. the player will be unable to heal until they exit the floor. To prevent a player from getting screwed by entering such a floor at low health, have the player get supercharged upon entering the floor. 1


[X] New fluid: Blood, which deals 8 damage, and while it harms the player, it does not harm enemies. (Needs discussion on damage type, it could just be Plasma, so that a third resistance type is relevant to boots, but some boots will need that resistance added). 1 (Implemented as proposed but with 12 plasma damage instead.)
« Last Edit: March 05, 2025, 19:14 by Omega Tyrant »
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I'll use this post to explain my rationale for the new suggestions I added to the OP while making it.

*Farther buff all Elite Formers by increasing their melee accuracy.

Elite Formers were given a substantial buff to their melee damage to make them less exploitable and weaken camping strats in Military Base. However, I realized their accuracy wasn't buffed either, and their accuracy with melee attacks range from mediocre to terrible, limiting the impact of their melee buff as even on UV/N! they'll miss you often with their melee attack. Just buffing them all by +2 should suffice.

*Lower the Nightmare Cacodemon's spawning depth in A100/666 to 50+.

I noticed the Nightmare Cacodemon has a spawning depth of 51+, which looks like a typo, when all other enemies from floor 30 onward have spawning depths that are a multiple of 10, with this lone exception. So that should be corrected.

*Lower the Shambler's spawning depth in A100/666 to 70+.

When looking over when the later enemies start spawning in A100, while floor 60 only introduces one new enemy (Elite Former Sergeant) and floor 70 introduces two enemies (Elite Former Captain and Lava Elemental), floor 80 introduces a whopping four of them. So this suggestion is to more even out when new enemies get introduced instead of having this big spike at floor 74-80, of which the Shambler in that floor 80 group makes the most sense to have spawn sooner.

Give EXP for pulling levers (but consider disabling this bonus if the player has Intuition)

On Discord, after someone erroneously thought that levers gave you EXP, Kornel stated he thought that could be a good idea, and I think it can be too, so I want to formally propose it, to farther incentivize gambling with levers. I would also suggest possibly disabling that EXP bonus if you have Intuition, so that Intuition doesn't get buffed farther.

Change "Shotgunnery Cross" and "Marksmanship Cross" to each require 100% kills, while also changing "Malicious Knives Cross" and "Sunrise Iron Fist" to require 50+% kills

Aside from the former two new medals being redundant with the already existing challenges where you're restricted to only using Shotguns and Pistols, I discovered you can easily cheese getting them alongside the Malicious Knives Cross, Sunrise Iron Fist, and the new Zen Master Cross all in a single pacifist run (as you can see in this mortem I posted to the Discord). Ignoring the blatant cheesing to get a bunch of obtuse medals at once, this seems to be clearly against the spirit of these medals where you're supposed to be actually killing enemies with the designated weapon type. A simple solution would be adding a 100% kills requirement to the Shotgunnery and Markmanship Crosses (that additionally has the bonus of making them somewhat distinct in purpose from the pre-exisiting shotgun/pistol challenges), while adding a 50% kills requirement to the Malicious Knives Cross and Sunrise Iron Fist. You could technically still get them all in a single 100% kills fist-only run, but that takes a ton more effort than spamming pacifist runs until you get lucky (and at least you wouldn't be able to double them up with the Zen Master Cross and Pacifist Medal).

*Allow previously obtained badges to appear in mortems, and keep count of them. To prevent the awards section of UV/N! mortems from becoming absurdly large, have only the highest tier of each badge appear on the mortem

Being able to reobtain badges was shot down by Kornel, under the reasoning that it would make Nightmare mortems' award sections become hugely inflated. I agree with that reasoning but still would like this idea, so I want to propose amending it to where you can reobtain badges, but only the highest tier badge of each set will appear in the mortem's awards section (for example, if you fulfill the conditions to earn the Veteran Diamond Badge, none of the lower tier Veteran Badges will appear in the mortem). The main cause of this potential inflation is that obtaining the higher tier badges will also fulfill the requisites for all the lower tier badges in the set, with only a few exceptions, so this should prevent the award section from becoming too inflated in size with redundant badges.

*Add a new set of badges for House of Pain

Currently the Scavenger set of badges do not apply to House of Pain. You could simply include House of Pain in this badge set, but given that unlike The Vaults, House of Pain is conventionally beatable without the Arena Master Staff, so getting the Scavenger badges on it would be much much easier. Considering that, House of Pain should have a new set of badges for it. The requisites need to be hammered out, but I have the following ideas:

Homewrecker Bronze: Enter House of Pain, and decline the invitation.
Homewrecker Silver: Clear House of Pain.
Homewrecker Gold: Clear House of Pain on HMP or higher without using the Arena Master's Staff.
Homewrecker Platinum: Clear House of Pain on UV or higher in Angel of Confidence.
Homewrecker Diamond: Clear House of Pain on N! in Angel of Overconfidence.
Homewrecker Angelic: I'm at a loss for this one and really need ideas, maybe clear it on N! without using the Arena Master's Staff in an Angel of Purity + Angel of Humanity dual challenge? (i.e. beat it on N! with no health and no powerups)

*Change Everyman Platinum Badge to requiring 100% kills, so that it isn't redundant with Thomas' Medal.

Kornel has stated that he doesn't want to change any of the medals named after old players, named after them for being the first players to achieve that medal's particular feat. So if changing Thomas' Medal is off the table, then Everyman Platinum should be changed to not be redundant. One idea is to change Everyman Platinum to require 100% kills instead of being a conqueror, so that it remains a tough platinum badge that is still available to obtain on HNTR difficulty.

*Change Centurial Diamond Badge to require the Experience Cross in addition to clearing A100 on Nightmare difficulty, so that it isn't redundant with Dervis' Medallion

Similarly, if changing Dervis' Medallion is off the table, then Centurial Diamond Badge should be changed to not be redundant. My idea is to make it also require obtaining the Experience Cross, so you must actually kill most enemies to max out your level instead of just trying to stair dive through, but you don't have to go through the tedium of destroying all corpses or repeatedly killing a reviving enemy as kill percentage doesn't matter unlike with many other badges.

*Add the Bruiser Set (Acid-Proof Armor/Baron's Hide + Acid-Proof Boots), which gives 100% acid resistance.

If the Acid-Proof Armor (or Baron's Hide as I think it could be named) is added, it makes an obvious pairing with the Acid-Proof Boots, that can work as a weaker counterpart to the Inquisitor Set with full acid immunity instead of fire immunity, while also giving the underutilized Acid-Proof Boots a bit more potential usage.

*Add new monster groups for deeper levels in Angel of 100/666 added a new monster group of Pain Elementals + Cacodemons that spawns exclusively in A100/666 as its minimum depth is beyond standard game limits, which got me thinking that there could be more groups added to shake up deeper A100/666, utilizing the nightmare and boss enemies that have no such groups. Plus seeing the 100th Archvile + Barons/Revenants/Mancubus group gets repetitive, so more promotion of variety is nice and helps to make deeper A100 floors a bit more potentially dangerous. Several new monster group ideas I have:

2 x Baron of Hell, 2 - 6 x Nightmare Imp, with a minimum depth of 30, maximum depth of 60, and a weight of 4 (an upgraded version of the Baron + Imps group that stops spawning after floor 21).

2 x Bruiser Brother, 4 - 9 x Nightmare Imp, with a minimum depth of 60, and a weight of 3 (a farther upgraded version of the aforementioned group).

4 - 9 x Nightmare Demon, with a minimum depth of 50, and a weight of 3 ("Phobos Lab flashback", an upgraded version of the mass Pinky group that stopped spawning dozens of floors ago).

3 - 6 x Nightmare Arachnotron, with a minimum depth of 70, and a weight of 2. ("You can't tank this", an upgraded version of the mass Arachnotron group, though accordingly more uncommon).

1 x Elite Former Sergeant, 2-6 x Elite Former Human, with a minimum depth of 60, maximum depth of 80, and a weight of 4 ("Elite platoon", an upgraded version of the old Former Sergeant + Former Humans group)

1 x Elite Former Captain, 2-3 x Elite Former Sergeant, 2-3 x Elite Former Human, with a minimum depth of 70, maximum depth of 90, and a weight of 3 ("Elite platoon Mark 2", a farther upgraded version of the Formers-only group that utilizes the newly spawning Elite Former Captain).

1 x Elite Former Commando, 2-3 x Elite Former Captain, 2-3 x Elite Former Sergeant, with a minimum depth of 80, and a weight of 2 ("Elite platoon Mark 3", an even greater upgraded version that brings out all the big guns).

2-3 x Lava Elemental, 2-3 x Shambler, with a minimum depth of 70, and a weight of 1. ("Fireblu", a rare yet potent combination of lava and plasma, plus these two guys both teleport and regenerate, while not making good group buddies with anyone else).

1 x Agony Elemental, 3-8 x Nightmare Cacodemon, with a minimum depth of 80, and a weight of 2 ("The Dark Cloud", a significantly more threatening version of that cute meatball cloud group we've been seeing for the past 50 floors).

1 x Cyberdemon, 4-9 x Baron of Hell, with a minimum depth of 80, and a weight of 2 ("Tricks And Traps", a homage to one of Doom 2's most famous setpieces, unfortunately this time you can't make them fight each other).

1 x Cyberdemon, 3-6 x Bruiser Brother, with a minimum depth of 90, and a weight of 1 ("You can run but you can't hide", a rare upgraded version of the former group, as aside from Cybie having even beefier backup, this time they will all be hunting you alongside him).

2 x Nightmare Archvile, 3-6 x Mancubus (or 2-4 x Nightmare Mancubus if they're added), 3-6 x Revenant (or 2-4 x Nightmare Revenant if they're added), with a minimum depth of 90, and weight of 2 ("Nightmare VMR", of course we need the upgraded version of this classic trio group to round out the end of A100).

Add a new fluid, Blood, which deals 8 damage, and while it harms the player, it does not harm enemies.

Kornel mentioned the possibility of adding a new fluid, and when thinking of it, we're missing the third classic damaging fluid from Doom, blood. To make it more interesting, I think it should do substantially less damage than lava at 8 damage, but it should be even harder to get good foot protection against it (perhaps it should utilize plasma damage?), and it has the farther unique effect of being a fluid that doesn't damage enemies, making it a more serious impediment than lava can be (which you can normally exploit to great effect against most enemies, whether to escape them, corral them to a favorable position, or knock them into it to severely injure or kill them). It should be made to only generate in Hell and beyond, and be a bit uncommon, while you can also add it to the pool of lever effects. If it's added, some boots may need the relevant (assumed plasma) resistance added, of which I propose the following:

Plasteel Boots -> 10% plasma resistance (just so it saves you one more point of damage than what Protective Boots would)
Environmental Boots -> +30% plasma resistance (should take more than an advanced assembly with cheap mods to get that good of resistance to it)
Cerberus Boots -> +95% plasma resistance (I don't think they should have full blood immunity, so that this fluid is much more difficult to get immunity to)
Nylaptotep Boots -> 30% plasma resistance (matching Malek's Armor)
Enviroboots -> 100% plasma resistance (should be the only boots immune, also gives it a niche over A-modded Cerberus Boots that otherwise obsoletes it)

Maybe could also add new standard or exotic boots that only has a good plasma resistance and nothing else (and if exotic, perhaps a minor speed bonus too just to make it a bit more unique, as currently only Phaseshift and Laptop boots make you faster at base)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2024, 08:12 by Omega Tyrant »
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Thanks for the compilation, Tyrant.

A small U/X suggestion based on my recent experiences with DRL:
It would be convenient if we had a way to show how much ammo is left in your inventory for the current weapon you're wielding. Feels like there's space to the right of the weapon itself, at least.
I know you can open the menu to look, but not having to stop the action to look and keep track may make gameplay flow better, especially with ammo-hungry stuff like rapids.

There's a lot to go through and respond to here, but for the moment, +1 to having an upgrade to the basic pistol that isn't a special drop you could never see in a given run.

EDIT: Also, after once again staying up until almost 3 AM playing the game, I think it'd be -extremely- helpful to have a clock display somewhere >~<
It can maybe be toggled or something but it'd certainly help with keeping track of time, especially when playing in fullscreen.
ToME has this as an add-on and it's probably the only reason I don't stay awake playing until ungodly hours
« Last Edit: August 30, 2024, 02:26 by TNT »

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Re: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2024, 17:08 »

Thanks for the compilation, Tyrant.

A small U/X suggestion based on my recent experiences with DRL:
It would be convenient if we had a way to show how much ammo is left in your inventory for the current weapon you're wielding. Feels like there's space to the right of the weapon itself, at least.
I know you can open the menu to look, but not having to stop the action to look and keep track may make gameplay flow better, especially with ammo-hungry stuff like rapids.

There's a lot to go through and respond to here, but for the moment, +1 to having an upgrade to the basic pistol that isn't a special drop you could never see in a given run.

EDIT: Also, after once again staying up until almost 3 AM playing the game, I think it'd be -extremely- helpful to have a clock display somewhere >~<
It can maybe be toggled or something but it'd certainly help with keeping track of time, especially when playing in fullscreen.
ToME has this as an add-on and it's probably the only reason I don't stay awake playing until ungodly hours

Having an ammo display on the UI bar would be convenient and there is certainly space for it. Main issue is ammo boxes and other weapons of the same type with ammo in them, but I would imagine that it wouldn't count them since that isn't ammo you can readily reload with. And if you have an ammo box equipped, it could instead show the ammo left in it.

As for a time display, I personally don't see much use for it, but it is one of those "sure why not" things, as long as there's a clean spot in the UI to fit it in (and it of course isn't too much a pain to program in).

Updated the OPs to include this and a more up-to-date bug list.
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Re: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2024, 13:57 »

I miss the ability to select items by pressing a letter key corresponding to each row of the inventory. It is much more efficient than scrolling to the item and pressing enter. Both methods of selection should be available.

The volume of the sound from using the arena master staff on multiple enemies should be reduced, or it should only be played once regardless of enemy count.

I'm not sure if knockback has been fixed; I haven't tested enough But in knockback occurred at a different time to damage, so hitting enemies with tactical rockets would frequently cause them to get knocked back but take no damage. Also, I think that you can get knocked back twice by enemies with splash damage if they knock you back into a tile where the splash hasn't resolved yet. I'm not sure how this affects damage.

I suggest not basing knockback distance on damage so that son of a bitch doesn't increase knockback. This is a nerf to son of a bitch, which is very powerful. You could add increased knockback to the reloader trait, which would synergize well with the shotgun and rocket focus, though you might need to change the name of the trait.

Maybe a guaranteed combat pistol somewhere would be nice, like in Phobos lab.

UI change: When using look mode, the screen should scroll if you try to look near the edge of the screen. I'm not sure if there's a way to scroll the screen without using the mouse, but I don't like using the mouse to check around the map.

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Re: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2024, 05:05 »

I miss the ability to select items by pressing a letter key corresponding to each row of the inventory. It is much more efficient than scrolling to the item and pressing enter. Both methods of selection should be available.

I personally hated this and was glad to see it removed, as too many times I misclicked on the inventory screen and it made me waste a medkit or other consumable item. I suppose there is no harm though in adding it as a toggle in the legacy settings if people really want it back though (assuming there is no coding complications with it).

The volume of the sound from using the arena master staff on multiple enemies should be reduced, or it should only be played once regardless of enemy count.

This is a problem in general with how repeated sounds being played at once have their audio stacked together. This was pointed out in the thread and some adjustments were made for it (notably, tripping a wall destroying lever no longer breaks your ear drums), but more could be done.

I'm not sure if knockback has been fixed; I haven't tested enough But in knockback occurred at a different time to damage, so hitting enemies with tactical rockets would frequently cause them to get knocked back but take no damage.

This is already reported in the OP, being the second point in the bug report section.

Also, I think that you can get knocked back twice by enemies with splash damage if they knock you back into a tile where the splash hasn't resolved yet. I'm not sure how this affects damage.

Could you elaborate on this, and perhaps accompanied by screenshots demonstrating it, because I'm not understanding what it is you're reporting here. If you're just saying that some hits can knock you back two spaces, then that's a completely normal function of the knockback mechanic, where any shotgun blast and non-BFG explosive hit knocks you back by one tile per 7 damage before armor/resistances, and so an explosive hit that rolls 14+ damage will knock you back two or more tiles, which such strong attacks are possessed by several enemies.

I suggest not basing knockback distance on damage so that son of a bitch doesn't increase knockback. This is a nerf to son of a bitch, which is very powerful. You could add increased knockback to the reloader trait, which would synergize well with the shotgun and rocket focus, though you might need to change the name of the trait.

I'm going to strongly disagree with this. Aside from knockback being tied to an attack's strength being intuitive and how it works in actual Doom, this would be a huge fundamental mechanic change that goes beyond just player balancing (now how would you determine knockback from enemy attacks if it's no longer tied to damage?). Son of a Bitch is additionally not so strong that it merits any nerfs, not to mention it being able to increase knockback can already be a drawback (notably having high amounts of SoB resulting in rapid-fire weapons knocking enemies out of vision and so your subsequent shots miss the now out-of-sight enemy), and Reloader already got a substantial buff in by having its effect be improved to -30% reloading time per level (while shotguns also don't need any farther buffs when they were already the most reliable weapon type before the aforementioned Reloader buff gave them a complete cakewalk of an early game). On top of that, not tying knockback to damage would be a crippling nerf to Pistols that heavily depend on reaching the damage thresholds to cause knockback to stay out of an enemy's vision and kill enemies before they reach them, and Pistols are already easily the weakest builds in the game.

Maybe a guaranteed combat pistol somewhere would be nice, like in Phobos lab.

This would be very strong for Pistol builds and worthless for every other build; special level rewards should avoid only benefiting a small amount of builds, the guaranteed Combat Shotgun is a far better reward in Phobos Lab and Military Base (being an invaluable utility weapon for every build in the game and not just benefiting Shotgun builds). Additionally, the suggestion for a new stronger common Pistol already does cover Pistol builds being handicapped by the lack of a guaranteed upgrade (first point in the equipment section of the New Content post).

UI change: When using look mode, the screen should scroll if you try to look near the edge of the screen. I'm not sure if there's a way to scroll the screen without using the mouse, but I don't like using the mouse to check around the map.

I use mouse and so never use the look command, but I certainly see how this is annoying and an outright gameplay detriment for keyboard-only players in graphic mode, so this is a no-brainer fix. Will add it to the OP.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2024, 05:24 by Omega Tyrant »
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Re: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2024, 06:54 »

I personally hated this and was glad to see it removed, as too many times I misclicked on the inventory screen and it made me waste a medkit or other consumable item. I suppose there is no harm though in adding it as a toggle in the legacy settings if people really want it back though (assuming there is no coding complications with it).
This would be a nightmare to sensibly support alongside keybinding rebindings unfortunately, that's why I removed it.
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2024, 11:09 »

This would be a nightmare to sensibly support alongside keybinding rebindings unfortunately, that's why I removed it.

Noted, supporting rebinding keys is definitely more important in that case than maintaining support for legacy item selection.
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Re: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2024, 11:54 »

Wording Change:

Currently, Ironman specifically states it gives you 20% more health points when in fact it gives you a flat 10 regardless of what class you are. If you were a Marine, 20% of your starting health would be 12 more hit points. I understand that this is partly due to how Angel of Humanity works, but Angel of Humanity already tells you that Ironman only gives you +2 more health points. In addition, Marine itself says you get 10 more health points instead of a percentage increase.

I would reword Ironman to just state that it grants you 10 more health points (just like how choosing Marine does now) and just keep the wording on Angel of Humanity where it says that Ironman grants you +2 HP now. I would also probably add in that Marines do start with 12 on AOH on the AOH trial selection screen, just to be clear.

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Re: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2024, 13:40 »

Updated the OP, as well as got a few new suggestions:

*Buff the Chaingun's accuracy to +3

The Chaingun is in an awkward spot compared to the other standard weapons, where it not only has a better standard weapon of the same type that completely outclasses it (the Plasma Rifle, after which being obtained, rapid fire builds will only keep the Chaingun around for ammo conservation purposes), but it is also a rather lousy weapon in the early game without several cumulative levels of EE + SoB or playing in Angel of Max Carnage, with its very unreliable damage output (especially against high armor enemies like Pinkies and enemies with bullet resistance like Lost Souls, where half the time a bullet from a Chaingun will only do 1 damage to them without SoB). Even when playing rapid fire builds, I find myself still mostly using Shotguns until I get a Plasma Rifle because the Chaingun is so unreliable (especially with Ammochain, where you're blocked Eagle Eye and so can't hit anything with the Chaingun), and if I'm not playing a rapid fire build, I basically never bother with a Chaingun (with its only possible niche for them is when playing Nightmare or Angel of Darkness, being a means that is slightly better than the Pistol to kill enemies without knockback so they die exactly in a spot that destroys their corpse). The Gatling Gun assembly exists to give a big early improvement to the Chaingun, but you typically won't get the two Bulk mods to make it until you clear Phobos Lab/Military Base, by which point you likely have a Plasma Rifle or will get one very soon, and so you likely rather save them for Fireproof armor, buffing the Chainsaw, making a Tactical Rocket Launcher, or possibly building a Nanomachic weapon.

Buffing standard equipment is tricky, as they're so integral to how the game been balanced since its inception and a buff to them that is a little too much can upend that balance, but I would like to see the Chaingun get some help and there is room to improve it. So I propose PowerPlayer's/Buzzard's idea to slightly buff the Chaingun by increasing its base accuracy to +3; this gives it a bit more crucial reliability so burst builds will actually use it more and non-burst builds may find it a bit less frustrating to try using, as well as gives it something over the Plasma Rifle rather than just using a cheaper ammo source. I think you could increase its accuracy to +4 instead or its damage to 1d7 too without shaking things up too much, but again given how delicate the balancing of standard equipment is, I rather err on the side of caution with buffing them. This change would also indirectly buff Former Captains, but since they are usually such a nonthreatening enemy (with Sergeants even often being more threatening despite the Captains having the higher danger rating), them getting buffed would be fine.

*Have Sniper mods reduce the dropoff reduction penalty on Shotguns.

Currently you can apply Sniper mods to Shotguns, but like Agility mods, it does nothing. There is the Plasmatic Shotgun assembly so Sniper mods can do something for Shotguns, but this isn't an assembly you'll necessarily want to make (especially if you're not playing Nightmare or Angel of Darkness for its corpse disposing abilities), as Shotguns can be buffed a lot more through conventional modding and not lose the ability to corner shoot with them (as turning it Plasmatic would). This makes Sniper mods a pretty lousy find for Shotgun builds much of the time, and gives no worth finding multiples of them (woe behold the Shotgun build whose "reward" from Deimos Lab is two Sniper mods), farther enforcing Sniper mods being the least useful rare mod by far.

Considering that, Sniper mods should do something directly on Shotguns rather than nothing, and an obvious idea that comes to mind is to have Sniper mods improve their long distance damage by reducing the Shotgun's dropoff reduction rate by 1% per applied Sniper mod. This makes Sniper mods always valuable in a unique way for Shotguns, whether you're a Shotgun build or not, and gives more interesting modding ideas for Shotguns so that going PPPTT or PPTTT isn't the only optimal modding endgame for them, while not necessarily being broken either even if you triple Sniper mod a Shotgun (as even a Combat, Assault, and Plasma Shotgun couldn't have their dropoff reduction rate fall below 2% per tile, so they would still see some damage reduction at very far ranges).

*Add new Unique boots: Dimensional Boots (or any other more interesting name)

Currently we only have two Uniques in the games that are boots; the Enviroboots and Nyarlaptotep's Boots. This is for good reason, as you are limited in interesting things you can do with boots, and the existing special boots already cover strong fluid protection (Acid-proof Boots, Gothic Boots, and the aforementioned Enviroboots), faster movement (Phaseshift Boots), and both (the aforementioned Laptop Boots), but we could have one more to have a bit more variety with the available Unique boots. When thinking of interesting effects new boots could have to merit putting them into the game, one idea that came to mind is boots that let you move two spaces for each action, which has the following unique applications:

*You would now have a means to actually dodge Revenant missiles, as well as dodge Archvile zaps within their vision.
*You have a means to avoid fluid damage without outright fluid immunity over 1 tile wide fluid rivers/pools, and otherwise can farther limit fluid damage without needing big fluid resistances, by effectively having to move through half the fluid tiles.
*You can get more usage from action-based powerups, as you'll cover more ground in less actions (especially useful when you can't rocket jump for whatever reason).
*Has a drawback in that only moving two tiles at a time gives you less precise control, while switching to another pair of boots takes time. Can also come with a big movespeed penalty so that you're not moving across maps absurdly fast.

I'm unsure of what to name them, but "Dimensional Boots" comes to mind if no one can think of something better. Exact stats also need to be hammered out if this idea is doable and accepted, but I have the following stats in mind:

Protection: 4
Resistances: None
Durability: 100%
Move Speed: -30%
Knockback: +30%
Depth: 12+
Weight: 2
« Last Edit: September 13, 2024, 15:14 by Omega Tyrant »
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Re: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2024, 20:34 »

I think the problem with Entrenchment isn't that Entrenchment is bad, but that chain fire is bad. Chain fire should be changed, then Entrenchment can be reëvaluated. Right now, I only use Chain fire to save ammo. I suggest removing the 2/3 fire speed shots penalty from the first turn (so you fire full shots from the start), and make chain fire the default firing mode. Then make burst fire as an alternative fire which fires 2/3 shots and cancels any current wind-up. This is a buff to chaingun (which kinda needs the buff, imho). It's only a slight buff to plasma gun since we are usually more concerned with ammo efficiency than raw output on plasma gun. Hyperblaster might need nerfing though if this goes through.

I'm wondering how OP Entrenchment would be if it gave you defense any time you take any action except for moving. Maybe the defense could build up based on the time spent standing still. Or, to keep it attached to rapid fire weapons, the defense could scale with amount of chain fire wind-up.


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Re: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2024, 14:11 »

Related to Chain-Fire, Entrenchment could remove the current limit of 3/2 number of shots after the third turn. Just how far the number would go may need to be tested.

I suppose it could be done as just a general buff to chainfiring even outside of Entrenchment as Khashishi suggests

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Re: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2024, 10:46 »

I think the problem with Entrenchment isn't that Entrenchment is bad, but that chain fire is bad. Chain fire should be changed, then Entrenchment can be reëvaluated. Right now, I only use Chain fire to save ammo. I suggest removing the 2/3 fire speed shots penalty from the first turn (so you fire full shots from the start), and make chain fire the default firing mode. Then make burst fire as an alternative fire which fires 2/3 shots and cancels any current wind-up. This is a buff to chaingun (which kinda needs the buff, imho). It's only a slight buff to plasma gun since we are usually more concerned with ammo efficiency than raw output on plasma gun. Hyperblaster might need nerfing though if this goes through.

I'm wondering how OP Entrenchment would be if it gave you defense any time you take any action except for moving. Maybe the defense could build up based on the time spent standing still. Or, to keep it attached to rapid fire weapons, the defense could scale with amount of chain fire wind-up.

Related to Chain-Fire, Entrenchment could remove the current limit of 3/2 number of shots after the third turn. Just how far the number would go may need to be tested.

I suppose it could be done as just a general buff to chainfiring even outside of Entrenchment as Khashishi suggests

Maybe you could buff Chainfiring, but turning it to the default fire would definitely be a no-go. One problem with chainfiring is how when switching targets, your fire "pans" over and several shots get wasted in the process, weakening your damage output and wasting ammo, so even if you buffed it so it started at a normal fire rate, it would be a nerf to rapid fire weapons when you can no longer switch targets so smoothly and when built up rapid fire weapons will often kill enemies in one normal burst anyway.

The other problem with Entrenchment, having actually used it in 100% UV runs in the standard game and A100, is that actually trying to take advantage of it will result in your clip running out fast and now you're stuck having to reload with no extra resistances (a problem that becomes even more severe if you have Chainfire deplete your ammo even faster), unless you find a Minigun and bulk mod the crap out of it (while hoping enough Chaingunners spawn to support your 600 bullets a minute diet), or you're lucky enough to find a Nano mod and make a Nanomachic Plasma or Laser Rifle, both requiring lots of luck. Speaking of the Laser Rifle, yet another serious issue with Entrenchment is that it also requires several auxiliary traits to function effectively, as unless you find a Laser Rifle, you practically need Eagle Eye to effectively use rapid fires and preferably at least two levels (unless you got a mastery like Ammochain that can get away with it by affording the ammo cost of the more dakka route), while also really needing Whizkid (without a Nano mod, you're gonna need several bulk mods so you can actually chain fire more than a few bursts, and with a Nano mod, you're gonna need WK2 in order to build a Nanomachic weapon), and then there is still all the good stuff to invest into, all for one of the weakest mastery effects in the game. If a mastery is going to require significant secondary investment, it's gotta be actually worth it (like Gunrunner needs Shottyman and Whizkid, but it can be somewhat worth it as it offers one of the highest potential ceilings in the game).
« Last Edit: September 18, 2024, 10:58 by Omega Tyrant »
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