Code: [Select]
[fix] -- RCFIX : fixed crash in shambler/lavael AI
[fix] -- RCFIX : demon ai properly resets boredom on player disappearing
[fix] -- RCFIX : retaliation engages pathfinding properly
on: Yesterday at 01:17
Started by Kornel Kisielewicz - Last post by Kornel Kisielewicz | ||
Several issues have been identified and BETA 6b deployed:
Code: [Select] [fix] -- RCFIX : fixed crash in shambler/lavael AI |
DoomRL / Requests For Features / Re: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version
on: February 14, 2025, 19:04
Started by Omega Tyrant - Last post by Omega Tyrant | ||
- Levels that only have Nightmare enemies should have their own feeling, feels appropriate. Something along the lines of "A dreadful silence rings in your ears..." to tie into the fact that they do not make noise. -Nightmare enemy only levels having a special message can be nice, but I'll note it's proposed to give them sounds (+ sounds to all the silent bosses too) and it has been discussed in the Discord, due to it seeming unintentional and the current modding grey area that exists with modding them in sounds yourself like I do (Kornel also mentioned he forgot to give them sounds when adding all the new Nightmare enemies). -I wouldn't oppose the Acid Spitter reloading faster, but it ultimately wouldn't matter, as it's not a weapon you can reload with enemies around regardless, whether its reload time is 1.2 seconds or 0.1 seconds (reload time only matters when you got an enemy in vision/pursuit or some time sensitive event is going on). In any active combat scenario, you get one shot with it, and then you have to wait until the immediate threat is gone before you can get to scooping the acid back up. -Yeah Enviroboots aren't great for plasma protection (only reducing blood damage from 12 to 9, 1 more than unmodded Plasteel Boots), but as mentioned in the Discord, it doesn't affect their usage that much; in A100 you're still building Cerberus Boots regardless, and in the standard game, they'll be virtually identical except with Enviroboots being worse for Limbo and the rare late blood cave but it won't require the massive mod cost that Cerberus Boots does, making Enviroboots still a very valuable find. So I would be ok with Enviroboots getting that plasma buff, or keeping it as is to give some extra flavor difference between them and Cerberus Boots. |
DoomRL / Requests For Features / Re: Compilation of fixes, changes, and new ideas for version
on: February 14, 2025, 17:02
Started by Omega Tyrant - Last post by TNT | ||
- Levels that only have Nightmare enemies should have their own feeling, feels appropriate. Something along the lines of "A dreadful silence rings in your ears..." to tie into the fact that they do not make noise.
- Acid Spitter should reload -much- faster, given how finicky it is to do so in the first place. - Enviroboots should have more plasma resistance. I understand preferring to keep the bloodboots as the only one with 100% immunity, but the enviroboots should have at least 50% if not more. |
on: February 14, 2025, 09:26
Started by Kornel Kisielewicz - Last post by Kornel Kisielewicz | ||
BETA 6 is up!
This ones made out of a big AI overhaul UX improvement (+reenabling of continuous drop) and some controversial balance changes. Be on the lookout for AI behaviour differences - yes, the infighting is by design, tell me what you think about it and if and what needs to be tweaked! Apart from that, the second big behaviour change is that enemies will keep around their spawn point instead of inevitably drifting to the middle of the level. Apart from that there might be a few minor changes in behaviour, but please do report any that you spot and if it's better or worse - some might be unintended, but some can be intended :P Yes, finesse is down to 10%. +10% of effective damage will always be strong, but SoB might see some changes later. For the time being though, Dualgunners speed penalty has been removed, and Gun Kata has the extra effect of shooting at 20% time cost if the last action action was a move. I intended it to be 50%, but lets try the stronger version first! Usual bit of bugfixes too! DoomRL BETA 6b Windows LQ Code: [Select] BETA 6 |
on: February 11, 2025, 10:36
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Omega Tyrant | ||
I don't do any of the developmental stuff myself, I've just been beta testing, proposing ideas, and giving + organizing feedback. I would recommend joining the JH Discord to ask Kornel/Epyon that stuff, he might see it here but you could get a faster response asking him directly there. Here is the link to the Discord. If you don't have a Discord account, you could also try posting on the Github page itself.
on: February 11, 2025, 03:33
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Kantarza | ||
I used to be a developer. So in an effort to repay the group a little I've downloaded the source. I've attempted to get the environment up and running but have got about 50% of the way there following the readme. I can compile a drl.exe (that crashes) and cannot seem to find suitable instructions to compile the wads or fpcvalkyrie (if that's even necessary).
I don't want to waste anyone's time. Is it worth trying to set it up and contribute (initially by documenting the process into on the development branch) or is there a tight-knit team that would rather not have someone extra poking around? |
on: February 10, 2025, 19:48
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Omega Tyrant | ||
I hate to mention this because you guys do a fantastic job. It's a just a little graphical issue. I tested and can confirm this bug is in the current beta (killed myself on the second floor and upon immediately restarting another run, Phobos Base Entry did indeed have the same level feeling). |
on: February 10, 2025, 19:20
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Omega Tyrant | ||
Certainly that was my first thought too. As much as I enjoyed the win, it's better to recognise genuine skill. Completed my first AoB/N! yesterday on the same strat but didn't watch my kill count and just drifted below 60%. Given what you've said, I'll switch to some other challenges (rather than cheesing) and reassess when comes out. Shame to come just short of the Diamond like that, will be making some changes to Nightmare to make it less tedious, and one such change is that the respawns will no longer count towards the kill percent, though several of the badges that require a certain kill percentage on N! may end up changing. Ain't nothing wrong though with getting badges by whatever means the game grants you, but yeah I would recommend trying to branch out to other builds and try to take HMP then UV games with them, to help build your fundamental skill at the game and better prep you for challenges where the cheese option isn't available. Quote The manuals sometimes skimp on detail (which leaves the experience appreciably open). Funny you bring this up, as a recent topic of contention about DRL in the JH Discord is how much of a "wiki game" DRL is and how much it detriments the game. Some things have been discussed to make ingame guides available and general information more available ingame, though nothing concrete yet (other than a new modding UI that shows what the mod you're applying to your equipment will actually do). Quote Haven't even attempted one yet, although I did punch the odd barrel to start berserk mode. Nice, this is a fun trick to do in AoB (or in any other scenario where you don't have rockets) when you need to trigger Berserker before taking on a pack of enemies (especially Arachnotrons or other enemies that can't trigger Berserker from hitting you) or for just a general speed boost when you need it. (Napalm Barrels will nearly always trigger it, Acid Barrels usually will but can sometimes fail and their acid damage is harder to get good resistance against, and normal Barrels will have a slightly less than 50% chance of doing so) Quote As a new player, I searched but failed to find any information on why Sereg got his name on a difficulty mode. This fills in an important lore gap for me. Yes, was an easter egg added in to reference his infamy with exploiting AoOC. You can check out the old Badge Hunters thread to see all the Diamonds he got from his namesake strategy. Speaking of the Badge Hunters thread, I added your run to the new thread, it is nice to get a new name on there as it has been a while! Quote tbh that was a weigh up too. However I wasn't sure if they would perish on lava or acid. The help files don't declare it even though it makes physical sense. Antigrav Boots do retain the Nano mod's durability regeneration, so you don't really need to worry about their durability (especially if you make them out of Plasteel Boots or better Phaseshift Boots), and they also can't be destroyed even if you were to run on enough acid/lava in such a short period to actually wear them out. Quote Wunderbar! and a huge thanks for taking the time to level me up. Always happy to help people when I can! |
on: February 10, 2025, 05:10
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Kantarza | ||
I hate to mention this because you guys do a fantastic job. It's a just a little graphical issue.
I died in the Arena in N! doing AoSh, second group of monsters (second attachment). I then jumped into a fresh game with the same parameters, and found that the level feeling had not been reset. It still showed the Arena Master's voice booming (see attachment). |
on: February 10, 2025, 04:21
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Kantarza | ||
Thanks so much for the advice. Solid gold!
Nice job, good thing you got this done now, because Vampyre is slated for some pretty serious nerfs in as it is super busted in :p Certainly that was my first thought too. As much as I enjoyed the win, it's better to recognise genuine skill. Completed my first AoB/N! yesterday on the same strat but didn't watch my kill count and just drifted below 60%. Given what you've said, I'll switch to some other challenges (rather than cheesing) and reassess when comes out. still survived clinging on to crummy Blue ArmorI only kept that in case level 100 turned up a surprise. The manuals sometimes skimp on detail (which leaves the experience appreciably open). I'd say over 70% of the levels were in the nude. The rest was spent vainly trying to keep some clothes. a Nanofiber Red Armor, even with no TaN and no Power mod on it, it on top of Berserk resistances stacked with the Marine's resistances will be enough to reduce any fire hit to 1 damage, reduce a max damage Baron acid ball to 2 damage, and reduce a max damage Shambler bolt to 3 damage while any lesser plasma hit can't deal more than 1).This is great info for players like me. Cheers. Also don't ditch the Rocket Launcher, it's Vampyre's best friend as rocket jumping will cover for your lack of movement speed to let you close gaps against troublesome enemies instantly, and you can face rocket yourself to trigger Berserker whenever (when Berserker triggers from being hit, its resistances are applied before damage is inflicted to you, so you'll just be trading 1 HP for 20 actions of Berserk if you got any half decent armor on).Haven't even attempted one yet, although I did punch the odd barrel to start berserk mode. getting lucky AoOC stair dives are far easier ("Sereging" as it's known)As a new player, I searched but failed to find any information on why Sereg got his name on a difficulty mode. This fills in an important lore gap for me. The lack of guaranteed items and extra EXP from special levels makes the early game hell of Nightmare even worse in A100, and trying to just stair dive through is far less viable when you got 100 floors to get through and some inevitable very nasty ones if your level and equipment aren't up to snuff (though I suppose that makes it more bragworthy to have Centurial as your first Diamond).I had no idea what horrors were below so I didn't dive very much (maybe 5 or 10 levels). Vampyre meant I didn't have to once I got past its level. From then on 60% of the time I explored the majority. 30% a minority and 10% rushed the exit after taking damage. Powered Red Armor (or even Powered Blue Armor) definitely would have been the better option, it would be already reducing basically every hit to 1 damage when you're berserked and would reduce many melee hits to 1 damage without berserk too.Next time! while more importantly, it wouldn't have slowed you down at all (which Vampyre greatly appreciates when the Hellrunner block is basically its only hindrance in used to think Hellrunner block was reason to give up on Vampyre. Having attained it it is currently unnecessary. Alternatively, Antigrav Bootstbh that was a weigh up too. However I wasn't sure if they would perish on lava or acid. The help files don't declare it even though it makes physical sense. You just need to copy paste your mortem inbetween the mortem tagsWunderbar! and a huge thanks for taking the time to level me up. |