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Topics - CrashGordon94

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I had been struggling with this challenge for a bit, some near-misses but finally did it now! I got Marksman Gold! :D
Had some nasty close calls but I got lucky enough to make it through. ^_^;
And of course got lots of great gear!

Early on I definitely focused hard on JoviSec gear, particularly the JS Revolver, every bit as awesome for this build as people said it was. I actually did purposely leave open a slot for it to take an exotic mod if I found one... And I did! E mod might not have made the biggest difference but I was happy to have it.
My JS Helmet served me until the end... Though it's not here because the Harbinger and friends annihilated it. :( I think it was a Marine Helmet, but can't be sure now. I did pass up higher-end headgear to keep that juicy JS bonus and all my mods, but that wasn't a great sacrifice.
I figured my JS Basic Armor wouldn't last me until the end anyway so I had an eye on replacing it with something special.

On Europa I saw Refueling Base was on the menu so I beelined into Toxicologist so I could safely open all the valves and claim the ENV armor... Except the Cybersuit generated there and after some agonising I went through with it, figuring that all that raw protection plus all those mod slots would go awesome with a static, Whizkiddy build like Sharpshooter.... I think that paid off well as a decision, even if I passed up some good stuff because of it (ENV and CRI suits).

Io I was drowning with Red Keycards so I went to CRI Labs to raid the vault. Obviously the suit was out of the question was I had some nice little stuff there, like rerolling perks (my AMP used to have +max range as the basic perk until I changed it).

I had some more close calls, I was running low on .44 ammo sometimes but thankfully I was able to keep stocking up so it wasn't a problem. I kept and modded backup guns just in case but they saw very little action.
I entered but immediately left Inferno, didn't want the risk.
Nearly killed myself blowing up an Energy Core on Dante L2! O.o;; Now THAT would've been pure misery if I had died...
Harbinger really rocked me hard sometimes too, but I managed to cling on to life and keep blasting!

Crash Gordon, level 17 Technician,
defeated the Harbinger against all odds.

He survived for 11989 turns.
The run time was 2h 1m 15s.
World seed was 50970.
He scored 6068 points.
He liked it HARD!
He was an Angel of Marksmanship!

CALLISTO L2 -> Callisto Rift L1
Callisto Rift L3 - Lockdown
Callisto Rift L3 -> The Rift
The Rift - Cleared!
EUROPA L2 - Low Power
EUROPA L5 -> Refueling Base
Refueling Base - found Cybersuit
Refueling Base - Cleared!
IO L3 -> CRI Laboratory L1
CRI Laboratory L2 - Secure Vault
CRI Laboratory L2 -> CRI Armory
CRI Armory - Cleared!
Dante Station L3 - Exalted Summons

  Medal of Prejudice (+200)
   * Won with 100% kills
  CRI Star (bronze cluster) (+50)
   * 25+ kills without taking damage
  Explorer Ribbon (+100)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Blind Luck Star (+50)
   * Won despite getting down to 1hp at some point
  Marksman Gold Badge
   * Complete AoMr on Hard

He killed 755 out of 755 enemies.

 48 former grunts           5  toxic fiends
 9  corrupted grunts        11 CalSec sentries
 1  former CRI grunt        6  security sentries
 4  former grenadiers       6  CalSec bots
 2  corrupted grenadiers    9  security bots
 4  CRI grenadiers          1  military bot
 17 former soldiers         1  guardian bot
 6  corrupted soldiers      14 reavers
 3  former CRI soldiers     45 cryoreavers
 14 CRI soldiers            34 toxic reavers
 8  former sergeants        37 archreavers
 5  corrupted sergeants     1  kerberos
 2  former CRI sergeants    4  cyberi
 8  CRI sergeants           12 cryoberi
 13 former guards           5  medusae
 6  corrupted guards        4  archmedusae
 10 CRI guards              16 ravagers
 4  former commandoes       8  armored ravagers
 7  corrupted commandoes    3  siege ravagers
 2  former CRI commandoes   3  plasma ravagers
 10 CRI commandoes          49 CRI marines
 9  corrupted heavies       35 CRI bots
 2  CRI heavies             5  guardians
 2  fanatics                10 warlocks
 10 security drones         1  archwarlock
 8  combat drones           3  watchers
 72 fiends                  2  cryowatchers
 37 fire fiends             2  pyrowatchers
 26 ice fiends

  Whizkid L3
  Powerjack L1
  Son of a Gun L3
  Toxicologist L3
  Headshot L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : JS .44 revolver +BA2E
   * Disruptive 3
   * Extended Mag 4
   * Critical 25
   * Calibrated 1
   * Auto-calibrated
   * JoviSec

  Slot #2 : AV3 7.62 sidearm P
   * Longshot 3
   * Frenzy 4
   * Triggerhappy

  Slot #3 : AV3 plasma pistol A2
   * Exalted bane
   * Critical 25
   * Efficient
   * Demonbane

  Body : Cybersuit P3B3A3
   * Meshed
   * Padded
   * Fire-resistant
   * Carrier
   * Plated
   * Durable
   * Metabolic boost
   * Swift
   * Critical 10

  Head :  - NONE -
  Utility : AV3 pistol AMP
   * Pistol capacitor
   * Pistol booster

  Relic : reaver's tendon
   * Reaver's speed

  CRI backpack

  energy cell (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  .44 ammo (x50)
  .44 ammo (x50)
  .44 ammo (x49)
  gas grenade (x1)
  multitool (x2)
  small medkit (x3)
  small medkit (x3)
  small medkit (x1)

Finished the Haste Trial on Hard on roughly the second attempt, good ol' Blademaster!
Equipment was a persistent concern for me. Quickblade's gimmick was never relevent but Pierce damage on Blademaster solves a lot of problems anyway. Was still a concern for me that I never got Katanas or the better Exotic Blades, definitely worried when I faced the Summoner with Quickblade and a Machete, but I guess it worked out still.
I had the Analytic Visor at one point, but it eventually got broken (which is why I have a dubiousz Helmet on).
I started speccing into Toxicologist so I could safely grab the ENV suit in Refueling Base... This was before I saw there was a Sealed Combat Helmet in there. Still don't fully regret it since puffing poison helped a lot. Ignored the Helmet to keep my bonus EXP instead, which is more dubious considering what happened to my Visor in the end.
Visited Infernal Lock but got screwed out of the special Mod.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Visited Shattered Abyss per usual but Soulstealer is typically underwhelming with Blademaster so didn't use it much if at all.

Crash Gordon, level 18 Technician,
defeated The Summoner against all odds.

He survived for 6123 turns.
The run time was 1h 41m 36s.
World seed was 64944.
He scored 4112 points.
He liked it HARD!
He was in a damn hurry!

CALLISTO L3 - Secure Vault
CALLISTO L3 -> Military Barracks
Military Barracks - Cleared!
EUROPA L2 - Volatile Storage
EUROPA L3 -> Refueling Base
Refueling Base - found Hate
Refueling Base - Cleared!
IO L2 - Exalted Summons
IO L3 -> Infernal Lock
Infernal Lock - Cleared!
The Shattered Abyss - Cleared!
The Shattered Abyss - found Soulstealer

  Conqueror Ribbon (+200)
   * Completed all encountered special levels
  Blind Luck Star (+50)
   * Won despite getting down to 1hp at some point
  Hasty Bronze Badge
   * Reach Io in the Haste Trial
  Hasty Silver Badge
   * Complete the Haste Trial
  Hasty Gold Badge
   * Complete the Haste Trial on Hard

He killed 340 out of 343 enemies.

 26 former grunts           14 ice fiends
 3  corrupted grunts        1  CalSec sentry
 1  former CRI grunt        3  security sentries
 5  former grenadiers       4  military sentries
 1  corrupted grenadier     5  CalSec bots
 10 former soldiers         1  security bot
 11 corrupted soldiers      5  military bots
 11 hellish soldiers        1  guardian bot
 1  former CRI soldier      15 reavers
 4  former sergeants        23 cryoreavers
 5  corrupted sergeants     7  toxic reavers
 1  hellish sergeant        20 archreavers
 3  former CRI sergeants    5  cryoberi
 10 former guards           6  toxiberi
 6  corrupted guards        3  medusae
 2  former commandoes       7  archmedusae
 6  corrupted commandoes    15 ravagers
 1  hellish commando        1  armored ravager
 2  former CRI commandoes   4  plasma ravagers
 1  corrupted heavy         7  CRI marines
 2  fanatics                9  CRI bots
 11 security drones         1  warlock
 2  combat drones           1  watcher
 14 fiends                  2  cryowatchers
 8  fire fiends

  Skilled L1
  Whizkid L3
  Powerjack L1
  Juggernaut L3
  Toxicologist L3
  Bladedancer L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : quickblade B2
   * Guard shield
   * Guarded 10
   * Alpha strike

  Slot #2 : AV1 machete P2A2
   * Ripper 5
   * Mechabane
   * Critical 25
   * Hunter 5
   * Exalted bane

  Slot #3 : Soulstealer
  Body : ENV armor PBA
   * Swift
   * Plated
   * Durable
   * Filtered
   * Fireproof
   * Heated

  Head : marine helmet P2B
   * Plated
   * Danger Monitor
   * Health Monitor

  Utility : AV3 melee AMP
   * Melee retaliation
   * Melee booster

  Relic :  - NONE -

  CRI backpack

  bulk mod pack
  bulk mod pack
  gas grenade (x3)
  gas grenade (x3)
  gas grenade (x2)
  EMP grenade (x1)
  krak grenade (x3)
  multitool (x5)
  combat pack (x2)
  military stimpack
  stimpack (x1)
  small medkit (x2)
  large medkit

It's been a long time, I had taken a big break from the game roughly when the full release came and it'd been multiple updates and a new computer since I had last played. I was slamming my head against Hard ones and only dying at various points... However I have pulled one off! And after all this time I still love Blademaster!

Warlock's Horn was a tricky decision with the EXP malus but i think it worked out in the end!
Equipment drops weren't quite ideal but I still managed to clutch it out in the end. Turns out the plasma swords really help Blademaster handle the endgame too!

Not sure why I'm credited with Prejudice and Conqueror, I entered Inferno by accident but then left immediately, I would have guessed that would disqualify me from both.

Crash Gordon, level 17 Technician,
defeated the Harbinger against all odds.

He survived for 7970 turns.
The run time was 1h 56m 51s.
World seed was 81019.
He scored 6163 points.
He liked it HARD!
He was an Angel of Berserk!

CALLISTO L2 - Lockdown
CALLISTO L2 -> Callisto Mines L1
Callisto Mines L1 - Infestation
Callisto Mines L3 - Secure Vault
Callisto Mines L3 -> Callisto Anomaly
Callisto Anomaly - Cleared!
EUROPA L3 -> Europa Dig Zone L1
Europa Dig Zone L1 - The Hunt
Europa Dig Zone L3 -> Tyre Outpost
Tyre Outpost - found Bloodletter
Tyre Outpost - Cleared!
IO L2 - Volatile Storage
IO L3 -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L2 -> Black Site Vaults
Black Site Vaults - Cleared!
The Shattered Abyss - Cleared!
The Shattered Abyss - found Soulstealer

  Medal of Prejudice (+200)
   * Won with 100% kills
  CRI Star (bronze cluster) (+50)
   * 25+ kills without taking damage
  Conqueror Ribbon (+200)
   * Completed all encountered special levels
  Berserker Gold Badge
   * Complete AoB on Hard

He killed 681 out of 681 enemies.

 33 former grunts           14 toxic fiends
 18 corrupted grunts        11 CalSec sentries
 1  former CRI grunt        5  security sentries
 6  former grenadiers       4  military sentries
 2  corrupted grenadiers    7  CalSec bots
 3  hellish grenadiers      1  security bot
 6  former soldiers         17 reavers
 18 corrupted soldiers      27 cryoreavers
 2  hellish soldiers        12 toxic reavers
 7  former CRI soldiers     37 archreavers
 6  former sergeants        6  kerberi
 4  hellish sergeants       4  cyberi
 4  former CRI sergeants    11 cryoberi
 1  CRI sergeant            2  toxiberi
 23 former guards           8  medusae
 2  corrupted guards        6  archmedusae
 4  former commandoes       10 ravagers
 7  corrupted commandoes    6  armored ravagers
 19 hellish commandoes      6  siege ravagers
 6  former CRI commandoes   17 plasma ravagers
 4  corrupted heavies       34 CRI marines
 2  hellish heavies         26 CRI bots
 3  fanatics                7  guardians
 17 security drones         4  sentinels
 2  combat drones           3  warlocks
 6  military drones         2  archwarlocks
 43 fiends                  3  watchers
 12 fire fiends             3  pyrowatchers
 22 ice fiends

  Whizkid L3
  Powerjack L1
  Juggernaut L3
  Toxicologist L3
  Bladedancer L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : CRI sword B2
   * Guard shield
   * Guarded 10
   * CRI
   * Momentum
   * Plasma blade

  Slot #2 : plasma katana
   * Poisoned 10
   * Electro-plasma blade

  Slot #3 : Soulstealer
  Body : AV2 marine armor PBA
   * Plated
   * Swift
   * Durable
   * Fire-resistant
   * Auto-med 10

  Head : ERI combat helmet PB2A
   * Heatvision 3
   * Durable
   * Health Monitor
   * Danger Monitor
   * Europan Recon Initiative

  Utility : AV3 melee AMP
   * Melee guard
   * Melee crit system

  Relic : warlocks's horn
   * Unholy Resistance

  Medusa's Curse
  Crystal skin

  gas grenade (x3)
  gas grenade (x3)
  EMP grenade (x3)
  EMP grenade (x1)
  krak grenade (x1)
  frag grenade (x1)
  large combat pack
  stimpack (x3)
  small medkit (x3)
  small medkit (x1)
  large medkit

I'd been trying this build on this challenge a few times now without success but now I finally did it! Not only my Lightfoot Gold earner and my first Assassinate win but also my first Scout win as any build other than Gun Kata!

I actually passed up or ended up ditching a lot of nice guns (JAC SMG, Storm SMG, Nail Gun, AV3 Sustain Rocket Launcher and 3 different Bio Launchers) because it seemed a lot better to focus on melee fully and not take up space with ammo here. Grenades and more healing seemed like a better use of my inventory.

Skill-wise I knew from experience that while Dodgemaster 1 is a good idea, 2 and 3 would be a waste. After that Skilled 1 (2 would be redundant, I had Silent and I don't think it stacks) and then Energy Leech 3 (wonderful synergy with Assassinate Level 3 and Silent - if you start with 30 Energy then you can Stealth and Assassinate twice and get most of that Energy back!). Dash 2 and 3 didn't do much here given I wasn't often running around un-stealthed with enemies around but I couldn't think of better uses for the perk points.

The Demonic Sword was actually pretty awesome here, doing great damage and a bit of welcome healing! Much better when your build is fully compatible with it unlike Blademaster.

Only didn't get 100% kills because I left Beyond L1 early due to getting confused by the teleporter sigil this time.

Crash Gordon, level 18 Scout, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 6306 turns.
The run time was 1h 39m 9s.
He scored 5810 points.
He liked it HARD!
He was an Angel of Light Travel!

CALLISTO L2 -> Valhalla Terminal L1
Valhalla Terminal L1 - Lockdown
Valhalla Terminal L3 -> Valhalla Command
Valhalla Command - cleared
EUROPA L3 - Volatile Storage
EUROPA L3 -> Europa Dig Zone L1
Europa Dig Zone L1 - The Hunt
Europa Dig Zone L3 -> Tyre Outpost
Tyre Outpost - cleared
IO L2 -> Mephitic Mines L1
Mephitic Mines L1 - Exalted Summons
Mephitic Mines L3 -> Noxious Hollow
Noxious Hollow - cleared
IO L6 - Secure Vault
The Shattered Abyss - cleared
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared
BEYOND L3 - Exalted Curse

  CRI Star (bronze cluster) (+25)
   * 25+ kills without taking damage
  Explorer Ribbon (+50)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
   * Completed all encountered special levels
  Lightfoot Gold Badge
   * Complete Angel of Light Travel on Hard

He killed 573 out of 598 enemies.

  9 corrupted commandos
  14 reavers
  26 ice fiends
  2 cybeross
  1 hellish sergeant
  28 fiends
  15 cryoreavers
  16 security drones
  6 military sentrys
  5 exalted ravagers
  6 toxibeross
  16 armored ravagers
  10 hellish soldiers
  6 corrupted grunts
  51 former grunts
  22 exalted reavers
  3 corrupted heavys
  6 exalted kerbeross
  1 combat drone
  2 kerbeross
  18 hellish commandos
  2 military bots
  7 CRI bots
  2 guardian bots
  7 plasma ravagers
  4 former CRI sergeants
  11 former guards
  8 former sergeants
  2 corrupted guards
  11 CRI marines
  21 ravagers
  8 corrupted sergeants
  4 fire fiends
  4 former CRI grunts
  1 Summoner
  1 siege ravager
  8 turrets
  1 former heavy
  12 cryobeross
  2 former commandos
  11 CalSec bots
  3 security bots
  9 former CRI commandos
  38 toxic reavers
  37 archreavers
  9 exalted soldiers
  13 exalted fiends
  6 security sentrys
  11 rocket turrets
  10 CalSec sentrys
  1 Swordmaster
  13 corrupted soldiers
  11 former soldiers
  2 hellish heavys
  16 former CRI soldiers
  13 toxic fiends

  Skilled L1
  Dash L3
  Hellrunner L3
  Executioner L3
  Dodgemaster L1
  Energy leech L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : AV3 katana BA
   * Resilient
   * Guard shield
   * Guarded 15
   * Deadly 20

  Slot #2 : demonic sword
   * Frenzy 10
   * Vampiric 5

  Slot #3 : chainsaw +PA
   * Ripper 5
   * Auto-calibrating 0%
   * Resilient

  Body    : AV3 combat armor BA
   * Durable
   * Swift
   * Compartments
   * Silent

  Head    : ENV helmet P
   * Danger Monitor
   * Heatvision 6
   * Darkvision
   * Sealed
   * Fire-resistant
   * Padded

  Utility : AV2 utility AMP
   * Metabolic boost
   * Energetic

  gas grenade (x3)
  krak grenade (x1)
  CRI phase kit (x3)
  multitool (x2)
  stimpack (x3)
  small medkit (x2)

This was a weird one, all through the run I was getting conflicting ideas on equipment and mods. Mostly I was trying to focus on Semi-Autos and Shotguns, which seemed to work well with Angry Motherfucker.

I accidentally delayed Suvivor L1 because I took Whizkid when I should've taken Tough as Nails. Whoops!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Crash Gordon, level 17 Marine, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 9243 turns.
The run time was 1h 51m 30s.
He scored 4229 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.
He was an Angel of Vampirism!

CALLISTO L2 - Lockdown
CALLISTO L2 -> Mimir Habitat L1
Mimir Habitat L3 - Low Power
Mimir Habitat L3 -> CalSec Central
CalSec Central - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Europa Ruins L1
Europa Ruins L1 - Exalted Summons
Europa Ruins L3 -> Frozen Temple
Frozen Temple - cleared
IO L2 - Volatile Storage
Io Nexus -> Shadow Halls L1
Shadow Halls L2 -> Dark Cathedral
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared
BEYOND L3 - Exalted Curse

  Explorer Ribbon (+50)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Blood Bronze Badge
   * Reach Io on Angel of Vampirism
  Blood Silver Badge
   * Complete Angel of Vampirism

He killed 479 out of 493 enemies.

  24 archreavers
  6 corrupted grunts
  32 fiends
  8 plasma ravagers
  2 military bots
  14 exalted fiends
  8 rocket turrets
  15 turrets
  4 military sentrys
  8 security sentrys
  1 former CRI grunt
  3 CalSec bots
  3 exalted reavers
  5 former CRI soldiers
  1 Summoner
  9 exalted kerbeross
  6 corrupted sergeants
  12 ravagers
  4 combat drones
  13 former soldiers
  14 former guards
  4 fire fiends
  5 siege ravagers
  7 former sergeants
  6 exalted soldiers
  9 cryobeross
  3 corrupted heavys
  20 CRI marines
  8 hellish soldiers
  6 military drones
  4 former CRI commandos
  11 corrupted soldiers
  8 hellish commandos
  70 former grunts
  8 toxic reavers
  25 ice fiends
  6 former CRI sergeants
  7 armored ravagers
  1 CRI bot
  27 reavers
  7 corrupted commandos
  3 toxic fiends
  9 security drones
  22 cryoreavers
  5 kerbeross
  5 former commandos
  6 CalSec sentrys
  2 toxibeross
  5 security bots

  Ironman L3
  Hellrunner L1
  Tough as Nails L2
  Army Surplus L1
  Whizkid L3
  Angry Motherfucker L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : 7.62 sniper rifle P2AC
   * Freezing 2
   * Ripper 4
   * Hunter 4
   * Critical 25

  Slot #2 : 12ga super shotgun +B
   * Auto-calibrated
   * Second chamber
   * Rinse, Repeat
   * Critical 30

  Slot #3 : chainsaw B
   * Swap Harness

  Body    : duramesh scout armor BA
   * Loading feed
   * Critical 10
   * Duramesh
   * Meshed

  Head    : marine helmet PA
   * Critical 10
   * Crit Enhancer 25

  Utility : AV3 shotgun AMP
   * Shotgun pellet boost
   * Shotgun booster

  12ga shell (x50)
  12ga shell (x50)
  12ga shell (x48)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x93)
  accuracy mod pack
  plasma grenade (x1)
  krak grenade (x1)
  smoke grenade (x3)
  CRI phase kit (x1)
  multitool (x1)

As the title says, I manged to bum rush through this challenge on the first try!

I did have some close calls regarding my health mostly, and sometimes my ammo but I managed to scrape through regardless!

I was informed that Gun Kata was the natural choice between how your inventory will naturally be full of ammo and the sheer dodge saving you healing later on, it definitely seemed to work out that way.

I was mostly on my usual track with SoG 2 and Gunslinger 2, Hoarder, Hellrunner and GUn Kata 1 on time but the nice drops pushed me into early Hoarder and particular finding an early JAC SMG had me thinking about Scavenger so I held the point until Valhalla Command and finding a Deagle there settled the issue... Unfortunately for all the 9mm I turned into .44, I could still tell dual-wielding the Deagle and JAC full-time wouldn't be sustainable, thankfully I quickly found a 7.62 SMG and pairing one of those with the Deagle, keeping 7.62 and Scavenging the rest into .44 worked a treat. I kept holding onto the JAC regardless but it was mostly a 7.62 SMG in Slot 1 (I went through four: a baseline, then an AV2, then a Freezing AV3 and finally the Disruptive CRI I ended with) and a Deagle in Slot 2 (I replaced the first one when I found a Deadly one in CRI Armory).

Every time I came across a Health Station I chose to increase my max HP, due to a lack of Multitools to use it properly for other purposes. I think I ended with 120 max Health! I also had particular mod-priorities for everything according to the WK0 limits I had: Auto-calibrating most weapons to use up the spare terminal charge and if they still had a slot then Calibrated was the first choice. Headgear wanted Danger Monitor and if AV traits permitted Health Monitor, Armor wanted Swift mostly.

I got some nice gear, since Dig Zone was available I went there (was thinking Biolabs if it wasn't there) and since I already had Infiltration Armor, I built a Combat Helmet there that ended up with Sealed, which was welcome but i would still end up ditching it for the Blast Helmet seen below since that seemed like it would be more helpful.

CRI Labs was a tricky choice, I wasn't sure how well I would do there but since Black Site didn't show up and I had 3 Keycards I felt like I had to... The fact Gun Kata would really enjoy the CRI Armor tipped me other the edge. While I had some really gnarly health scares in the preceding levels of the branch, CRI Armory wasn't that bad and I got a good share of my endgame gear there so I feel confident in my choice actually!

Aside from that, I'm kinda surprised at the number of grenades I hoarded, I guess since MGK really doesn't want to stop moving and has such intense offensive force I didn't think to use them that often. Still don't really regret it per se, but something I'll keep in mind for higher difficulties would be to think of throwing my 'nades more if I've got them.

Crash Gordon, level 18 Scout, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 9830 turns.
The run time was 2h 1m 41s.
He scored 4675 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.
He was an Angel of Impatience!

CALLISTO L3 -> Valhalla Terminal L1
Valhalla Terminal L3 - Low Power
Valhalla Terminal L3 -> Valhalla Command
Valhalla Command - cleared
EUROPA L2 - Infestation
EUROPA L3 -> Europa Dig Zone L1
Europa Dig Zone L2 - Exalted Curse
Europa Dig Zone L3 -> Tyre Outpost
Tyre Outpost - cleared
IO L2 -> CRI Laboratory L1
CRI Laboratory L2 - Low Power
CRI Laboratory L3 -> CRI Armory
CRI Armory - cleared
BEYOND L2 - Exalted Summons
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared

  Medal of Prejudice (+200)
   * Won with 100% kills
  CRI Star (bronze cluster) (+25)
   * 25+ kills without taking damage
  Explorer Ribbon (+50)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
   * Completed all encountered special levels
  Eagerness Bronze Badge
   * Reach Io on Angel of Impatience
  Eagerness Silver Badge
   * Complete Angel of Impatience

He killed 500 out of 500 enemies.

  3 corrupted commandos
  18 reavers
  14 ice fiends
  1 CRI bot MkII
  6 cybeross
  2 CRI sergeants
  1 hellish sergeant
  23 fiends
  19 CRI turrets
  10 cryoreavers
  16 security drones
  4 military sentrys
  4 toxibeross
  9 armored ravagers
  4 hellish soldiers
  6 corrupted grunts
  1 CRI heavy
  51 former grunts
  12 exalted reavers
  2 corrupted heavys
  6 CRI soldiers
  4 combat drones
  4 kerbeross
  8 hellish commandos
  28 CRI bots
  1 guardian bot
  4 plasma ravagers
  2 former CRI sergeants
  13 former guards
  11 former sergeants
  23 CRI marines
  6 ravagers
  1 corrupted sergeant
  6 fire fiends
  1 former CRI grunt
  1 Summoner
  4 siege ravagers
  7 turrets
  7 cryobeross
  5 former commandos
  7 CalSec bots
  1 security bot
  5 former CRI commandos
  8 toxic reavers
  8 CRI guards
  38 archreavers
  6 exalted soldiers
  3 exalted fiends
  5 security sentrys
  11 rocket turrets
  6 CalSec sentrys
  11 corrupted soldiers
  15 CRI grunts
  12 former soldiers
  3 hellish heavys
  12 former CRI soldiers
  8 toxic fiends

  Dash L3
  Hellrunner L3
  Son of a Gun L3
  Hoarder L1
  Dodgemaster L1
  Gunslinger L2
  Scavenger L1

Trait order

  Slot #1 : CRI 7.62 riot SMG +
   * Auto-calibrating 50%
   * Antiriot
   * Disruptive 4

  Slot #2 : .44 deagle +
   * Auto-calibrating 82%
   * Unflinching aim
   * Deadly 8

  Slot #3 : JAC .44 SMG +
   * Auto-calibrating 96%
   * Splatter

  Body    : CRI combat armor A
   * Swift

  Head    : blast helmet P
   * Danger Monitor
   * Blast shield
   * Health Monitor

  Utility : AV3 pistol AMP
   * Pistol accelerator
   * Pistol booster

  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x80)
  .44 ammo (x39)
  plasma grenade (x1)
  gas grenade (x3)
  gas grenade (x3)
  gas grenade (x1)
  krak grenade (x2)
  smoke grenade (x3)
  smoke grenade (x2)

This was tricky compared to on Medium, particularly bots were so much more of a problem...

But now I did it! A lot from getting VERY fortunate with drops.

Amusingly, I was taking care towards the end to stay stocked up on healing, stay at 160 Max HP and level Field Medic due to some paranoia from previous runs where I ran out of healing towards the end, but as you an see, I was overflowing with healing and stomped the end. :P

My biggest takeaway though? Auto-Shotguns are your friend! Quite underrated since towards the end the Dual and Exotics will usually be better but early on getting one (either an AV from a Mk2 station or just a baseline from a Mk1 station) can be SO helpful. That spammability is hard to beat, especially with Second Chamber! And of course, Getting a nice AV3 one from Tyre Outpost can really last you!

Crash Gordon, level 18 Marine, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 9488 turns.
The run time was 1h 39m 28s.
He scored 5948 points.
He liked it HARD!
He was an Angel of Shotgunnery!

CALLISTO L3 - Volatile Storage
CALLISTO L3 -> Callisto Mines L1
Callisto Mines L3 - Exalted Summons
Callisto Mines L3 -> Callisto Anomaly
Callisto Anomaly - cleared
EUROPA L2 - Volatile Storage
EUROPA L2 -> Europa Dig Zone L1
Europa Dig Zone L2 - The Hunt
Europa Dig Zone L3 -> Tyre Outpost
Tyre Outpost - cleared
EUROPA L6 - Secure Vault
Io Nexus - Infestation
Io Nexus -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L1 - Volatile Storage
Io Black Site L2 -> Black Site Vaults
Black Site Vaults - cleared
BEYOND L2 - The Hunt
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared

  Medal of Prejudice (+200)
   * Won with 100% kills
  Explorer Ribbon (+50)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
   * Completed all encountered special levels
  Shottyman Gold Badge
   * Complete AoSh on Hard

He killed 609 out of 609 enemies.

  43 archreavers
  11 plasma ravagers
  3 corrupted grunts
  24 fiends
  21 exalted fiends
  15 rocket turrets
  38 turrets
  9 security sentrys
  4 former CRI grunts
  7 CalSec bots
  6 exalted reavers
  4 CRI soldiers
  1 former CRI soldier
  1 Summoner
  11 exalted kerbeross
  6 corrupted sergeants
  3 hellish sergeants
  20 ravagers
  12 former soldiers
  16 former guards
  15 fire fiends
  8 siege ravagers
  7 former sergeants
  8 exalted soldiers
  7 cryobeross
  4 corrupted heavys
  8 CRI marines
  2 guardian bots
  19 hellish soldiers
  2 hellish heavys
  2 former CRI commandos
  23 corrupted soldiers
  2 former CRI heavys
  25 hellish commandos
  47 former grunts
  22 toxic reavers
  18 ice fiends
  2 former CRI sergeants
  9 armored ravagers
  9 CRI bots
  14 reavers
  3 toxic fiends
  1 CRI heavy
  18 corrupted commandos
  17 cybeross
  1 CRI sergeant
  6 security drones
  19 cryoreavers
  11 kerbeross
  5 former commandos
  3 CalSec sentrys
  14 toxibeross
  8 security bots

  Ironman L2
  Reloader L3
  Army Surplus L3
  Field Medic L3
  Whizkid L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : AV3 12ga auto-shotgun B2A
   * Stabilized 1
   * Autoloader
   * Second chamber
   * Critical 40
   * Freezing 2

  Slot #2 : 12ga elephant gun B2
   * Second chamber
   * Autoloader
   * Concussion
   * Barbed 5

  Slot #3 : AV3 12ga auto-shotgun
   * Cleaner 12
   * Vampiric 2

  Body    : AV3 combat armor PBA
   * Critical 10
   * Acid shield
   * Durable
   * Loading feed
   * Powered

  Head    : AV3 combat helmet PBA
   * Durable
   * Critical 10
   * Crit Enhancer 25
   * Plated
   * Target tracking

  Utility : AV3 shotgun AMP
   * Shotgun spread control
   * Shotgun crit system

  12ga shell (x50)
  12ga shell (x50)
  12ga shell (x50)
  12ga shell (x38)
  plasma grenade (x3)
  gas grenade (x3)
  CRI phase kit (x3)
  stimpack (x3)
  small medkit (x3)
  small medkit (x3)
  large medkit
  large medkit

This took more attempts than I would have liked for something that shouldn't be THAT difficult, mostly just issues with either getting things stuck in my face or accidentally blowing myself up. The big things this run:

1) I got an AV3 Rocket Launcher with Toxic from CalSec Central, which was my main weapon for this run. It was quite useful but putting it to use without Sealed was often scary, I kept having to avoid my own poison. Biolabs didn't show up this run so the ENV suit was out too. :( I ended up getting an Adrenal Helmet with Filtered that helped a bit with partial protection and being able to clear poison with Adrenaline.
2) When I got to Beyond, the Toxic Reavers and Toxberoses were a real pain with ignoring my Poison (and thus much of the damage I was doing) as well as getting up in my face. It made Beyond L1 harder than it should have been and it made me bail out of Beyond L3 early, as well as leading to...
3) The final battle ended up being tricky because the above enemies getting spawned, I ended up basically corned at the end with no more medkits, low health and the final boss too close for comfort, I ended up blowing him up seemingly at the same time as myself leading to a weird sequence of the death screen, then "CONNECTION LOST", the Beyond episode end screen, my score listed as a win and (while I didn't get a notification) I appear to have the Rocket Gold Badge and GOG Achievement. Though it DID seem to wipe my armor, Inventory and slot 1 (equipped) weapon in my Mortem, which is why that might seem odd.

Crash Gordon, level 17 Marine, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 9627 turns.
The run time was 1h 58m 7s.
He scored 5676 points.
He liked it HARD!
He was an Angel of Carnage!

CALLISTO L2 - Volatile Storage
CALLISTO L2 -> Mimir Habitat L1
Mimir Habitat L2 - Low Power
Mimir Habitat L3 - Secure Vault
Mimir Habitat L3 -> CalSec Central
CalSec Central - cleared
EUROPA L3 -> Europa Dig Zone L1
Europa Dig Zone L3 - Exalted Summons
Europa Dig Zone L3 -> Tyre Outpost
Tyre Outpost - cleared
IO L2 -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L2 - Secure Vault
Io Black Site L3 -> Black Site Vaults
Black Site Vaults - cleared
IO L6 - Lockdown
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared
BEYOND L3 - The Hunt

  Explorer Ribbon (+50)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
   * Completed all encountered special levels

He killed 591 out of 596 enemies.

  10 corrupted commandos
  17 reavers
  17 ice fiends
  4 cybeross
  4 hellish sergeants
  27 fiends
  22 cryoreavers
  15 security drones
  4 military sentrys
  8 exalted ravagers
  11 toxibeross
  15 armored ravagers
  21 hellish soldiers
  3 corrupted grunts
  38 former grunts
  7 exalted reavers
  6 corrupted heavys
  4 combat drones
  3 exalted kerbeross
  3 kerbeross
  9 hellish commandos
  8 CRI bots
  1 guardian bot
  3 plasma ravagers
  4 former CRI sergeants
  28 former guards
  5 former sergeants
  2 corrupted guards
  6 CRI marines
  24 ravagers
  1 corrupted sergeant
  16 fire fiends
  1 former CRI grunt
  1 Summoner
  7 siege ravagers
  38 turrets
  8 cryobeross
  1 former commando
  2 military drones
  5 CalSec bots
  4 security bots
  4 former CRI commandos
  17 toxic reavers
  49 archreavers
  16 exalted soldiers
  30 exalted fiends
  4 security sentrys
  12 rocket turrets
  8 CalSec sentrys
  20 corrupted soldiers
  17 former soldiers
  4 hellish heavys
  3 former CRI soldiers
  7 toxic fiends

  Ironman L2
  Hellrunner L3
  Reloader L3
  Army Surplus L1
  Field Medic L1
  Whizkid L3

Trait order

  Slot #1- NONE -
  Slot #2 : CRI bio launcher
   * Epidemic

  Slot #3 : CRI bio launcher
   * Epidemic

  Body    :  - NONE -
  Head    :  - NONE -
  Utility :  - NONE -


Post Mortem / [0.9.9b|H|Ma|YAAM] Rockin' HARDcore!
« on: May 14, 2021, 17:59 »
So I got my first Hard mode victory after struggling to get a handle on things and bouncing between multiple builds.

Ended up trying Onslaught! Very fun and flexible-ish Master.

Some little comments:
1) My inventory was overflowing much of the run after I "got going" and I modded the crap out of everything to a degree where I ran out of places to put mods.
2) For a while I had a Vampiric AV3 9mm Auto Rifle, it was replaced with the Pierce Rifle you see here later on since I had a Vampiric Mod burning a hole in my pocket after Infernal Lock.
3) I meant to go to Black Site but I spent the required Multitool earlier on that same level, whoops. :( Should've left a spot on my Chaingun for a fancy mod too instead of Auto-Calibration. Oh well.
4) With everything in place, I seemed surpringly ammo efficient, I probably could've done with holding fewer stacks of ammo or skipping Efficient but I don't know, better safe than sorry I figure.

And a note on the final boss...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Crash Gordon, level 17 Marine, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 10567 turns.
The run time was 2h 14m 39s.
He scored 5942 points.
He liked it HARD!

CALLISTO L2 -> Valhalla Terminal L1
Valhalla Terminal L2 - Lockdown
Valhalla Terminal L3 -> Valhalla Command
Valhalla Command - cleared
EUROPA L2 - Low Power
EUROPA L2 -> Europa Dig Zone L1
Europa Dig Zone L2 - Exalted Summons
Europa Dig Zone L3 -> Tyre Outpost
Tyre Outpost - cleared
Io Nexus - Infestation
IO L5 -> Infernal Lock
Infernal Lock - cleared
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared
BEYOND L3 - Exalted Summons

  Medal of Prejudice (+200)
   * Won with 100% kills
  Explorer Ribbon (+50)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
   * Completed all encountered special levels
  JoviSec Gold Badge
   * Win a game on at least HARD

He killed 604 out of 604 enemies.

  8 corrupted commandos
  12 reavers
  18 ice fiends
  15 cybeross
  3 hellish sergeants
  22 fiends
  15 cryoreavers
  15 security drones
  4 military sentrys
  5 exalted ravagers
  4 toxibeross
  11 armored ravagers
  15 hellish soldiers
  6 corrupted grunts
  83 former grunts
  16 exalted reavers
  2 corrupted heavys
  2 combat drones
  3 exalted kerbeross
  13 kerbeross
  8 hellish commandos
  6 military bots
  5 CRI bots
  2 guardian bots
  11 plasma ravagers
  2 former CRI sergeants
  21 former guards
  7 former sergeants
  2 corrupted guards
  15 CRI marines
  17 ravagers
  3 corrupted sergeants
  12 fire fiends
  1 former CRI grunt
  1 Summoner
  10 siege ravagers
  18 turrets
  11 cryobeross
  4 former commandos
  9 CalSec bots
  5 security bots
  4 former CRI commandos
  20 toxic reavers
  29 archreavers
  2 exalted soldiers
  20 exalted fiends
  8 security sentrys
  15 rocket turrets
  8 CalSec sentrys
  19 corrupted soldiers
  27 former soldiers
  3 hellish heavys
  3 former CRI soldiers
  8 toxic fiends

  Hellrunner L3
  Sustained fire L3
  Army Surplus L3
  Whizkid L3
  Angry Motherfucker L1

Trait order

  Slot #1 : AV3 chaingun +PB
   * Molten 1
   * Auto-calibrated
   * Efficient
   * Precise
   * Poisoned 4
   * Spin-up

  Slot #2 : 7.62 pierce rifle VE
   * Disruptive 3
   * Vampiric 3
   * Anti-armor
   * Calibrated 2

  Slot #3 : JAC .44 SMG PB
   * Molten 1
   * Efficient
   * Splatter

  Body    : medi-fiber armor B2
   * Durable
   * Loading feed
   * Medi-fiber
   * Swift

  Head    : AV3 combat helmet B2A
   * Health Monitor
   * Heatvision 3
   * Durable
   * Plated
   * Sealed

  Utility : AV2 auto AMP
   * Auto accelerator
   * Automatic reloader

  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x64)
  .44 ammo (x50)
  .44 ammo (x50)
  .44 ammo (x35)
  plasma grenade (x3)
  gas grenade (x1)
  CRI phase kit (x3)
  multitool (x1)
  large medkit
  large medkit

I found this challenge generally wasn't bad except for the painful earlygame. Once you've got Bladedancer and a pair of knives it stops hurting so bad and from there it totally snowballs. Running into a Mk2 Manufacture Station on Callisto 6 and picking up a pair of AV2 Katanas did me some favors too. ;)

For my route choices, I went with Mimir Habitat for hopes for an ADV blade (and I got one! AV3 Machete I think it was, but I didn't use it for long because of the aforementioned Katanas), Biolabs for the ENV armor and then CRI Labs because I had like 5 Keycards!

I ended up with more mods than I could physically put on all of my gear, so I ended up dumping them.

I didn't get 100% kills because I kept getting crashes on CRI Labs 2 when I walked into an area near a particular turret, thankfully it saved a file both time sbut I eneded up just running to Armory quickly on the third boot up.

I also kept running into awesome Exotic guns I couldn't use befcause of the challenge. :|

Crash Gordon, level 18 Technician, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 9584 turns.
The run time was 1h 50m 12s.
He scored 4531 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.
He was an Angel of Berserk!

CALLISTO L2 - Low Power
CALLISTO L2 -> Mimir Habitat L1
Mimir Habitat L1 - Lockdown
Mimir Habitat L3 -> CalSec Central
CalSec Central - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1 - Low Power
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L3 -> Containment Area
Containment Area - cleared
Io Nexus -> CRI Laboratory L1
CRI Laboratory L1 - Lockdown
CRI Laboratory L2 -> CRI Armory
CRI Armory - cleared
The Shattered Abyss - cleared
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared
BEYOND L3 - Exalted Summons

  Explorer Ribbon (+50)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
   * Completed all encountered special levels
  Berserker Bronze Badge
   * Reach Io on Angel of Berserk
  Berserker Silver Badge
   * Complete Angel of Berserk (AoB)

He killed 481 out of 482 enemies.

  8 corrupted commandos
  22 reavers
  21 ice fiends
  9 CRI commandos
  1 CRI bot MkII
  6 CRI sergeants
  1 hellish sergeant
  21 fiends
  13 CRI turrets
  9 cryoreavers
  23 security drones
  3 exalted ravagers
  6 toxibeross
  6 armored ravagers
  5 hellish soldiers
  3 corrupted grunts
  53 former grunts
  11 exalted reavers
  1 corrupted heavy
  4 CRI soldiers
  2 combat drones
  1 kerberos
  1 hellish commando
  19 CRI bots
  1 guardian bot
  10 plasma ravagers
  3 former CRI sergeants
  14 former guards
  9 former sergeants
  2 corrupted guards
  34 CRI marines
  14 ravagers
  2 corrupted sergeants
  12 fire fiends
  4 former CRI grunts
  1 Summoner
  6 siege ravagers
  2 former CRI heavys
  15 turrets
  1 former heavy
  5 cryobeross
  4 CalSec bots
  3 security bots
  2 former CRI commandos
  10 toxic reavers
  3 CRI guards
  28 archreavers
  6 exalted soldiers
  6 exalted fiends
  7 security sentrys
  13 rocket turrets
  11 CalSec sentrys
  1 Swordmaster
  9 corrupted soldiers
  11 former soldiers
  1 former CRI soldier
  3 toxic fiends

  Whizkid L3
  Powerjack L2
  Juggernaut L3
  Toxicologist L3
  Bladedancer L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : AV3 katana PBA
   * Guard shield
   * Hunter 5
   * Critical 25
   * Guarded 15
   * Freezing 2

  Slot #2 : AV2 katana +PB
   * Surrounded
   * Hunter 5
   * Auto-calibrated
   * Ripper 30
   * Resilient

  Slot #3 : demonic sword
   * Frenzy 10
   * Vampiric 5

  Body    : CRI combat armor PBA
   * Plated
   * Metabolic boost
   * Durable

  Head    : vaporscan helmet PB
   * Durable
   * Plated
   * Smoke screamer

  Utility : AV2 utility AMP
   * Auto-med 10
   * Powerful

  plasma grenade (x1)
  gas grenade (x3)
  gas grenade (x1)
  frag grenade (x2)
  CRI phase kit (x1)
  multitool (x5)
  stimpack (x3)
  stimpack (x2)
  small medkit (x2)
  large medkit
  red keycard (x2)

Post Mortem / [0.9.9a|M|AoH|Te|YAAM] FINALLY beat Hubris!
« on: May 12, 2021, 10:58 »
I struggled against this challenge for so long, after banging my head against it for so long I finally managed to squeak past it this time!

I had settled on Entrenchment for my build for this since it's what got me the furthest in before now, always picking the Gatling and opening with all three levels of Whizkid to get Loading Feed and Efficient, then the prerequisites for MEN, after that working on Toxicologist.

Some notes:
1) I like this Mastery generally. :)
1a) Someone mentioned using multi-shell-per-shot Shotguns like the Plasma, Dual or Frag with this Master due to the ammo cost reduction. While it did work even at level one, the gun wouldn't fire with 1 Shell left. Maybe I could get 3 shots out of one with Second Chamber depending on how it works but it didn't work alone.
2) This challenge is a real pain in general...
3) Since I got an EMP Mod, I decided to skip Infernal Lock and go to Black Site instead, even without spare keycards. Worked out fine except I went to the wrong vault. Whoops.
4) I had some real close calls with getting my Armor destroyed and running out of healing in Beyond L1. I managed to get new armor and find just enough healing to survive but still never had a surplus of medkits again. :(
5) Toxicologist was really helpful in places, even without Wizard!

Crash Gordon, level 13 Technician, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 6055 turns.
The run time was 1h 0m 55s.
He scored 4077 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.
He was an Angel of Hubris!

IO L3 -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L1 - Exalted Summons
Io Black Site L2 -> Black Site Vaults
Black Site Vaults - cleared
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared
BEYOND L3 - Exalted Summons

  Medal of Prejudice (+200)
   * Won with 100% kills
  Untouchable Ribbon (+50)
   * Won taking less than 1000 damage
  Hubristic Silver Badge
   * Complete Angel of Hubris (AoH)

He killed 227 out of 227 enemies.

  4 CRI bots
  33 archreavers
  6 hellish soldiers
  11 ravagers
  21 turrets
  3 exalted kerbeross
  6 exalted fiends
  1 former CRI grunt
  25 reavers
  9 fire fiends
  2 hellish sergeants
  3 former CRI commandos
  3 cybeross
  4 military drones
  11 rocket turrets
  6 hellish commandos
  3 exalted ravagers
  2 military sentrys
  1 Summoner
  12 CRI marines
  5 toxic fiends
  5 kerbeross
  6 former CRI soldiers
  4 former CRI sergeants
  15 toxic reavers
  8 armored ravagers
  6 siege ravagers
  9 exalted reavers
  7 plasma ravagers
  6 CRI guards

  Whizkid L3
  Powerjack L1
  Cover Master L2
  Sustained fire L1
  Toxicologist L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : 7.62 gatling BE
   * Efficient
   * Disruptive 3
   * Peacekeeper
   * Spin-up

  Slot #2 : AV1 plasma shotgun
   * Autoloader

  Slot #3 : AV3 12ga auto-shotgun
   * Calibrated 2
   * Sustain

  Body    : AV2 combat armor B
   * Durable
   * Auto-med 10
   * Loading feed

  Head    : blast helmet B
   * Durable
   * Blast shield

  Utility : AV2 utility AMP
   * Powerful
   * Metabolic boost

  energy cell (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x75)
  EMP grenade (x3)
  EMP grenade (x2)
  CRI phase kit (x1)
  multitool (x3)

I kept trying this challenge with attempts at various builds, but generally died of either attrition or getting surrounded and screwed over.

It's just that you start the challenge so weak and the extra items don't compensate nearly enough, that it's hard to survive at all.

This time I picked Blademaster (it takes off quickly and it's reliable enough getting what you need) and I managed to luck out of some tough situations and get a manufacturing station right before Asterius Habitat (Making a pair of katanas - the first one came out with Guarded 5 so I rolled the dice again and got a better one that stayed in slot 1 for the rest of the game, relegating the worse one to slot 2 until I replaced it). The simple combo of a nice katana and Bladedancer 3 seemed to turn things around enough to let me replenish supplies.

After I geared up further in Asterius Breach and got my Master, I really snowballed.

I picked Black Site since I had a pair of spare keycards, since I could skip the ammo station that meant I could otherwise clear it out!

Until I got the Demonic Sword, I kept a backup gun in slot 3, but that wasn't really helpful after a while.

I ended the final level prematurely due to melee-moving, whoops. I don't know if I actually had 100% kills before that though.

Crash Gordon, level 16 Technician, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 7397 turns.
The run time was 1h 34m 24s.
He scored 4328 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.
He was an Angel of Confidence!

EUROPA L3 - Volatile Storage
Europa Concourse -> Asterius Habitat L1
Asterius Habitat L2 -> Asterius Breach
Asterius Breach - cleared
IO L3 -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L1 - Low Power
Io Black Site L2 -> Black Site Vaults
Black Site Vaults - cleared
The Shattered Abyss - cleared
BEYOND L2 - Exalted Summons
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared

  Explorer Ribbon (+50)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
   * Completed all encountered special levels
  Confident Bronze Badge
   * Reach Io on Angel of Confidence
  Confident Silver Badge
   * Complete Angel of Confidence (AoCo)

He killed 378 out of 394 enemies.

  1 Swordmaster
  1 former CRI soldier
  19 reavers
  2 hellish soldiers
  27 ice fiends
  11 corrupted soldiers
  32 turrets
  3 exalted soldiers
  3 exalted fiends
  6 armored ravagers
  12 plasma ravagers
  6 siege ravagers
  6 CRI bots
  6 CRI marines
  5 exalted ravagers
  1 Summoner
  16 fiends
  9 fire fiends
  26 toxic reavers
  2 former CRI guards
  9 corrupted grunts
  8 ravagers
  34 archreavers
  15 toxic fiends
  4 former CRI grunts
  9 hellish commandos
  7 corrupted commandos
  6 corrupted sergeants
  8 security bots
  1 hellish sergeant
  7 corrupted heavys
  2 military bots
  6 military sentrys
  2 kerbeross
  21 security sentrys
  4 military drones
  3 exalted kerbeross
  1 former CRI sergeant
  2 cryobeross
  5 toxibeross
  14 rocket turrets
  4 combat drones
  11 cryoreavers
  11 cybeross

  Skilled L2
  Whizkid L2
  Juggernaut L3
  Sysop L2
  Bladedancer L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : AV2 katana PB2A
   * Critical 25
   * Vampiric 1
   * Disruptive 3
   * Guarded 10
   * Frenzy 5
   * Deadly 5

  Slot #2 : AV3 katana PB
   * Disruptive 3
   * Vampiric 1
   * Momentum
   * Surrounded
   * Resilient

  Slot #3 : demonic sword
   * Frenzy 10
   * Vampiric 5

  Body    : AV3 combat armor A
   * Critical 10
   * Durable
   * Auto-med 6
   * Heated

  Head    : AV1 combat helmet B3A
   * Health Monitor
   * Tech Monitor
   * Critical 10
   * Durable
   * Plated

  Utility : AV2 auto AMP
   * Auto target tracking
   * Auto speed-loader

  plasma grenade (x2)
  gas grenade (x3)
  gas grenade (x1)
  krak grenade (x2)
  frag grenade (x1)
  smoke grenade (x3)
  CRI phase kit (x2)
  stimpack (x2)
  large medkit

This is pretty simple, Army of Darkness and super-modding really made this a breeze.

Traits: Reloader first naturally, to help me until I got Autoloader, then Army Surplus/Whizkid (just for Whizkid, the sheer glut of ammo made Amy Surplus irrelevant here), Ironman on Level 7 just for the prerequisite. After/between Mastery levels, I decided to mix in Hellrunner seemed appropriate given the movement Autoloader makes me do anyway, but my habit of stopping to double-tap enemies (thanks to Second Chamber) probably diminished it. Then I filled up the rest of Ironman and one level of Field Medic for the extra health/healing, just since I didn't feel like I particularly needed anything.

Equipment: Early on I fitted my initial Shotgun with "obviously earlygame" perks like Cleaner and Calibrated, planning to strip it when I found a Dual Shotgun, which I would fit with more lategame-focused stuff. I did so, then later was lucky enough to find a Jackhammer, but it took me until Limbo to find another Tech station to move my DS's mods to it. I got myself some modded-up AV3 Combat Armor and Combat Helmet that I made sure to keep topped off, taking them to the end of the game.

Overall, a real relief after all the grief AoMr gave me!

Crash Gordon, level 17 Marine, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 8975 turns.
The run time was 2h 0m 34s.
He scored 4693 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.
He was an Angel of Shotgunnery!

CALLISTO L5 - Low Power
CALLISTO L5 -> Callisto Docking Bay
Callisto Docking Bay - cleared
EUROPA L3 -> Europa Dig Zone L1
Europa Dig Zone L1 - Exalted Summons
Europa Dig Zone L3 -> Tyre Outpost
Tyre Outpost - cleared
IO L3 -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L2 -> Black Site Vaults
Black Site Vaults - cleared
BEYOND L2 - Exalted Summons
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared

  Medal of Prejudice (+200)
   * Won with 100% kills
  CRI Star (bronze cluster) (+25)
   * 25+ kills without taking damage
  Explorer Ribbon (+50)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
   * Completed all encountered special levels
  Shottyman Bronze Badge
   * Reach Io on Angel of Shotgunnery
  Shottyman Silver Badge
   * Complete Angel of Shotgunnery (AoSh)

He killed 518 out of 518 enemies.

  37 archreavers
  3 plasma ravagers
  46 fiends
  12 corrupted grunts
  3 exalted fiends
  2 military bots
  29 turrets
  11 rocket turrets
  2 former CRI guards
  1 former CRI grunt
  4 security sentrys
  9 CalSec bots
  5 former CRI soldiers
  2 corrupted guards
  1 Summoner
  4 corrupted sergeants
  6 exalted kerbeross
  22 ravagers
  5 hellish sergeants
  20 former soldiers
  5 combat drones
  8 former guards
  9 siege ravagers
  13 fire fiends
  3 exalted soldiers
  5 former sergeants
  14 CRI marines
  7 cryobeross
  1 guardian bot
  18 hellish soldiers
  3 hellish heavys
  6 military drones
  8 corrupted soldiers
  42 ice fiends
  29 former grunts
  16 hellish commandos
  11 toxic reavers
  8 armored ravagers
  3 former CRI sergeants
  8 CRI bots
  17 reavers
  5 toxic fiends
  5 corrupted commandos
  19 security drones
  3 cybeross
  11 cryoreavers
  2 kerbeross
  6 CalSec sentrys
  4 former commandos
  4 security bots
  5 toxibeross

  Ironman L3
  Hellrunner L3
  Reloader L2
  Army Surplus L1
  Field Medic L1
  Whizkid L3

Trait order

  Slot #1- NONE -
  Slot #2 : 12ga jackhammer PBA2
   * Deadly 8
   * Critical 25
   * Autoloader
   * Stabilized 1
   * Frenzy 2

  Slot #3 : AV3 12ga auto-shotgun
   * Vampiric 1
   * Retaliate
   * Autoloader

  Body    : AV3 combat armor P2BA
   * Carrier
   * Swift
   * Plated
   * Durable
   * Meshed
   * Powered
   * Kinetic shield

  Head    : AV3 combat helmet PBA
   * Health Monitor
   * Plated
   * Long-range tracking
   * Pistol long-range tracking
   * Durable
   * Meshed

  Utility : AV3 shotgun AMP
   * Shotgun focus mode
   * Shotgun pellet boost
   * Shotgun spread control

  12ga shell (x50)
  12ga shell (x50)
  12ga shell (x50)
  12ga shell (x50)
  12ga shell (x50)
  12ga shell (x32)
  CRI phase kit (x3)
  stimpack (x1)
  small medkit (x3)
  small medkit (x3)
  small medkit (x3)
  large medkit

After bashing my head on this challenge and losing a pair of promising runs (Here and here if you want to read about those), I finally managed to win it!

Overall, there were close calls but it actually went mostly smoothly. This sort of build can get really potent by the end, ammo consumption is a worry but simply managing to bring loads and use common types did the trick.

Trait order:

Mostly had a similar line as the previous promising Gun Kata attempt, avoiding Eagle Eye/Whizkid and dealing with having crappy mods so I could focus on higher levels of Gunslinger and loading up on movement/evasion traits

I did end up taking Hoarder at Level 9 to ease weapon transitioning and keep my options open, but left Scavenger alone because I was doing fine with ammo (given the sheer amount I had left at the end, I'd say that was the right call). After that I once again left MGK2 until Level 13 to keep taking more Hellrunner and Dodgemaster (DM1 before HR3 to protect myself while reloading).

I kept considering Dash but since I tended to "bounce" back and forth and "circle" around more than just run in a straight line, I stuck with upgrading the other two. I did end up picking Dash after maxing out the rest though. I could've picked SoG3 for that nice critical bonus but this didn't rely on that so I preferred to invest into staying alive, though DM2/3 didn't seem to do anything here.

Branch choice and equipment:

For Callisto I went Valhalla Terminal (for this challenge I kept going to Valhalla or Mimir), I eventually found an awesoem AV3 9mm Pistol with Extrended Mag 8, Critical 4 and Zombiebane! I held onto that thing all the way to Io, even about Combat Pistols.

For Europa, I can't remember if I got Recon and saw Dig Zone wasn't on the menu or I decided to hedge my bets, but either way I went to Asterius for hopes of good equipment... And it really paid off, since I got a good set of AV2 Combat Armor and Combat Helmet with decent-to-great traits on both that I kept for the rest of the run. And got to build myself a pair of AV2 7.62 Sidearms for Slots 2 and 3 (keeping the awesome 9mm in Slot 1).

For Io, the first level was when I finally let my 9mm go, replacing it with the guaranteed Plasma Pistol (sadly never found another one - let alone ADV - to dual-wield with). I decided to go to Black Site since I already had a spare Red Keycard and spoilers abut Vault layout. There I skipped the health and ammo (doing well for both) and picked up the lootboxes, good choice since I snagged my first relevant Amp there (it kept giving me Shotgun and Auto Amps!), which I kept for the rest of the run.

I certainly learned how good this Master could be, and got an insight in how to manage the ammo for Gun Kata without Scavenger and how to do evasive builds. Mostly I'm just happy to have this Angel out of the way so I can move onto Confidence and Shotgunnery (looking forward to both).

Crash Gordon, level 17 Scout, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 8231 turns.
The run time was 2h 14m 30s.
He scored 4669 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.
He was an Angel of Marksmanship!

CALLISTO L2 -> Valhalla Terminal L1
Valhalla Terminal L1 - Lockdown
Valhalla Terminal L3 -> Valhalla Command
Valhalla Command - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Asterius Habitat L1
Asterius Habitat L2 - Infestation
Asterius Habitat L3 -> Asterius Breach
Asterius Breach - cleared
IO L2 - Volatile Storage
IO L3 -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L2 -> Black Site Vaults
Black Site Vaults - cleared
BEYOND L2 - Exalted Summons
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared

  Medal of Prejudice (+200)
   * Won with 100% kills
  Explorer Ribbon (+50)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
   * Completed all encountered special levels
  Marksman Silver Badge
   * Complete Angel of Marksmanship (AoMr)

He killed 519 out of 519 enemies.

  40 archreavers
  12 corrupted grunts
  24 fiends
  5 plasma ravagers
  3 exalted fiends
  6 rocket turrets
  37 turrets
  10 military sentrys
  8 security sentrys
  4 former CRI grunts
  7 CalSec bots
  3 exalted reavers
  1 former CRI soldier
  2 corrupted guards
  1 Summoner
  5 exalted kerbeross
  4 corrupted sergeants
  2 hellish sergeants
  25 ravagers
  7 combat drones
  7 former soldiers
  17 former guards
  20 fire fiends
  2 siege ravagers
  7 former sergeants
  3 exalted soldiers
  4 cryobeross
  4 corrupted heavys
  16 CRI marines
  1 guardian bot
  9 hellish soldiers
  6 former CRI commandos
  4 hellish heavys
  25 corrupted soldiers
  7 hellish commandos
  49 former grunts
  14 toxic reavers
  15 ice fiends
  4 former CRI sergeants
  8 armored ravagers
  4 CRI bots
  26 reavers
  3 toxic fiends
  9 corrupted commandos
  3 cybeross
  13 security drones
  14 cryoreavers
  7 kerbeross
  8 CalSec sentrys
  9 toxibeross
  4 security bots

  Dash L1
  Hellrunner L3
  Son of a Gun L2
  Hoarder L1
  Dodgemaster L3
  Gunslinger L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : CRI plasma pistol A
   * Calibrated 1

  Slot #2 : AV2 7.62 sidearm PA
   * Longshot 3
   * Calibrated 1
   * Cleaner 3
   * Point Blank 4

  Slot #3 : AV2 7.62 sidearm
   * Point Blank 4
   * Retaliate

  Body    : AV2 combat armor PBA
   * Durable
   * Swift
   * Carrier
   * Powered
   * Kinetic shield

  Head    : AV2 combat helmet PBA
   * Durable
   * Long-range tracking
   * Danger Monitor
   * Plated
   * Health Monitor

  Utility : AV3 pistol AMP
   * Aim assist
   * Pistol accelerator
   * Pistol long-range tracking

  energy cell (x100)
  energy cell (x100)
  energy cell (x63)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x6)
  small medkit (x3)
  small medkit (x3)
  small medkit (x2)

So I was inspired by another user on the Discord, I decided to try a different trait order for Gun Kata which skipped Eagle Eye/Whizkid and Hoarder/Scavenger to focus on Hellrunner/Dodgemaster, as well as stocking up on Gunslinger early and leaving MGK2 until Level 13 (a mild dodge boost that's inferior to HR/DM but you don't want to delay the third level).

While the WK0 traits were mostly disappointing, I managed anyway.

I found an E mod (first rare one I've seen in this game! :D ) and once I got my traits going I was really hard to stop!

...But I made it to Io Nexus and forgot to heal at low-ish health. :( Not even my first fuckup, I had a bunch of close calls like that and my armor got destroyed on either the last level of Europa or the first one of Io. And I kept forgetting to use Stealth.

I still learned a bunch of stuff though:

• I can live without Whizkid and Scavenger on this Master, but I might still want to take Hoarder 1 so I can more smoothly change my weapons.
• I need to pay REALLY close attention to my Health, Energy and Armor condition.
• This is still a risky Master, seems kind of a crapshoot whether you'll come out mostly unscathed or get hit a bunch and have to stop to heal.

I might try this again but I'll go back to Sharpshooter until 0.9.7c comes to GOG.

Crash Gordon, level 13 Scout, killed on
Io Nexus by a former CRI soldier.

He survived for 6690 turns.
The run time was 1h 33m 4s.
He scored 2360 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.
He was an Angel of Marksmanship!

Callisto Hub -> Mimir Habitat L1
Mimir Habitat L2 -> CalSec Central
CalSec Central - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Asterius Habitat L1
Asterius Habitat L1 - Low Power
Asterius Habitat L2 -> Asterius Breach
Asterius Breach - cleared
EUROPA L5 -> Refueling Base
Refueling Base - cleared

He killed 360 out of 371 enemies.

  9 former soldiers
  14 fire fiends
  4 corrupted sergeants
  3 corrupted grunts
  6 former CRI soldiers
  13 turrets
  7 rocket turrets
  7 corrupted heavys
  2 toxic reavers
  4 former commandos
  50 former grunts
  2 siege ravagers
  19 cryoreavers
  13 former guards
  5 former CRI commandos
  9 CRI marines
  2 reavers
  6 corrupted guards
  2 plasma ravagers
  7 former CRI grunts
  32 ice fiends
  12 combat drones
  3 corrupted commandos
  20 fiends
  1 toxiberos
  23 security drones
  3 exalted soldiers
  5 cryobeross
  8 security sentrys
  3 toxic fiends
  6 archreavers
  3 CalSec sentrys
  3 CalSec bots
  11 ravagers
  4 security bots
  6 CRI bots
  3 exalted reavers
  1 former CRI sergeant
  1 armored ravager
  22 corrupted soldiers
  9 former sergeants

  Hellrunner L3
  Son of a Gun L2
  Dodgemaster L2
  Gunslinger L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : AV2 7.62 sidearm PAE
   * Fresh Mag 3
   * Calibrated 1
   * Disruptive 3
   * Retaliate
   * Point Blank 2

  Slot #2 : CRI plasma pistol PA
   * Fresh Mag 3
   * Calibrated 1

  Body    : AV1 combat armor
   * Loading feed

  Head    : AV2 marine helmet
   * Durable
   * Health Monitor

  Utility : AV3 pistol AMP
   * Pistol speed-loader
   * Pistol long-range tracking
   * Pistol target tracking

  energy cell (x100)
  energy cell (x100)
  energy cell (x95)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x29)
  krak grenade (x2)
  multitool (x3)
  stimpack (x3)
  red keycard (x1)

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