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Messages - Tormuse

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 108
Post Mortem / Re: [1.2 RC2|U|Sc|YAAM] Pirate/Assassin/Zombie
« on: December 07, 2021, 18:20 »
Haha, yeah.  :)  It's just because someone was saying that this build wasn't viable in Dante, and I wanted to play a quick game to show them it could be done, but in all honesty, I fail most of the time at Nightmare difficulty, so I did UV this time to give me a guaranteed better chance of doing it quickly.  It was actually a bit refreshing to not have to be constantly on my toes to deal with reviving enemies for once.  :)

Post Mortem / Re: [1.2 RC2|U|Sc|YAAM] Pirate/Assassin/Zombie
« on: December 07, 2021, 07:23 »
A bit of both?  I'm not fond of trade-offs in general, unless I'm sure I think it's worth it, and I didn't see one I considered worth it in this case.

How does the lack of badges feel?  Like a hole in the heart, right?

Eh, I'm not too troubled by it.  It would be nice to have a badge associated with it, but I figure any victory at A! is achievement enough in itself.  :)  Anyway, as Sylph indicated, I expect they'll be coming in a later version, so it's fine.

The Necroarmor seems extremely good in all cases.  I used to be afraid of the lifedrain, but its so little there's no point even thinking about it.

Yeah, same.  Back in my DoomRL days, the Necroarmor was my favourite armour.  (until they redesigned resistances, and Malek's armour edged it out)  The way I see it, compared to other armours of similar strength, it's just a matter of whether you take the damage from the initial enemy's shot, or from repairing the armour afterward;  it comes out the same, damage-wise, only this way, you get free armour repair.  :)

Medusae are just such dickish enemies.  They slither so its very hard to alpha them.  They do consistent AoE so there's little dodging them.  They drain your HP if you close to melee.  I... don't think I like them.  They're too good.  Sure, you can deal with them, but aside from Wizard Toxicologist its always through some form of attrition.  And then you get Archmedusae where they go nigh-invulnerable while they charge up, and then HOLD that invulnerability until they punch you.  Dicks.  I think I'd like it if they were a bit more rare, as each sighting is a Major Big Deal.  Also I think there's design space for some sort of Minidusa that has the slither, but not the AoE or the Bite.  Hitting the player with all those mechanics at once is kind of a lot.

Yup, that pretty much sums up my thoughts about medusae.

I'm honestly shocked you pushed off Hellrunner 2 for so long, nevermind Hellrunner 3.  I suppose Light Travel helps, but still.  Movement speed is something you can never have enough of.  Have you ever spec'd into Running?  I consider it an extremely strong path.

I haven't actually played around with running so far.  I've mostly been trying to get wins with scout or technician lately, since a clear majority of my wins so far have been with the marine.

I see you didn't puss out like I did and actually got Soulstealer.  Getting that sword on A! is a first, as far as I know.  Also from the body count it seems you didn't puss out again and at least put in an effort in Dante.  I just stair-dive in terror.  The last level of Dante is WAY harder than the endboss.

Shattered Abyss was fairly easy with this build.  Reavers were pushovers and I dealt with the archreavers by luring them out one at a time.  As for the Swordmaster, it was a matter of putting lots of trust in the Survivor hp gate, and running around to heal.  :P  Once I'd dispatched him, I hung around the level for a while to beef up the Soulstealer and also boost my max hp.  I'd gotten up to 158 max hp when I was forced to flee the level by an exalted reaver with fire and deadly.

Re: hellrunner - Tormuse is currently trying a scout build without hellrunner at all on A!

If you're referring to that game I posted on Discord, I should probably point out that it was an AoC challenge game, which is a very different kind of game, where speed doesn't necessarily provide the same benefit it might in a standard game.  (Also, I got dash, so I wasn't totally without speed boosts)  :)

I don't know how Tormuse does it! The guy is a machine! Always has been on chaosforge games!

Oh, you flatter me.  :P  (Thanks!)  :D

Thanks!  :D  And it's totally understandable to struggle with medusae.  They're a menace.  They basically exist to counter any possible strategy you want to approach them with.  :P

Post Mortem / [1.2 RC2|U|Sc|YAAM] Pirate/Assassin/Zombie
« on: November 27, 2021, 02:41 »
Note:  This mortem is from over a week ago, but I'm posting it now, because the forum was having some technical issues.  Anyway, here's what I tried to post before.  :)

This run had a bit of a weird start, because I somehow accidentally joined the zombies.  :P  Due to a strange bug that the dev team has hopefully figured out now, the game apparently considered me one of the former humans for all of Callisto, and so none of them attacked me.  (Fiends/bots/etc continued attacking as normal, though)  Needless to say, this made the early levels a lot easier than normal.

I recorded the game, so you can see for yourself:

Part 1 - Callisto

Part 2 - Europa

Part 3 - Io

Part 4 - Dante

Anyway, I played this game in response to some discussion about the relative benefits/drawbacks of the newly amended Swashbuckler and Assassinate traits.  I already made plenty of commentary about them both in the videos, and the Chaosforge Discord server, so I won't repeat myself here, but suffice it to say, I think they're perfectly viable traits.  :)

Tormuse, level 17 Scout,
defeated the Harbinger against all odds.

He survived for 15770 turns.
The run time was 5h 53m 5s.
World seed was 950.
He scored 7921 points.

CALLISTO L2 -> Mimir Habitat L1
Mimir Habitat L3 - Infestation
Mimir Habitat L3 -> CalSec Central
CalSec Central - Cleared!
EUROPA L2 - Low Power
EUROPA L5 -> The Pit
The Pit - Cleared!
IO L2 - Volatile Storage
Io Nexus -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L2 - Exalted Summons
Io Black Site L2 -> Black Site Vaults
Black Site Vaults - Cleared!
Black Site Vaults - found Wavedancer
The Shattered Abyss - Cleared!
The Shattered Abyss - found Soulstealer
Dante Station L2 - Exalted Summons
Dante Inferno - Cleared!
Dante Inferno - found BFT 10K

  Medal of Prejudice (+200)
   * Won with 100% kills
  CRI Star (silver cluster) (+100)
   * 50+ kills without taking damage
  Conqueror Ribbon (+200)
   * Completed all encountered special levels

He killed 881 out of 881 enemies.

 49 former grunts           29 ice fiends
 9  corrupted grunts        21 toxic fiends
 4  former CRI grunts       18 CalSec sentries
 10 former grenadiers       10 security sentries
 9  corrupted grenadiers    4  military sentries
 4  hellish grenadiers      6  CalSec bots
 4  former CRI  grenadiers  4  security bots
 14 former soldiers         2  military bots
 26 corrupted soldiers      76 reavers
 9  hellish soldiers        24 cryoreavers
 3  former CRI soldiers     18 toxic reavers
 7  former sergeants        43 archreavers
 8  corrupted sergeants     12 kerberi
 4  hellish sergeants       16 cyberi
 3  former CRI sergeants    14 cryoberi
 1  CRI sergeant            4  toxiberi
 20 former guards           17 medusae
 6  corrupted commandoes    7  archmedusae
 1  hellish commando        31 ravagers
 14 former CRI commandoes   14 armored ravagers
 3  former heavies          7  siege ravagers
 5  corrupted heavies       9  plasma ravagers
 2  hellish heavies         35 CRI marines
 15 security drones         11 CRI bots
 2  combat drones           5  guardians
 8  military drones         2  sentinels
 85 fiends                  9  warlocks
 33 fire fiends             11 archwarlocks

  Skilled L2
  Dash L1
  Executioner L2
  Swashbuckler L3
  Hoarder L2
  Energy leech L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : AV1 7.62 assault rifle +AC
   * Autoloader
   * Freezing 2
   * Auto-calibrated
   * Calibrated 1

  Slot #2 : Soulstealer
  Slot #3 : CRI BFT9K S
   * Sustain
   * BFT

  Body : AV3 marine armor PB
   * Meshed
   * Durable
   * Compartments
   * Powered

  Head : AV2 basic helmet PB
   * Tech Monitor
   * Danger Monitor
   * Health Monitor
   * Durable

  Utility : AV3 melee AMP
   * Melee critical boost
   * Melee booster

  Relic :  - NONE -

  Medusa's Curse
  CRI backpack

  energy cell (x97)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x6)
  EMP grenade (x3)
  krak grenade (x3)
  smoke grenade (x2)
  CRI phase kit (x2)
  large combat pack
  combat pack (x1)
  large medkit
  large medkit
  large medkit

So I've been trying out the new Apocalypse difficulty, cycling through different challenge modes and different builds, trying to figure out what works best, and finally had some luck with Angel of Light Travel and a Survivor build.  :)

The early game was pretty harrowing, but started to come together when I got Angry MoFo 3.  AoLT doesn't let you carry around much in the way of healing opportunities, but the combination of Survivor and AMF helped mitigate that, and I think the AoLT speed boost was a big help in just getting around the levels quickly, before too many enemies revived.

Mid to late game was carried by a strategy suggested to my by Sylph of using a sniper rifle, along with an auto-repairing helmet with aim assist, and cover master 2, which allowed me to get +100% crit chance on every shot against any enemy where I waited at least once beforehand.  That, combined with AMF3 allowed me to do devastating damage to everything, with just a few bullets, including archmedusae and archwarlocks.  (Sadly, I lost the helmet when I got surrounded in a hunt level on the second last level;  I had to use a handful of grenades to get out of that situation)

The sniper rifle was important for ammo conservation, since AoLT obviously doesn't let you carry much, (I had another A! game come to an unfortunate end due to running out of ammo, so I wanted to be better prepared this time) and for a good chunk of the early game, I had a JAC .44 as a backup in case dangerous things got too close, (which I later replaced with the Firestorm;  another good weapon for ammo conservation) :)  and a melee weapon, first a combat knife, later a machete, then a katana, then Soulstealer.

The necrotic armour from Infernal Lock was a fortunate find, since up 'til that point, every suit of armour I wore got battered and destroyed, since I took full advantage of the build's benefits of low hp, so it was nice to finally have something that was self-repairing.  :)  (I worried a bit about the necrotic armour draining my hp at a bad time, taking me below the Survivor health gate and getting me killed, but fortunately, it didn't seem to drain my hp fast enough for that to be an issue)

That "Blind Luck Medal" came from the one instance in the whole game that I really used the Survivor's health gate feature.  I got zapped by an archmedusa, because I mistakenly thought it hadn't charged up a shot, and I fired a Firestorm shot at it in a situation where I had no cover, and it would have been wiser to run away.  (Oops!)  :o

I also made a recording of myself playing the last level.  I would have preferred recording the whole thing, and normally I wouldn't bother posting a single level, but Sylph made a comment about how she'd like to see more videos from me, and I thought, "aw, what the heck?"  :P  Anyway, here it is!  :)

Tormuse, level 18 Marine,
defeated the Harbinger against all odds.

He survived for 13257 turns.
The run time was 8h 18m 55s.
World seed was 3775.
He scored 11912 points.
He witnessed the APOCALYPSE!
He was an Angel of Light Travel!

CALLISTO L2 - Volatile Storage
CALLISTO L5 - Secure Vault
CALLISTO L5 -> Callisto Docking Bay
Europa Concourse - Lockdown
EUROPA L5 -> Refueling Base
Refueling Base - found Firestorm
IO L2 - Volatile Storage
IO L5 -> Infernal Lock
Infernal Lock - Cleared!
The Shattered Abyss - found Soulstealer
The Shattered Abyss - Cleared!
Dante Inferno - found BFT 10K
Dante Station L3 - The Hunt

  Explorer Ribbon (+100)
   * Visited all encountered special levels
  Blind Luck Star (+50)
   * Won despite getting down to 1hp at some point

He killed 1015 out of 1256 enemies.

 46 former grunts           12 security sentries
 1  former CRI grunt        8  military sentries
 12 former grenadiers       26 CalSec bots
 5  corrupted grenadiers    13 security bots
 4  former CRI  grenadiers  4  guardian bots
 13 former soldiers         55 reavers
 27 corrupted soldiers      46 cryoreavers
 9  former CRI soldiers     30 toxic reavers
 2  CRI soldiers            59 archreavers
 6  former sergeants        10 kerberi
 5  corrupted sergeants     7  cyberi
 3  former CRI sergeants    12 cryoberi
 20 former guards           3  toxiberi
 2  corrupted guards        7  medusae
 6  former commandoes       20 archmedusae
 12 corrupted commandoes    27 ravagers
 2  former CRI commandoes   19 armored ravagers
 2  CRI commandoes          6  siege ravagers
 2  former heavies          20 plasma ravagers
 2  corrupted heavies       31 CRI marines
 8  security drones         5  CRI bots
 46 fiends                  14 guardians
 8  fire fiends             3  sentinels
 19 ice fiends              8  warlocks
 31 CalSec sentries         3  archwarlocks

  Furious L2
  Hellrunner L3
  Tough as Nails L3
  Rip and tear L1
  Cover Master L2
  Angry Motherfucker L3

Trait order

  Slot #1 : AV1 7.62 sniper rifle +BC
   * Freezing 2
   * Auto-calibrated
   * Speed-loader
   * Hunter 6
   * Scope

  Slot #2 : Firestorm
  Slot #3 : Soulstealer
  Body : necrotic armor
   * Necrotic

  Head :  - NONE -
  Utility : AV3 auto AMP
   * Automatic reloader
   * Auto crit system

  Relic :  - NONE -

  Medusa's Curse
  CRI backpack

  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x16)
  military stimpack

Post Mortem / Re: [1.1.0|A!|Ma|VAMPYRE|YAVP]
« on: October 15, 2021, 03:46 »
You say it's easier, but I still think you're worthy of accolades for the achievement.  :)  (Even if the game doesn't think so)  :P  I have yet to win any Apocalypse difficulty game with any build, so it's nice to know it's possible.  :)

Post Mortem / Re: [1.1.0|N!|AoEx|VAMPYRE|YAVP] Exalted Diamond
« on: October 15, 2021, 03:19 »
Oh, wow!  :o  Congrats!  :D  I've tried this challenge many times without success, though in previous versions.  Sounds like grenadiers were a source of much needed resources.  :)  Also, rather curious that it says you killed 562 enemies, but it only shows 13 in the mortem;  I guess exalted variants don't display properly.  And yeah, fire weapons combined with melee are a sure way to get yourself burned to death, or so I've found.  :P

Post Mortem / Re: [1.0.0|N!|Ma|Survivalist|YAVP]
« on: October 13, 2021, 20:52 »
I think it's worth noting that all of my Diamond badges were acquired in earlier versions, when the game was much easier, so don't be intimidated by that number or anything.  Actually, now that I think about it, I wonder if I should reset my badges, so I can re-acquire them more fairly.

As for Not Tonight, I'm going through it on my Youtube channel.  There's a playlist here.  I think the story and characters and writing are interesting, and I like the retro artstyle, plus the subject matter is a pretty ballsy choice in the current socio-political climate...  but I have some misgivings about the actual gameplay.  It mostly consists of studying people's IDs to decide whether or not to let them in, so I don't know how interesting it is to watch.

Post Mortem / Re: [1.0.0|N!|Ma|Survivalist|YAVP]
« on: October 10, 2021, 00:19 »
(Whoops, I neglected to answer this)

How many diamond badges do you have? (Notice I didn't ask if you had any, rather the number haha.

I'm currently sitting at nine Diamond badges.  :)  I need six more to advance to the next rank, and that's seemingly unlikely, because they're all the toughest challenges, and the latest version ramped up the difficulty considerably.  :|

Totally cool. What else are you playing just out of interest? Cheers Torm, hope you are well and all that. :)

I play a lot of different things.

I've played a fair bit of "Subnautica," and its sequel, "Subnautica Below Zero," lately.  It's a survival/crafting game that takes place on an alien ocean planet.  In addition to having a well-balanced crafting system, it has a pretty vivid and gorgeous world that's sometimes awe-inspiring and sometimes terrifying.  :)  I think the original is better than the sequel, but there's enjoyment to be had in both.

I've also played a fair bit of "The Long Dark."  A survival/crafting game that takes place in the Canadian wilderness in a post-apocalyptic permanent winter.  The story mode is being released episodically, (the fourth episode of a planned five was released just a few days ago) and to be honest, I'm pretty underwhelmed...  but the non-story "survival mode" is pretty awesome.  :)

I also found myself picking up "Stardew Valley" again recently, after not having played it in four years.  (I witnessed Natalie Wynn of "Contrapoints" streaming it, and it gave me the urge to play it)  :)  It's ostensibly a farming simulator, but it's got a bit of everything, including mining, crafting, combat, fishing, and a social aspect where you interact with the townspeople.

I'm also playing through "Not Tonight."  Very similar to "Paper, Please," if you're familiar with that game.  Ostensibly, you're playing as a bouncer who has to decide who to let into a pub, or whatever, but it's got a story woven in there about a post-Brexit dystopia, where there's a conflict between Britain and the rest of Europe, and you're kind of getting dragged into it.

Post Mortem / Re: [1.0.0|N!|Ma|Survivalist|YAVP]
« on: October 05, 2021, 16:21 »
Wait... Apocalypse difficulty? What on the flat is that?

It's the difficulty higher than Nightmare difficulty.  Are you saying it doesn't show up when you push "new game?"  I wonder if I accidentally did something to unlock it without realizing it.

Thanks for the reply Torm, appreciated that someone of your skills would behold my humble attempts, which is 99%persistence and 1% talent. :)

Coincidentally, my ratios are similar.  :P  Regardless, a Nightmare win is no small feat, so kudos.  :)

I was lucky to get a unique (green( assault rifle, as well as indestructible armor, and with Survivalist I still died twice during the run. But hey, a win is a win. Hope you are well, and looking forward to whatever crazy tricks you figure out.

I haven't played JH a whole lot lately, tbh, but maybe I can do a recording to get back into it or something.  :)

Post Mortem / Re: [1.0.0|N!|Ma|Survivalist|YAVP]
« on: October 01, 2021, 12:04 »
Hey, congrats on your win!  :D  I have yet to win a Nightmare game of the new version so far.  (Though that's partly because I've mostly been playing Apocalypse difficulty)  :P  I did face the Harbinger during Beta-testing, though, so I know he's pretty tough.  Rather curious that he doesn't show up in the list of enemies killed.  Is that a bug?  (Now that I look at my old beta-testing mortem, he didn't show up there either;  oops!)

AliensRL / [0.8.4 BETA 1|Sc|YAVP] Sidearm purity
« on: September 03, 2021, 16:09 »
Okay, so a few weeks back, I got the idea in my head to see if I could win this game using only sidearms.  (And also grenades;  I'm not *that* crazy...  or am I?)  :P  I only picked up other weapons to extract ammo from them, then immediately dropped them.  I didn't use any weapon I couldn't hold in the "sidearm" weapon slot.  It took a few tries, but I finally got it.  Yay!  :D 

On this attempt, unlike other attempts, I went straight to Master skill level for sidearms first, before deviating to get any other traits.  (Well, as straight as is possible to go, considering how expensive it is, even with the Scout's reduced cost for sidearm skill)  Any benefit from the weapons skills is hardly noticeable until Master level, and even then, I still miss a lot when enemies are at range, and have to wait 'til they get closer to reliably hit them.

Ammo was really scarce at the beginning, as I was totally reliant on my starting M4A3 pistol, and having to throw away all 5.56 ammo I found, since there aren't any sidearms that use it, and I had to avoid most of the aliens I encountered, but once I found the colt, and shortly after, the sawed-off shotgun, my ammo worries disappeared for the rest of the game.

The colt and krak grenades were the only armour-piercing weapons I had, so I had to save their ammo for Elites and Praetorians, and couldn't spare any for breaking down doors, so I ended up having to dawdle a lot until I could get Expert Technical skill, so I could hack open the military doors in the Main Tower, since there were a few of them between me and the elevator on one of the upper levels.  I also got advanced Fitness, so I could hold more grenades, since I (correctly) anticipated that I would need as many as I could carry for the final fight against the Queen.

Along the way, I made some interesting discoveries I was not previously aware of...  or perhaps they're new additions to this version and I just didn't play it that much?  Anyway, it appears that you can only get the "exploration bonus" once per level.  I guess, in previous games, I headed straight to the end so quickly, I didn't notice.  I had thought you just get that bonus periodically, regardless of what level you're on.  This meant that in order to get all the skills I had, I had to grind a *lot,* and kill a lot of aliens, doing a lot of wandering around the various towers...  not the Military Tower, though, since I didn't feel up to facing the sentry bots, and I can't use the ammo they drop anyway...  which explains why I ended up with so many security keys.  :P  Also, level 7 of each of the various towers doesn't connect with any other tower.  (Has that been a thing all along?  I don't remember it)

Another thing that really helped during the final showdown is that sentry turret kits are apparently really powerful!  :o  I had two of them set up, (meaning I had to set one up, then run back and get the other one, since you can only carry one at a time)  :P  and they took out Praetorians with a surprising amount of ease.  (With the assistance of my colt, of course)  :)  It helped the endgame out considerably.  The Queen fell to an incendiary grenade and two krak grenades, and a bunch of colt shots.

-- AliensRL 0.8.4 BETA 1 (r983) Post Mortem --------------------------

  Name     : Tormuse
  Class    : Scout
  Rank     : Veteran
  Result   : killed the queen and escaped
  Score    : 18470

  Total experience  : 14940
  Experience left   : 1160
  Game length       : 516195 turns

  Security keycards : 25
  Military keys     : 0

  Armor   : Plasteel armor [3]
  Sidearm : M4A5 compact pistol (7/7)
  Primary : .44 colt (6/6)
  Heavy   : sawed-off shotgun (ready)
  Medpacks: 4

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------

  Sidearms      : master
  Light weapons : untrained
  Heavy weapons : untrained
  Technical     : expert
  Medicine      : advanced
  Fitness       : advanced
  Perception    : basic

-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------

  9mm ammo      : 189/400
  5.56 ammo     : 400/400
  .44 ammo      : 115/150
  M309 ammo     : 500/500
  M250 ammo     : 500/500
  60mm gren.    : 40/40
  12g. shells   : 185/200
  napalm cartrid: 20/20
  frag grenade  : 4/5
  inc grenade   : 3/5
  krak grenade  : 1/5

-- Other items -------------------------------------------------------

  4 * medpack
  4 * armor pack
  25 * security key
  9 * multi-tool
  5 * painkiller pack
  5 * stimpack
  2 * military stimpack
  1 * military medpack

-- Kills (1300) ------------------------------------------------------

  180 juveniles
  198 warriors
  35 elites
  14 praetorians
  183 scavengers
  94 hunters
  39 stalkers
  372 drones
  177 workers
  7 overseers
  1 queen

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 The praetorian slashes you!
 You criticaly hit the praetorian! The
 praetorian impales you!
 You lightly hit the praetorian!
 You hit the praetorian! The
 praetorian slashes you! The
 praetorian impales you!
 You barely hit the praetorian! The
 praetorian dies.
 You use a medpack. You feel much
 You reload your weapon.
 You activate the elevator. Entering
 Civilian Tower, level 1...


PS  This was my highest ever scoring game!  Yay again!  :D

General Discussion / Re: Default player name setting?
« on: August 05, 2021, 16:22 »
I'd like to know this too.  It would be nice to not have to type "Tormuse" every single time.  :)

AliensRL / [0.8.4 BETA 1|Ma|YAVP] Light makes might
« on: July 28, 2021, 18:18 »
For no particular reason, I decided to try this game again, and see if I could get my "light weapons" skill up to master level.  The grind to get there was kind of ridiculous;  I was already ready to face the Queen long before I reached expert level, let alone master level.  (Even though I was playing as the marine, who has lowered cost of upgrading light weapon skill)  I didn't upgrade anything else, because I was saving up all my skill points for that one skill, and then took out the Queen as soon as I reached my goal.

I've complained about weapon skills needing a buff for a while, but I have to admit that once I reached master level, there was a noticeable improvement in my weapons' abilities.  I just wish the game was long enough to reasonably allow someone to advance that far.  Something for a future update, maybe.  :)

-- AliensRL 0.8.4 BETA 1 (r983) Post Mortem --------------------------

  Name     : Tormuse
  Class    : Marine
  Rank     : Veteran
  Result   : killed the queen and escaped
  Score    : 14920

  Total experience  : 11840
  Experience left   : 1040
  Game length       : 358313 turns

  Security keycards : 3
  Military keys     : 0

  Armor   : Plasteel armor [3]
  Sidearm : .44 colt (6/6)
  Primary : 12g. combat shotgun (5/5)
  Heavy   : M41A pulse rifle (99/99)
  Medpacks: 2

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------

  Sidearms      : untrained
  Light weapons : master
  Heavy weapons : untrained
  Technical     : untrained
  Medicine      : untrained
  Fitness       : untrained
  Perception    : untrained

-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------

  9mm ammo      : 399/400
  5.56 ammo     : 172/400
  .44 ammo      : 48/150
  M309 ammo     : 375/500
  M250 ammo     : 486/500
  60mm gren.    : 16/40
  12g. shells   : 102/200
  napalm cartrid: 0/20
  frag grenade  : 3/3
  inc grenade   : 3/3
  krak grenade  : 3/3

-- Other items -------------------------------------------------------

  2 * medpack
  3 * security key
  4 * painkiller pack
  4 * stimpack
  6 * multi-tool
  2 * military medpack
  5 * armor pack

-- Kills (874) -------------------------------------------------------

  103 juveniles
  166 warriors
  35 elites
  10 praetorians
  119 scavengers
  111 hunters
  19 stalkers
  176 drones
  116 workers
  9 overseers
  1 queen
  9 military bots

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 You activate the elevator. Entering
 Medical Tower, level 1...
 There is a M4A3 pistol lying here.
 You barely hit the warrior! You
 barely hit the warrior! You barely
 hit the warrior! The warrior dies.
 You reload your weapon.
 The hunter slashes you! The hunter
 slashes you!
 You lightly hit the hunter! You
 lightly hit the hunter! The hunter
 You reload your weapon.
 You enter the corridor. Entering
 Civilian Tower, level 1...


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