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Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 5
« on: January 31, 2025, 08:49 »
BETA 5 is up! (crazy cadence, I know :P)
The big big one is the fixed dodge value. Yes, due to a bug, since 10 years all the versions had 95% dodge chance for the player, and no one noticed...
There are new nightmare monsters. New Ao100+ monster groups. New assembly. A continuous drop action. Cleaned up tactics/running (mostly internal stuff). Weapon group kills in mortems. Mouse pathing through hazard fluids if resistant. Colored mortem view. And much more. Especially fixes :P
DoomRL BETA 5c Windows LQ
The big big one is the fixed dodge value. Yes, due to a bug, since 10 years all the versions had 95% dodge chance for the player, and no one noticed...
There are new nightmare monsters. New Ao100+ monster groups. New assembly. A continuous drop action. Cleaned up tactics/running (mostly internal stuff). Weapon group kills in mortems. Mouse pathing through hazard fluids if resistant. Colored mortem view. And much more. Especially fixes :P
DoomRL BETA 5c Windows LQ
Code: [Select] BETA 5
[new] -- GH#129: post mortem view colored and highlighted
[new] -- GH#128: grappling armor assembly added (BA) - -50 knockback, +30% melee res
[new] -- GH#218: nightmare souls, nightmare knights and nightmare elementals added
[new] -- GH#218: nightmare revenants and nightmare mancubi added
[new] -- GH#218: several new Ao100+ enemy group randomization entries added for levels 30+
[mod] -- GH#218: several Ao100+only enemies have their min-level reduced
[mod] -- GH#218: nightmare cacodemons stronger
[mod] -- GH#161: drop item action continues if no enemy/damage is present
[mod] -- GH#000: spawned enemies (lever/summon) will now "wake up" faster
[mod] -- GH#000: cleaned up tactic/running - now running/tired is a regular affect
[mod] -- GH#000: changed the display of affects to full words
[mod] -- GH#000: dodge bonus from armor additive, not multiplicative
[mod] -- GH#208: right Vault on UV+ has 4 barons, 4 armors
[mod] -- GH#212: kill weapon groups displayed in mortem
[mod] -- GH#118: Deimos/Armory - schematic drop is independent, rare mod/carmor always drops
[mod] -- GH#020: mouse pathing will be done through hazardous fluids if player is immune/100res
[mod] -- GH#128: cerberus boots/armor won't reduce item resistances if base item had better
[mod] -- GH#128: nano-shrapnel is a master assembly requiring an extra power mod
[fix] -- GH#000: thrown weapons will respect berserk damage multiplier
[fix] -- GH#201: fixed flickering on Linux ncurses build
[fix] -- GH#201: fixed explosion refresh issues when running in console mode
[fix] -- GH#000: MAJOR - dodge chance was calculated wrong (too high), fixed
[fix] -- GH#175: projectiles will no longer pass through walls at weird angles
[fix] -- RCFIX : feature items fade light-wise the same as the level
[fix] -- RCFIX : enemies fade light-wise a bit with distance
[fix] -- RCFIX : assembly eligibility tested before item filter (fixes demo ammo)
[fix] -- RCFIX : item reveal state doesn't reveal feature items (trees, barrels, etc)
[fix] -- RCFIX : fixed lingering glow color on player armor
[fix] -- RCFIX : emissive on glowing items should be more noticable
[fix] -- RCFIX : restore explosion color (needs a better solution)
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 4
« on: January 24, 2025, 10:00 »
BETA 4 is up!
I decided to push this one faster, as there's a ton internal GFX changes and I want to make sure they're stable. The outward facing effect is that there's self-illumination in the game now - you will notice it in several places on sprites (some may be overlit, comments welcome!) but also you might notice the much improved item glow which is now programmatical and much nicer.
Mouse control has been improved - scroll on edge is disabled by default (you can enable it in options) instead hold middle mouse button (usually scrollwheel) and move it to pan the map. Tell me if you like this default behaviour more! (and remind me to update the help files if this stays in the game!).
Finally there's a HUGE balance pass, mostly based on feedback of the indispensable Omega Tyrant and some older feedback by Icy. Some Kornelisms have also been added, don't kill me for the Fireangel buff :P.
Finally quite a bit of bugfixes as usual!
DoomRL BETA 4 Windows LQ
DoomRL BETA 4 Linux LQ
I decided to push this one faster, as there's a ton internal GFX changes and I want to make sure they're stable. The outward facing effect is that there's self-illumination in the game now - you will notice it in several places on sprites (some may be overlit, comments welcome!) but also you might notice the much improved item glow which is now programmatical and much nicer.
Mouse control has been improved - scroll on edge is disabled by default (you can enable it in options) instead hold middle mouse button (usually scrollwheel) and move it to pan the map. Tell me if you like this default behaviour more! (and remind me to update the help files if this stays in the game!).
Finally there's a HUGE balance pass, mostly based on feedback of the indispensable Omega Tyrant and some older feedback by Icy. Some Kornelisms have also been added, don't kill me for the Fireangel buff :P.
Finally quite a bit of bugfixes as usual!
DoomRL BETA 4 Windows LQ
DoomRL BETA 4 Linux LQ
Code: [Select] BETA 4
[mod] -- GH#197: G-version - added self-illumination to several sprites
[mod] -- GH#197: G-version - glow is calculated live and tied to self-illumination
[new] -- GH#000: G-version - mouse edge pan is disabled by default, use MMB to pan!
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - Vampyre no longer overheals, blocks TaN instead of SoB
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - Ammochain blocks Ironman instead of SoG
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - Army of the Dead blocks SoB instead of HR
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - Son of a gun is -10% firetime but +3 damage
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - Entrenchment buffed to 50%, also volleys after first are 1 ammo
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - Malicious Blades doubles damage of Blades
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - Survivalist, Gunrunner and Scavenger require only level 5
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - Survivalist, Gunrunner and Scavenger have less reqs and blocks
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - Fireangel - ALL missiles explode, +1 to existing explosions radius
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - Hellrunner dodge +15%->+10%
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - Marine inherent resists 20%->10%
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - berserk resistance boost 60%->50%
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - TaN grants 10% fire/acid/plasma resists per level
[mod] -- GH#206: balance - decreased movement penalty on heavier boots
[mod] -- RCFIX : blood boots - rarity 4->3, min level 25->20
[fix] -- RCFIX : fixed Gunrunner not working
[fix] -- RCFIX : fix for L2 intuition markers
[fix] -- RCFIX : fix for weapon kill count
[fix] -- RCFIX : players can no longer spawn in liquid
[fix] -- RCFIX : fixed edge mud sprite
[fix] -- RCFIX : don't spawn barrels on liquids
[fix] -- RCFIX : fix for assembly item color in inventory
[fix] -- RCFIX : fix for barrels erasing stairs if blown up on them
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 3
« on: January 17, 2025, 10:57 »
BETA 3 is up!
The big one is a change to how barrels behave and move. You can slide them around much more freely, and slide them over items, through doors, etc. But most importantly you ALSO move with the pushed barrel. And it looks smoother too!
Speaking of smooth, several small visual improvements have been done - including improvement of reticle rendering and a bump animation for melee.
The usual suspect bugfixes were also made, most importantly I think I finally fixed the melee count bug affecting Lightfoot badges. See below for the rest of changes.
There's also a linux build - untested, but if it works it should have less abusive requirements towards glibc etc.
Report all errors and give feedback on the changes!
DoomRL BETA 3 Windows LQ
DoomRL BETA 3 Linux LQ
The big one is a change to how barrels behave and move. You can slide them around much more freely, and slide them over items, through doors, etc. But most importantly you ALSO move with the pushed barrel. And it looks smoother too!
Speaking of smooth, several small visual improvements have been done - including improvement of reticle rendering and a bump animation for melee.
The usual suspect bugfixes were also made, most importantly I think I finally fixed the melee count bug affecting Lightfoot badges. See below for the rest of changes.
There's also a linux build - untested, but if it works it should have less abusive requirements towards glibc etc.
Report all errors and give feedback on the changes!
DoomRL BETA 3 Windows LQ
DoomRL BETA 3 Linux LQ
Code: [Select] BETA 3
[new] -- GH#149: settings - you can now clear a keybinding using Backspace
[new] -- GH#188: settings - you can now disable mouse rendering and interaction
[new] -- GH#094: barrels can be moved much more freely now!
[new] -- GH#094: you move with the barrel now!
[mod] -- GH#192: G-version - auto-target reticle now follows enemy sprite
[mod] -- GH#193: G-version - melee bump animation added
[mod] -- GH#193: G-version - smooth barrel movement
[mod] -- GH#017: you can invoke the combat translocator to self-phase for a higher cost
[fix] -- GH#018: player info will show level name instead of "level X of Phobos Base"
[fix] -- GH#191: fixed overdraw on diagonal movement
[fix] -- GH#197: fixed lut correction
[fix] -- GH#183: fixed melee kill counting (fixes Lightfoot Badges)
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 2
« on: December 20, 2024, 09:26 »
You know the drill!
There's a lot of fixes in this release, both compared to BETA 1 and Three major additions are new fluids, minimap improvements and a new audio configuration scheme (that should improve a lot of stuff going forward).
The fluid improvemets encompass a lot of stuff - all fluids now slow down non-flying entities by 20% (mud by 40%!) so watch when running around the level not to get double shot at! While mud will appear early game, the new blood fluid is a dedicated late game one. In regular games it appears only in Limbo and rarely in deep caves. Far more often in Ao100+ though, where fluid variety has also been additionally improved. Blood is pretty nasty - 16 plasma damage, and DOESN'T affect enemies! To add a bit of respite there's some plasma resistances added to a couple boots and a new dedicated exotic pair of boots!
Tell us what you think about these additions!
Also report any audio assignment issues/requests and minimap issues - this is the best time!
DoomRL BETA 2b Windows LQ (critical bug
There's a lot of fixes in this release, both compared to BETA 1 and Three major additions are new fluids, minimap improvements and a new audio configuration scheme (that should improve a lot of stuff going forward).
The fluid improvemets encompass a lot of stuff - all fluids now slow down non-flying entities by 20% (mud by 40%!) so watch when running around the level not to get double shot at! While mud will appear early game, the new blood fluid is a dedicated late game one. In regular games it appears only in Limbo and rarely in deep caves. Far more often in Ao100+ though, where fluid variety has also been additionally improved. Blood is pretty nasty - 16 plasma damage, and DOESN'T affect enemies! To add a bit of respite there's some plasma resistances added to a couple boots and a new dedicated exotic pair of boots!
Tell us what you think about these additions!
Also report any audio assignment issues/requests and minimap issues - this is the best time!
DoomRL BETA 2b Windows LQ (critical bug
Code: [Select] BETA 2b
[fix] -- RCFIX : fix for locked doors ai loop error
[fix] -- RCFIX : play locked door sound only for player
[fix] -- RCFIX : fixed reset of item resistances on items without initial resists
[fix] -- RCFIX : shamblers have their own sound set BETA 2
[new] -- GH#177: new lategame environment fluid - blood (plasma, damages ONLY player!)
[new] -- GH#177: new early game environment fluid - mud - like water but slows by 40%
[new] -- GH#177: Limbo uses blood instead of lava
[new] -- GH#159: G-version - mimimap - better visibility of important stuff
[new] -- GH#159: G-version - mimimap - configurable opacity
[new] -- GH#177: one new late-game exotic boots added
[new] -- GH#177: all fluids slow down the player by 20%
[mod] -- GH#177: G-version - sprite movement speed dependent on ingame speed
[mod] -- GH#177: plasma resistance added to several boots
[mod] -- GH#177: much more fluid variety in Ao100+ (including blood)
[mod] -- GH#030: locked doors will behave like doors, not wall tiles
[mod] -- GH#157: new scheme for audio configuration
[mod] -- GH#172: G-version - when targeting/looking with the keyboard the map will scroll
[mod] -- GH#174: rocket jump altfire will fire at any target and shorten it to range 1
[fix] -- GH#170: dropped corpses remove "permanent" cell status - should fix ungibbable corpses
[fix] -- GH#156: changing sound assignments wont break save file audio anymore
[fix] -- GH#186: quickslot will weapon swap if the quick item is a prepared weapon
[fix] -- GH#186: equiping items will have sounds again
[fix] -- RCFIX : EXPERIMENTAL - kills outside of the player turn are marked as "other"
[fix] -- RCFIX : ALT_SCRIPT turns off autofire (fixes DS crash)
[fix] -- RCFIX : ALT_SCRIPT altfire name fixed
[fix] -- RCFIX : fixed screenshot functionality
[fix] -- RCFIX : properly display bulk mod speed effect
[fix] -- RCFIX : don't show mod stats if only assembly is possible
Announcements / DoomRL RELEASED! Jupiter Hell Classic ANNOUNCED!
« on: August 06, 2024, 13:28 »
I can finally share some exciting updates with you today!
First up, we're thrilled to announce our new project - Jupiter Hell Classic! This commercial total conversion/expansion brings the venerable DRL (formerly known as DoomRL/Doom, the Roguelike) into the Jupiter Hell universe! While modernized in terms of user experience and visuals, it retains all the beloved features of DRL, including (but not limited to!) readable and bright 2D sprites, corner-shooting, shotgun-scouting, gift-dropping, weapon unloading, and of course, DIAGONAL MOVEMENT :D.
You can wishlist Jupiter Hell Classic on Steam now :
In additon, all improvements will also be backported to good ol' Doo^D^D^D DRL, which you can test RIGHT NOW! After an 11-year hiatus, DRL is finally here!
This release not only includes the usual DRL updates but also modernizes the game with new APIs, in-game settings, improved UX, new graphics, idle animations, and the ability to save and quit the game at any point.
Future development of Jupiter Hell Classic will benefit the open-source DRL, so if you want to support it (or other classic ChaosForge roguelikes, hint, hint), help us by promoting Jupiter Hell Classic!
To celebrate, Jupiter Hell is on its biggest sale yet – grab it now at 70% off on Steam!
Finally, join us on the Jupiter Hell Discord to celebrate!
First up, we're thrilled to announce our new project - Jupiter Hell Classic! This commercial total conversion/expansion brings the venerable DRL (formerly known as DoomRL/Doom, the Roguelike) into the Jupiter Hell universe! While modernized in terms of user experience and visuals, it retains all the beloved features of DRL, including (but not limited to!) readable and bright 2D sprites, corner-shooting, shotgun-scouting, gift-dropping, weapon unloading, and of course, DIAGONAL MOVEMENT :D.
You can wishlist Jupiter Hell Classic on Steam now :
In additon, all improvements will also be backported to good ol' Doo^D^D^D DRL, which you can test RIGHT NOW! After an 11-year hiatus, DRL is finally here!
This release not only includes the usual DRL updates but also modernizes the game with new APIs, in-game settings, improved UX, new graphics, idle animations, and the ability to save and quit the game at any point.
Future development of Jupiter Hell Classic will benefit the open-source DRL, so if you want to support it (or other classic ChaosForge roguelikes, hint, hint), help us by promoting Jupiter Hell Classic!
To celebrate, Jupiter Hell is on its biggest sale yet – grab it now at 70% off on Steam!
Finally, join us on the Jupiter Hell Discord to celebrate!
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA FINAL
« on: August 04, 2024, 10:28 »
These are hopefully the master files!
I've added fluid variety to Ao100/666, did a lot of Doom removal in favor of DRL (yes, the main logo stays :P) and cleanups, and implemented a modernized FMOD backend that will work with both MIDI and MP3s, and added legacy keybindings. I present two files for testing, the lq zip as before, and the HQ installer (this will be the one most people will download) please test both if possible!
DoomRL BETA FINAL LQ ZIP (bugfix 1)
48 hours left to release!
I've added fluid variety to Ao100/666, did a lot of Doom removal in favor of DRL (yes, the main logo stays :P) and cleanups, and implemented a modernized FMOD backend that will work with both MIDI and MP3s, and added legacy keybindings. I present two files for testing, the lq zip as before, and the HQ installer (this will be the one most people will download) please test both if possible!
DoomRL BETA FINAL LQ ZIP (bugfix 1)
48 hours left to release!
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 9
« on: August 02, 2024, 12:12 »
You know the drill!
The last big feature is online - Settings menu! No more editing stupid lua files just to change resolution :P. Also, keybinding have been voided, reset using the ingame Settings. I've removed needless bindings (USE, DROP, OPEN, CLOSE). If anyone misses them, I'll hear you out!
DoomRL BETA 9 Windows LQ
The last big feature is online - Settings menu! No more editing stupid lua files just to change resolution :P. Also, keybinding have been voided, reset using the ingame Settings. I've removed needless bindings (USE, DROP, OPEN, CLOSE). If anyone misses them, I'll hear you out!
DoomRL BETA 9 Windows LQ
Code: [Select] BETA 9
[new] -- GH#120: alternative visual tilesets for each episode!
[mod] -- GH#103: allow non-hell tilesets on Ao100/666
[fix] -- BETA : fixed save/load
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 8
« on: July 31, 2024, 06:34 »
Yes. It's that crazy tempo once again. BETA 8 is up!
DoomRL BETA 8b Windows LQ
DoomRL BETA 8b Windows LQ
Code: [Select] BETA 8
[new] -- GH#120: alternative visual tilesets for each episode!
[mod] -- GH#103: allow non-hell tilesets on Ao100/666
[fix] -- BETA : fixed save/load
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 7
« on: July 29, 2024, 08:46 »
Faster that you can say "Knee deep in the dead", BETA 7 is up!
It has just one feature, but one that has been missing since 22 years. Yes, you can now "Save and Quit" anytime. This needs as much testing as possible, as we're going live with this release in a week from now!
Try playing the game and saving and loading very often, and note anything wierd/broken. If you have a broken save, please save it!
DoomRL BETA 7 Windows LQ
It has just one feature, but one that has been missing since 22 years. Yes, you can now "Save and Quit" anytime. This needs as much testing as possible, as we're going live with this release in a week from now!
Try playing the game and saving and loading very often, and note anything wierd/broken. If you have a broken save, please save it!
DoomRL BETA 7 Windows LQ
Code: [Select] BETA 7
[new] -- GH#086: you no longer need to be on the stairs to Save the game!
[fix] -- BETA : fixed scrollwheel behaviour
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 6
« on: July 26, 2024, 09:59 »
"He, he, he this will be a mess..."
Beta 6 is up!
This are probably the most invasive changes yet, despite the short changelog. I've been doing a lot of internal changes to start blowing up the really badly implemented UI, and the first effects on a journey that will continue after up to have been done. Ignore the messy dark quads in the initial menus, these are left there for when the menus are substituted to the new system. Most of the in-game UI has been rewritten, apart from the "previous message view" and the message box which is a bit of a hack. Report everything!
I invite all to participate on the Discord channel, and also we will be more and more moving feature discussions and info into the GitHub issues tracker. Remember all work is being done on the development branch!
Feedback on the changes needed, be it here on the discord in #doomrl!
Raw changelog below, comments, reports welcome!
DoomRL BETA 6b Windows LQ (HOTFIX 6b!)
If you're not on Windows, you can always compile the development branch from github - find me on discord if you need help with that!
Beta 6 is up!
This are probably the most invasive changes yet, despite the short changelog. I've been doing a lot of internal changes to start blowing up the really badly implemented UI, and the first effects on a journey that will continue after up to have been done. Ignore the messy dark quads in the initial menus, these are left there for when the menus are substituted to the new system. Most of the in-game UI has been rewritten, apart from the "previous message view" and the message box which is a bit of a hack. Report everything!
I invite all to participate on the Discord channel, and also we will be more and more moving feature discussions and info into the GitHub issues tracker. Remember all work is being done on the development branch!
Feedback on the changes needed, be it here on the discord in #doomrl!
Raw changelog below, comments, reports welcome!
DoomRL BETA 6b Windows LQ (HOTFIX 6b!)
If you're not on Windows, you can always compile the development branch from github - find me on discord if you need help with that!
Code: [Select] BETA 6
[new] -- GH#119: paneled inventory/equipment/trait/character screen!
[new] -- GH#090: game menu (Help, Settings, Abandon, Quit ) under Escape key
[new] -- GH#087: proper quickslot system in inventory!
[fix] -- BETA : fixed disassembly of armors
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 5
« on: June 13, 2024, 08:10 »
Beta 5 is up!
This one's mostly for the graphics version players - the spritesheet has been updated, there's a ton of new visual stuff coming later, but now I need to make sure that all the internal graphics changes are working. Although do test on ASCII if you usually play there to make sure I didn't break it! Neeeeed feeeeedback! (especially that there was barely any towards the previous beta, so help out here!).
I invite all to participate on the Discord channel, and also we will be more and more moving feature discussions and info into the GitHub issues tracker. Remember all work is being done on the development branch!
Feedback on the changes needed, be it here on the discord in #doomrl!
Raw changelog below, comments, reports and requests welcome!
DoomRL BETA 5 Windows LQ
If you're not on Windows, you can always compile the development branch from github - find me on discord if you need help with that!
This one's mostly for the graphics version players - the spritesheet has been updated, there's a ton of new visual stuff coming later, but now I need to make sure that all the internal graphics changes are working. Although do test on ASCII if you usually play there to make sure I didn't break it! Neeeeed feeeeedback! (especially that there was barely any towards the previous beta, so help out here!).
I invite all to participate on the Discord channel, and also we will be more and more moving feature discussions and info into the GitHub issues tracker. Remember all work is being done on the development branch!
Feedback on the changes needed, be it here on the discord in #doomrl!
Raw changelog below, comments, reports and requests welcome!
DoomRL BETA 5 Windows LQ
If you're not on Windows, you can always compile the development branch from github - find me on discord if you need help with that!
Code: [Select] BETA 5
[new] -- GH#120: G-version - sprites updated!
[new] -- GH#120: G-version - animations for idle and for doors!
[new] -- GH#083: G-version - overlay FX done by shaders, less in your face!
[new] -- GH#120: G-version - better wall tile flow and style handling!
[new] -- GH#121: G-version - debris where destroyed walls were!
[new] -- GH#126: added an ammo dispensing lever to the lever pool
[new] -- GH#126: enemies left count and level feel info in character screen
[new] -- GH#126: last 3 enemies are revealed unless boss or special level
[new] -- GH#126: items are revealed on clear unless boss or special level
[mod] -- GH#126: "running" status name fades in the last 5 moves left
[mod] -- GH#126: added special level feeling for agony and lava elemental caves
[mod] -- GH#115: Mjollnir can appear from level 5 and has 1d25 damage
[mod] -- GH#115: double chainsaw now 4d12 acc -1 (was 8d6 acc -2)
[mod] -- GH#115: thrown knife & Mjol benefit from both ranged and melee tohit/todam
[mod] -- GH#115: Subtle Knife - invoke 10->15 damage, 5 hp drain, no maxhp drain
[mod] -- GH#126: all medals with "Badge" in name changed to "Pin"
[mod] -- GH#126: clarified "everything" to "only" in medal kill requirements
[mod] -- GH#126: adjusted Iron Skull and Gambler's Shield values
[fix] -- GH#115: expiring messages for affects appear again
[fix] -- GH#115: unexpirable affects will no longer expire after a long time
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 4
« on: May 02, 2024, 09:29 »
Beta 4 is up!
Apart from implementing more from the suggestion topic, the big big thing are huge changes in the internal action loop. These should still be equivalent to what was before unless I made a mistake, so be on the lookout for bugs!
I invite all to participate on the Discord channel, and also we will be more and more moving feature discussions and info into the GitHub issues tracker. Remember all work is being done on the development branch!
Feedback on the changes needed, be it here on the discord in #doomrl!
Raw changelog below, comments, reports and requests welcome!
DoomRL BETA 4 Windows LQ
If you're not on Windows, you can always compile the development branch from github - find me on discord if you need help with that!
Apart from implementing more from the suggestion topic, the big big thing are huge changes in the internal action loop. These should still be equivalent to what was before unless I made a mistake, so be on the lookout for bugs!
I invite all to participate on the Discord channel, and also we will be more and more moving feature discussions and info into the GitHub issues tracker. Remember all work is being done on the development branch!
Feedback on the changes needed, be it here on the discord in #doomrl!
Raw changelog below, comments, reports and requests welcome!
DoomRL BETA 4 Windows LQ
If you're not on Windows, you can always compile the development branch from github - find me on discord if you need help with that!
Code: [Select] BETA 4
[new] -- BETA : WARNING - speed/command system rewrites!
[new] -- GH#093: The Vaults alternative added - House of Pain
[mod] -- BETA : House of Pain always generates instead of Vaults until balanced
[mod] -- GH#107: ammo rooms can now contain a variety of ammo, even on Ao100/666
[mod] -- GH#117: Technical mod packs on armors add resistances instead of knockback res
[mod] -- GH#112: Survivalist - Ironman 2, and double heals from smed and globes
[mod] -- GH#110: Scavenger - works on Melee, Boots and Armors (guaranteed mods added)
[mod] -- GH#088: Juggler now makes all weapon swaps free
[mod] -- GH#099: Conqueror and Explorer won't be awarded if no special levels were present
[mod] -- GH#109: changed the color of the sniper mod pack to dark green (G-version)
[mod] -- GH#116: buffs - bullet-proof vest, power armor
[mod] -- GH#111: stat screen includes running dodge bonus
[mod] -- GH#108: all elite formers deal 5 + 1d3 melee damage
[mod] -- BETA : duelist armor - 0/75/0
[fix] -- BETA : fixed SHIFT-L previous level feeling
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 3
« on: February 02, 2024, 07:59 »
Beta 3 is up!
Apart from what you can read in the changelog - I adjusted and fixed some things based on the previous thread feedback, also we're starting two big features with this BETA
1) overhaul of the controls - while I don't intend to dumb down the controls (no worries, diagonals will be here FOREVER), some of the choices in terms of keybindings want their Altavista website back. SHIFT-DOT for entering the next level HAD to go. I'm also trying out a streamline here - SPACE is a universal action key - Open, Close, use Lever and Descend stairs can all be done using SPACE. The old keys DO work, but unless someone gives a valid reason I will remove them at some point. Also, use from ground has been moved to SHIFT-G (shift pickup), this includes wearing/wielding from ground, and also will trigger a lever if present.
2) overhaul of the speed and timing system - this SHOULD be fairly invisible now - if you spot anything weird, report immedately! The reason this needs to be done is so we can have smooth mouse movement and smooth animations later down the line.
Feedback on the changes, both forementioned and the ones below needed!
Raw changelog below, comments, reports and requests welcome - join us on the Discord in #doomrl!
DoomRL BETA 3 Windows LQ
If you're not on Windows, you can always compile the development branch from github - find me on the Jupiter Hell discord if you need help with that!
Apart from what you can read in the changelog - I adjusted and fixed some things based on the previous thread feedback, also we're starting two big features with this BETA
1) overhaul of the controls - while I don't intend to dumb down the controls (no worries, diagonals will be here FOREVER), some of the choices in terms of keybindings want their Altavista website back. SHIFT-DOT for entering the next level HAD to go. I'm also trying out a streamline here - SPACE is a universal action key - Open, Close, use Lever and Descend stairs can all be done using SPACE. The old keys DO work, but unless someone gives a valid reason I will remove them at some point. Also, use from ground has been moved to SHIFT-G (shift pickup), this includes wearing/wielding from ground, and also will trigger a lever if present.
2) overhaul of the speed and timing system - this SHOULD be fairly invisible now - if you spot anything weird, report immedately! The reason this needs to be done is so we can have smooth mouse movement and smooth animations later down the line.
Feedback on the changes, both forementioned and the ones below needed!
Raw changelog below, comments, reports and requests welcome - join us on the Discord in #doomrl!
DoomRL BETA 3 Windows LQ
If you're not on Windows, you can always compile the development branch from github - find me on the Jupiter Hell discord if you need help with that!
Code: [Select] BETA 3
[new] -- BETA : WARNING - speed system rewrites!
[new] -- GH#080: keybindings updates - SPACE is action key (open, close, descend, pull)
[new] -- GH#080: keybindings updates - SHIFT-G is use/wear/wield/pull from ground
[new] -- GH#074: UnlockAll option in config.lua to unlock Challenges and Difficulties
[new] -- GH#063: WK3 available for techs at clev 12+ and allows 1 more assembly mod!
[mod] -- GH#078: increased amount of enemies on Deimos and Hell
[mod] -- GH#075: overcharging a BFG doubles dice count instead of +2 dice
[mod] -- GH#075: assembly buffs - micro launcher, tower shield, ballistic armor, env boots
[mod] -- GH#075: assembly buffs - speedloader pistol, assault rifle, mother in law
[mod] -- GH#075: buffed Gothic Arms set, slightly nerfed Inquisitor Set pieces
[mod] -- GH#075: buffed Necroarmor and translocator, changed Cybernetic Armor resistances
[mod] -- GH#063: you can still mod an assembly if you take WK2 after assembling
[mod] -- GH#070: nightmare enemies are resistant to floor effects
[mod] -- GH#078: nightmare arch-vile deals 20 plasma damage (was 25 fire)
[mod] -- GH#078: nightmare imps are 20% faster and more accurate
[mod] -- GH#059: Techs get starting mod on challenges that allow them
[mod] -- GH#053: you can now properly firestorm-mod a tristar blaster
[mod] -- GH#078: buffed danger/XP and weight for elite for/ser/cap and nightmare demons
[mod] -- GH#078: former commandos and pain elemental spawn level range increased
[mod] -- GH#078: lava elemental buffed, Erebus/Lava pits have diff dependent envirosuits
[mod] -- GH#077: swapped positions of Vaults and Cathedral, Vaults enemies buffed
[fix] -- GH#050: Containment Area conquered status only achieved by full clear
[fix] -- GH#049: Deimos Lab conquered status only achieved by killing the Shamblers
[fix] -- GH#040: fixed loud/silent sound for wall-destroying levers
[fix] - GH#052: fixed error message when attacking crates with a melee weapon on AoPc
[fix] -- BETA : fixed on-kill effects (crash with DS/BA and Beretta wins and Megabuster)
[fix] -- BETA : fixed Backpack/Schematics bug
[fix] -- BETA : fixed Ironman + Berserk granting resistance above 95%
[fix] -- BETA : Vampyre blocks Ironman
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 2
« on: January 09, 2024, 09:11 »
Beta 2 is up!
I've reverted the unpopular change for firing out of vision, fixed most of the issues reported in the previous beta topic (see message there), and started implementing some stuff from the compilation topic. However, most important (and biggest) change to test is the invisible stuff - internally I've moved from SDL to SDL2, and from OpenGL 1.2 to OpenGL 3.3 core. Report any weird behaviour! While invisible for now, not only will this fix porting issues (hello OSX) but also will open up to several improvements in the future.
Raw changelog below, comments, reports and requests welcome - join us on the Discord in #doomrl!
DoomRL BETA 2 Windows LQ
If you're not on Windows, you can always compile the development branch from github - find me on the Jupiter Hell discord if you need help with that!
I've reverted the unpopular change for firing out of vision, fixed most of the issues reported in the previous beta topic (see message there), and started implementing some stuff from the compilation topic. However, most important (and biggest) change to test is the invisible stuff - internally I've moved from SDL to SDL2, and from OpenGL 1.2 to OpenGL 3.3 core. Report any weird behaviour! While invisible for now, not only will this fix porting issues (hello OSX) but also will open up to several improvements in the future.
Raw changelog below, comments, reports and requests welcome - join us on the Discord in #doomrl!
DoomRL BETA 2 Windows LQ
If you're not on Windows, you can always compile the development branch from github - find me on the Jupiter Hell discord if you need help with that!
Code: [Select] BETA 2
[mod] -- GH#028: ported the game to SDL2
[mod] -- GH#048: ported the game to OpenGL 3.3 core
[mod] -- GH#062: Marines start with +20% fire/acid/plasma resistance
[mod] -- GH#062: Scout stair-sense works on regular stairs only
[mod] -- GH#062: Tech can single-mod: Cleaver, Mjollnir, Silent, Trigun,
Jackal, Jackhammer, Frag Shotgun, multi-mod Revenant Launcher
[mod] -- GH#064: Ironman adds +10% bullet/shrapnel/melee resistance per level
[mod] -- GH#064: Reloader bonus increased +20% -> +30%
[mod] -- GH#064: Intuition range reduced to Vision + 2
[mod] -- GH#064: Gunrunner - blocks Brute instead of Whizkid
[mod] -- GH#064: Army of Dead - blocks Son of a Gun instead of Finesse
[mod] -- GH#064: Bullet Dance - block Intuition instead of Eagle Eye
[mod] -- GH#067: Backpack and schematics are now indestructible
[mod] -- GH#067: doubled BFG9K and Chainsaw natural generation weight
[mod] -- GH#067: rocket boxes hold 25 rockets (up from 20)
[mod] -- GH#066: Frag Shotgun shotcost 4 -> 2
[mod] -- GH#066: Mega buster ammo consumption 5 -> 3
[mod] -- GH#066: Medical Powerarmor armor 4 -> 6
[mod] -- TR#294: MF_EXACT weapons locked to vision range
( BETA NOTE - this is the vision range REVERT, only MF_EXACT will have this restriction)
[mod] -- TR#---: pick bottom-most stack when reloading
[fix] -- TR#---: improve mouse responsiveness
[fix] -- TR#---: fix current kill spree showing best kill spree
[fix] -- GH#054: fixed error when DS/BA has no room to spawn demons
[fix] -- BETA : fixed post-mortem crash related to kill types (OT Bug #7/#8)
[fix] -- BETA : fixed kill source related crashes (OT Bug #4)
[fix] -- BETA : fixed feet resistance not respected by lava/acid (OT Bug #2)
Requests For Features / DoomRL BETA 1
« on: September 01, 2023, 03:10 »
High time to start working on another release, don't you think?
There are some old changes in the repository that never were publicly tested, so I need a baseline BETA 1 tested to go further. Also this version includes changes to linux curses display (you'll need to compile it yourself to check it out). Changelog below.
DoomRL BETA 1 Windows LQ
If you're not on Windows, you can always compile the development branch from github - find me on the Jupiter Hell discord if you need help with that!
There are some old changes in the repository that never were publicly tested, so I need a baseline BETA 1 tested to go further. Also this version includes changes to linux curses display (you'll need to compile it yourself to check it out). Changelog below.
DoomRL BETA 1 Windows LQ
If you're not on Windows, you can always compile the development branch from github - find me on the Jupiter Hell discord if you need help with that!
Code: [Select] BETA 1
[new] -- TR#307: description for badges and medals in mortem.txt
[new] -- TR#---: event added: darkness
[mod] -- TR#---: Nightmare no longer prevents saving
[mod] -- TR#---: animation engine upgrade
[mod] -- TR#294: targeting ranges use vision calculation and are locked to vision range unless the weapon specifies a different range (shark)
[mod] -- TR#310: character screen (@) shows dodge and knockback modifiers.
[mod] -- TR#---: Ao100 / AAo666 full wins now counted as such.
[mod] -- TR#---: AoOC retooled -- starting inventory changed.
[mod] -- TR#---: separte path support (separate data/score etc, esp on Linux)
[mod] -- TR#---: curses used on Linux instead of FPCVideo
[fix] -- TR#---: melee kills tracked properly AoLT and ArchAoLT now working as intended
[fix] -- TR#---: kills are only assigned to an item if the item was used to kill
[fix] -- TR#---: weapon OnKill is called only if weapon is used to kill the enemy
[fix] -- TR#154: plural items (boots) are now properly described on floor
[fix] -- TR#---: fixed mouse scrolling along map edges (shark)
[fix] -- TR#---: right click won't try to reload weapons that don't use ammo (shark)
[fix] -- TR#290: mouse targeting now respects missile range property and vision range (shark)
[fix] -- TR#290: targeting line has consistent coloring rules between console and graphics mode.
[fix] -- TR#303: SegFault from melee attacking during weapon restricted challenges fixed (shark)
[fix] -- TR#---: better timed explosion animations for weapons firing multiple shots (shark)
[fix] -- TR#---: pump action weapons that self charge or don't use ammo will allow 'r' to pump them (shark)
[fix] -- TR#---: Shottyman no longer move-reloads self charging weapons (shark)
[fix] -- TR#---: BFG10K has better scattering, and scatters at close range (shark)
[fix] -- TR#303: Fixed a crash caused by a weird interaction between the player's death, a nuke, and being OnAction hooks (shark)
[fix] -- TR#---: 'l'ooking no longer overwrites the last line of the message log (shark)
[fix] -- TR#---: Repeat level feeling command added (Shift-L by default) (shark)
[fix] -- TR#---: Hell's Armory/Deimos Lab can now generate a unique as its special item.
[fix] -- TR#311: Armory/Deimos Lab won't pick assemblies created in the current game as a schematic choice.
[fix] -- TR#---: MMB now properly performs both attacks always. (shark)
[fix] -- TR#---: Demons shouldn't freeze up any more.
[fix] -- TR#---: Vaults: Opened spaces no longer marked permanent.
[fix] -- TR#---: Deimos Lab: Schematic generation matches Armory rules.
[fix] -- TR#---: Military Base: Work around for graphics issues.
[fix] -- TR#---: Arch-Viles now take damage from acid/lava.
[fix] -- TR#---: Berserker trigger is based on Nominal HP (Iro/Marine will no longer affect it), still has minimum of 10 damage (for AoHu).
[fix] -- TR#309: AoOC now counts sacrifice and full wins properly.
[fix] -- TR#---: Technicians now get starting tech mod on challenges that were (incorrectly) removing it.