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Post Mortem / [0.9.0c|U|Te|YAAM] - sharpshooter win
« on: May 11, 2020, 11:37 »
this was a lot of fun and sharpshooter is very powerful once it gets going. i found a regular revolver which lasted me until valhalla command where i got the desert eagle, and once i found a 7.62 sidearm i stopped using 44 ammo altogether. the weapon performs very well and is great for ammo management in the lategame, about equivalent in power to an adv3 revolver. by the end of io i had pretty much all the gear i needed, with the exception of the adv3 energy pistol i got in limbo. i skipped cri labs as im not sure if the vault system was retooled in the same way that valhalla command was, i'll try here next. didnt want to risk fighing the swordsman without melee skills, although my last two playthroughs where i got to beyond 1 it seems like the chainsaw might be guaranteed?
i also saw a few new weapons i didnt pick up, including a 7.62 sniper rifle. im not sure if there are plans to add skills for single shot rifles as opposed to auto skills?
i also saw a few new weapons i didnt pick up, including a 7.62 sniper rifle. im not sure if there are plans to add skills for single shot rifles as opposed to auto skills?
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Post Mortem / [0.9.0c|U|Te|YASD] - ran out of ammo
« on: May 04, 2020, 11:45 »
wanted to go for a sharpshooter build as it was one of my favorites in drl... did not encounter a single revolver all game, so was forced splitting the 9mm ammo stack between combat pistol and smg. accidentally went into the mines - while the archreavers were more of a pushover this time around due to the fact that i had found a rocket launcher, the rewards here are still kinda weak and aside from very situational challenges, i can't see ever preferring this branch to valhalla terminal/command
was doing kind of ok in europa, balancing out my 9mm weapons with chaingun and rocket launcher based on what was around, but eventually totally ran out of ammo. the cryoberos that killed me was pretty low in health and i thought i might be able to pistolwhip it before it got me but no such luck
was doing kind of ok in europa, balancing out my 9mm weapons with chaingun and rocket launcher based on what was around, but eventually totally ran out of ammo. the cryoberos that killed me was pretty low in health and i thought i might be able to pistolwhip it before it got me but no such luck
khiijol, level 7 Technician, killed on
Europa Dig Zone L3 by a cryoberos.
He survived for 5298 turns.
The run time was 1h 3m 0s.
He scored 1950 points.
CALLISTO L2 -> Callisto Mines L1
Callisto Mines L3 -> Callisto Anomaly
Callisto Anomaly - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Europa Dig Zone L1
He killed 200 out of 209 enemies.
8 combat drones
5 ravagers
15 cryoreavers
33 fiends
1 rocket turret
5 archreavers
5 former guards
4 former grunts
3 former sergeants
6 security drones
3 turrets
9 exalted soldiers
3 exalted fiends
6 former heavys
28 fire fiends
4 corrupted soldiers
1 corrupted sergeant
3 military drones
6 corrupted commandos
3 exalted reavers
2 corrupted heavys
24 former soldiers
13 security bots
4 cryobeross
6 former commandos
Son of a Gun L2
Whizkid L2
Trait order
Slot #1 : chaingun
Slot #2 : 9mm SMG P
Slot #3 : AV2 9mm combat pistol P
Body : red armor B
Utility : pistol critical amp
rocket (x4)
.44 ammo (x24)
accuracy mod pack
bulk mod pack
smoke grenade (x2)
multitool (x5)
multitool (x5)
stimpack (x1)
Post Mortem / [0.8.10|U|Ma|YAVP] i came to shred
« on: March 11, 2020, 12:15 »
this is my first marine win on UV, couldn't get anything past callisto before this run. i didnt really know what i was doing with this build and more or less started the run to check out new content and didn't expect to get that far, so trait skill is kind of across the board. i got a really good cold shotgun early on, which boosted by the cri shotgun amp and the shredder trait one shots armoured ravagers when they show up. shredder is awesome! for the most part i played this like i did with the technician auto build, rotating around guns situationally based on what was around. since i only had three slots instead of four, i thought i might have had an issue with ammo in the lategame by not choosing to go for plasma weapons, but this wasn't an issue at all
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Post Mortem / [0.8.8b|U|Te|AoMr|YAVP] - frenziless headshot
« on: February 17, 2020, 12:05 »
proper marksman gold run after the frenzy bug removed, the variety of advanced weapons really comes into play on the pistol builds
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Post Mortem / [0.8.8|U|Te|AoMr|YAVP] - pistol frenzy
« on: February 03, 2020, 19:20 »
starting frenzy trait here gave an incredible advantage - frenzy x5 with just the 9mm calibrated was doing ridiculous damage, i think up to 165+ on bots with headshot. im not sure how damage is calculated with this exactly. nice bonus find was the adv revolver which was just as powerful was as the P2A standard, but had +50 crit bonus. i found a vampiric mod which came a little too late to be super useful, but its a cool idea. this was my first game since starting 0.8.8, and first win in a few weeks, so dare i tempt fate and say its almost too easy?
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Bug Reports / weird terminal issue - not sure if bug
« on: January 31, 2020, 06:16 »
in europa i encountered two terminals on a level, of the model that unlocks vaults, gives map, etc, although one of them didn't have the "unlock vault" option, and only the mapping/hacking stuff, whereas the other had everything. i'm not sure if this is a bug or just an odd intended behavior due to the seed
Post Mortem / [0.8.7|E|AoNYRL|Te|Beyond 3|YASD] - so close yet so far
« on: January 15, 2020, 15:46 »
remote hack makes this challenge a lot easier to progress with, i accidentally got meleed by my own friendly cri bot when it walked into me. last few levels i was completely dry on ammo except for one bullet in the golden gun. lots of siege ravagers and archreavers chasing me through the last level, thought i might get lucky and be able to smoke/gas/grenade my way out but no such luck
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Bug Reports / trait issue resolved
« on: December 26, 2019, 13:28 »
nevermind, seems to be the armor doing the reloading
Bug Reports / bug with poisoned weapons
« on: December 02, 2019, 13:48 »
was playing angel of shotgunnery and i got a poisoned auto-shotgun - very useful for wearing down enemies over long distance, but sometimes when enemies would die from a blast, their corpse would appear to still be taking damage - the body would highlight in red and it made the damage sound/animation over it
Bug Reports / crash entering valhalla spaceport
« on: November 07, 2019, 17:25 »
went from valhalla command -> spaceport and the game totally froze my computer and i had to do a hard reboot. when i restarted the game it put me back several levels to callisto L2, where i had previously left off and started this session
end of crashlog:
00:33:26.89 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/fx/fire_shot_01/fire_shot_01_A_diffuse.png...
00:33:26.96 [INFO ] Loading material mat_decals_ammo_9mm_01...
00:33:27.25 [INFO ] Loading material mat_particles_explosion_mark_01...
00:33:29.36 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_target_02_diffuse.png...
00:33:43.19 [INFO ] Loading material mat_particles_blood_particle_01...
00:33:44.70 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_ammunition_556_diffuse.png...
00:33:44.77 [INFO ] Loading material mat_particles_explosion_02...
00:33:54.82 [INFO ] Loading material mat_decals_blood_01...
00:33:56.88 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_kit_electronic_diffuse.png...
00:34:03.62 [DEBUG ] no gfx blueprint for id = buff_stimpack
00:34:03.62 [DEBUG ] no gfx blueprint for id = buff_stimpack
00:34:03.62 [INFO ] Loading material mat_particles_shapes_01_blick_01...
00:34:38.67 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_weapon_ashotgun_diffuse.png...
00:34:46.52 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_frame_01_diffuse.png...
00:34:54.83 [INFO ] Loading material mat_shotgun_A_barrel_01...
00:34:55.72 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_weapon_shotgun_diffuse.png...
00:35:11.79 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_tooltip_elevator_diffuse.png...
00:35:27.26 [INFO ] Picked a trait!
00:36:37.94 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_armor_chest_diffuse.png...
00:36:42.22 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_weapon_pistol_diffuse.png...
00:36:55.32 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_consumable_medkit_diffuse.png...
00:37:39.27 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_body_01...
00:37:39.42 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_magazine_regular_01...
00:37:39.42 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_stock_03...
00:37:39.42 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_grip_01...
00:37:39.42 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_forend_01...
00:37:39.42 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_barrel_01...
00:37:39.42 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_receiever_01...
end of crashlog:
00:33:26.89 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/fx/fire_shot_01/fire_shot_01_A_diffuse.png...
00:33:26.96 [INFO ] Loading material mat_decals_ammo_9mm_01...
00:33:27.25 [INFO ] Loading material mat_particles_explosion_mark_01...
00:33:29.36 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_target_02_diffuse.png...
00:33:43.19 [INFO ] Loading material mat_particles_blood_particle_01...
00:33:44.70 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_ammunition_556_diffuse.png...
00:33:44.77 [INFO ] Loading material mat_particles_explosion_02...
00:33:54.82 [INFO ] Loading material mat_decals_blood_01...
00:33:56.88 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_kit_electronic_diffuse.png...
00:34:03.62 [DEBUG ] no gfx blueprint for id = buff_stimpack
00:34:03.62 [DEBUG ] no gfx blueprint for id = buff_stimpack
00:34:03.62 [INFO ] Loading material mat_particles_shapes_01_blick_01...
00:34:38.67 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_weapon_ashotgun_diffuse.png...
00:34:46.52 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_frame_01_diffuse.png...
00:34:54.83 [INFO ] Loading material mat_shotgun_A_barrel_01...
00:34:55.72 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_weapon_shotgun_diffuse.png...
00:35:11.79 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_tooltip_elevator_diffuse.png...
00:35:27.26 [INFO ] Picked a trait!
00:36:37.94 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_armor_chest_diffuse.png...
00:36:42.22 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_weapon_pistol_diffuse.png...
00:36:55.32 [INFO ] Loading texture data/texture/ui/icons/ui_consumable_medkit_diffuse.png...
00:37:39.27 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_body_01...
00:37:39.42 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_magazine_regular_01...
00:37:39.42 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_stock_03...
00:37:39.42 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_grip_01...
00:37:39.42 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_forend_01...
00:37:39.42 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_barrel_01...
00:37:39.42 [INFO ] Loading material mat_automatic_A_receiever_01...
Post Mortem / scout UV win, arena not showing as cleared?
« on: October 10, 2019, 20:44 »
first UV win with the scout, the aim skills are a lot of fun to play with on this class. however, arena doesnt seem to be showing as cleared despite killing all monsters and getting voice confirm/shift to blue text. i also saw this happened in a previous mortem but didnt notice at the time. got several lucky uniques and advanced - early adv smg is probably the first of its type i've used in the game, and the adv 7.62 i found did more damage than a chaingun. also stumbled upon an emp rifle which made dealing with cri bots slighly easier, but they seem to get the jump on you more often than not
khiijol, level 14 Scout, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 11784 turns.
The run time was 2h 27m 6s.
He scored 6250 points.
CALLISTO L3 -> Valhalla Terminal L1
Valhalla Terminal L2 -> Valhalla Command
Valhalla Command - cleared
EUROPA L3 -> Europa Dig Zone L1
Europa Dig Zone L2 -> Tyre Outpost
Tyre Outpost - cleared
IO L4 -> Io Warehouse
Io Warehouse - cleared
BEYOND L1 -> The Arena
Medal of Prejudice (+200)
* Won with 100% kills
CRI Star (bronze cluster) (+25)
* 25+ kills without taking damage
Explorer Ribbon (+50)
* Visited all encountered special levels
He killed 492 out of 492 enemies.
11 former commandos
5 former CRI soldiers
3 exalted ravagers
38 fiends
5 corrupted sergeants
20 former soldiers
1 summoner
10 siege ravagers
4 combat drones
10 former sergeants
12 corrupted soldiers
19 CRI marines
11 cryoreavers
5 hellish commandos
4 corrupted heavys
1 former CRI sergeant
10 security drones
12 exalted reavers
7 plasma ravagers
6 exalted fiends
2 hellish sergeants
46 armored ravagers
26 security bots
2 military bots
19 turrets
28 archreavers
13 CRI bots
2 hellish heavys
6 corrupted commandos
23 reavers
1 former CRI grunt
3 military drones
47 fire fiends
12 exalted soldiers
17 former guards
4 former grunts
20 ravagers
3 hellish soldiers
4 former heavys
2 former CRI commandos
16 rocket turrets
5 toxic reavers
Hellrunner L2
Packrat L1
Son of a Bitch L2
Gun hoarder
Steady shot
Deadly precision
Whizkid L2
Second Wind
Slot #1 : ADV 12ga dual shotgun
Slot #2 : ADV 7.62 assault rifle
Slot #3 : CRI plasma rifle P3
Body : blue armor PBA
Utility : ADV accuracy amp
energy cell (x50)
energy cell (x12)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x69)
krak grenade (x1)
military stimpack
military stimpack
large medkit
large medkit
large medkit
Bug Reports / crash entering europa
« on: October 09, 2019, 19:50 »
game crashed when i hit the dropship square - crashlog below - or at least the end of it, doesnt seem to allow me to post the full log - which is quite large
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Post Mortem / UV conquerer
« on: September 05, 2019, 19:05 »
early exalteds gave me a chaingun pretty quickly and a P3A2 with the +40 damage mod makes things a lot easier. almost lost the run when i got mobbed by exalted regenerating resilient reavers but pulled through barely
khiijol, level 14 Technician, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 12014 turns.
The run time was 1h 55m 20s.
He scored 6583 points.
CALLISTO L3 -> Valhalla Terminal L1
Valhalla Terminal L2 -> Valhalla Command
Valhalla Command - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L2 -> Containment Area
Containment Area - cleared
IO L2 -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L2 -> Black Site Vaults
Black Site Vaults - cleared
BEYOND L1 -> The Arena
The Arena - cleared
Medal of Prejudice (+200)
* Won with 100% kills
CRI Star (bronze cluster) (+25)
* 25+ kills without taking damage
Explorer Ribbon (+50)
* Visited all encountered special levels
Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
* Completed all encountered special levels
CRI Gold Badge
* Win a UV or higher game with 100% kills
He killed 514 out of 514 enemies.
1 summoner
10 former soldiers
2 former CRI guards
59 fire fiends
4 corrupted sergeants
2 former CRI soldiers
45 turrets
24 rocket turrets
13 corrupted heavys
3 toxic reavers
9 former commandos
4 former grunts
13 cryoreavers
14 former guards
27 siege ravagers
7 military drones
12 CRI marines
2 former CRI commandos
7 reavers
2 military bots
26 security bots
1 former heavy
6 combat drones
4 corrupted commandos
44 fiends
8 security drones
30 exalted soldiers
39 archreavers
1 hellish sergeant
3 exalted ravagers
1 hellish heavy
15 exalted fiends
23 ravagers
7 CRI bots
12 exalted reavers
1 former CRI sergeant
4 hellish commandos
22 armored ravagers
4 corrupted soldiers
6 former sergeants
Skilled L1
Ironman L1
Packrat L2
Eagle Eye L3
Son of a Bitch L2
Whizkid L2
Slot #1 : chaingun P3A2
Slot #2 : ADV rocket launcher B
Slot #3 : ADV chaingun PA
Body : red armor PBA
Utility : CRI rifle power control
rocket (x10)
rocket (x10)
rocket (x10)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x43)
bulk mod pack
power mod pack
krak grenade (x2)
repair kit (x1)
stimpack (x1)
small medkit (x1)
large medkit
large medkit
khiijol, level 14 Technician, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 12014 turns.
The run time was 1h 55m 20s.
He scored 6583 points.
CALLISTO L3 -> Valhalla Terminal L1
Valhalla Terminal L2 -> Valhalla Command
Valhalla Command - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L2 -> Containment Area
Containment Area - cleared
IO L2 -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L2 -> Black Site Vaults
Black Site Vaults - cleared
BEYOND L1 -> The Arena
The Arena - cleared
Medal of Prejudice (+200)
* Won with 100% kills
CRI Star (bronze cluster) (+25)
* 25+ kills without taking damage
Explorer Ribbon (+50)
* Visited all encountered special levels
Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
* Completed all encountered special levels
CRI Gold Badge
* Win a UV or higher game with 100% kills
He killed 514 out of 514 enemies.
1 summoner
10 former soldiers
2 former CRI guards
59 fire fiends
4 corrupted sergeants
2 former CRI soldiers
45 turrets
24 rocket turrets
13 corrupted heavys
3 toxic reavers
9 former commandos
4 former grunts
13 cryoreavers
14 former guards
27 siege ravagers
7 military drones
12 CRI marines
2 former CRI commandos
7 reavers
2 military bots
26 security bots
1 former heavy
6 combat drones
4 corrupted commandos
44 fiends
8 security drones
30 exalted soldiers
39 archreavers
1 hellish sergeant
3 exalted ravagers
1 hellish heavy
15 exalted fiends
23 ravagers
7 CRI bots
12 exalted reavers
1 former CRI sergeant
4 hellish commandos
22 armored ravagers
4 corrupted soldiers
6 former sergeants
Skilled L1
Ironman L1
Packrat L2
Eagle Eye L3
Son of a Bitch L2
Whizkid L2
Slot #1 : chaingun P3A2
Slot #2 : ADV rocket launcher B
Slot #3 : ADV chaingun PA
Body : red armor PBA
Utility : CRI rifle power control
rocket (x10)
rocket (x10)
rocket (x10)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x43)
bulk mod pack
power mod pack
krak grenade (x2)
repair kit (x1)
stimpack (x1)
small medkit (x1)
large medkit
large medkit
Post Mortem / first hard win
« on: August 29, 2019, 18:57 »
finally joined the party! since i picked this up on steam i haven't been able to do anything else - i fucking love this game, thanks to all the hard work put in by the team. ive been having loads of fun getting my ass kicked on UV, and really looking forward to further updates. i really like how the game feels like DRL but plays almost completely differently. not sure if this is the place to post a mortem, but here is my first hard win - the lucky rifle +50% damage really saved my ass in the later levels. now to beat UV!
khiijol, level 15 Technician, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 13702 turns.
The run time was 2h 33m 55s.
He scored 5467 points.
He liked it HARD!
CALLISTO L2 -> Valhalla Terminal L1
Valhalla Terminal L3 -> Valhalla Command
Valhalla Command - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L2 -> Containment Area
Containment Area - cleared
IO L1 -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L2 -> Black Site Vaults
BEYOND L1 -> The Arena
The Arena - cleared
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared
Medal of Prejudice (+200)
* Won with 100% kills
Explorer Ribbon (+50)
* Visited all encountered special levels
Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
* Completed all encountered special levels
JoviSec Gold Badge
* Win a game on at least HARD
CRI Bronze Badge
* Win any game with 100% kills
CRI Silver Badge
* Win a MEDIUM or higher game with 100% kills
He killed 524 out of 524 enemies.
1 summoner
19 former soldiers
2 former CRI guards
48 fire fiends
2 corrupted sergeants
2 former CRI soldiers
45 turrets
24 rocket turrets
9 corrupted heavys
12 toxic reavers
4 former commandos
13 former grunts
7 cryoreavers
26 former guards
22 siege ravagers
15 CRI marines
2 hellish soldiers
12 reavers
2 corrupted guards
1 military bot
23 security bots
1 former CRI heavy
1 former heavy
4 combat drones
9 corrupted commandos
32 fiends
11 security drones
9 exalted soldiers
46 archreavers
12 exalted ravagers
9 exalted fiends
3 hellish heavys
25 ravagers
7 CRI bots
3 exalted reavers
2 former CRI sergeants
34 armored ravagers
14 corrupted soldiers
11 former sergeants
Ironman L2
Packrat L1
Eagle Eye L3
Son of a Bitch L2
Son of a Gun L2
Whizkid L2
Slot #1 : rocket launcher
Slot #2 : ADV 7.62 assault rifle
Slot #3 : 7.62 assault rifle P2BA2
Body : ADV red armor A
Utility : CRI rifle power control
rocket (x10)
rocket (x10)
rocket (x9)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x34)
EMP grenade (x1)
small medkit (x2)
large medkit
khiijol, level 15 Technician, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 13702 turns.
The run time was 2h 33m 55s.
He scored 5467 points.
He liked it HARD!
CALLISTO L2 -> Valhalla Terminal L1
Valhalla Terminal L3 -> Valhalla Command
Valhalla Command - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L2 -> Containment Area
Containment Area - cleared
IO L1 -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L2 -> Black Site Vaults
BEYOND L1 -> The Arena
The Arena - cleared
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared
Medal of Prejudice (+200)
* Won with 100% kills
Explorer Ribbon (+50)
* Visited all encountered special levels
Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
* Completed all encountered special levels
JoviSec Gold Badge
* Win a game on at least HARD
CRI Bronze Badge
* Win any game with 100% kills
CRI Silver Badge
* Win a MEDIUM or higher game with 100% kills
He killed 524 out of 524 enemies.
1 summoner
19 former soldiers
2 former CRI guards
48 fire fiends
2 corrupted sergeants
2 former CRI soldiers
45 turrets
24 rocket turrets
9 corrupted heavys
12 toxic reavers
4 former commandos
13 former grunts
7 cryoreavers
26 former guards
22 siege ravagers
15 CRI marines
2 hellish soldiers
12 reavers
2 corrupted guards
1 military bot
23 security bots
1 former CRI heavy
1 former heavy
4 combat drones
9 corrupted commandos
32 fiends
11 security drones
9 exalted soldiers
46 archreavers
12 exalted ravagers
9 exalted fiends
3 hellish heavys
25 ravagers
7 CRI bots
3 exalted reavers
2 former CRI sergeants
34 armored ravagers
14 corrupted soldiers
11 former sergeants
Ironman L2
Packrat L1
Eagle Eye L3
Son of a Bitch L2
Son of a Gun L2
Whizkid L2
Slot #1 : rocket launcher
Slot #2 : ADV 7.62 assault rifle
Slot #3 : 7.62 assault rifle P2BA2
Body : ADV red armor A
Utility : CRI rifle power control
rocket (x10)
rocket (x10)
rocket (x9)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x34)
EMP grenade (x1)
small medkit (x2)
large medkit