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  • February 14, 2025, 11:06
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 on: Today at 09:26 
Started by Kornel Kisielewicz - Last post by Kornel Kisielewicz
BETA 6 is up!

This ones made out of a big AI overhaul UX improvement (+reenabling of continuous drop) and some controversial balance changes.

Be on the lookout for AI behaviour differences - yes, the infighting is by design, tell me what you think about it and if and what needs to be tweaked! Apart from that, the second big behaviour change is that enemies will keep around their spawn point instead of inevitably drifting to the middle of the level. Apart from that there might be a few minor changes in behaviour, but please do report any that you spot and if it's better or worse - some might be unintended, but some can be intended :P

Yes, finesse is down to 10%. +10% of effective damage will always be strong, but SoB might see some changes later. For the time being though, Dualgunners speed penalty has been removed, and Gun Kata has the extra effect of shooting at 20% time cost if the last action action was a move. I intended it to be 50%, but lets try the stronger version first!

Usual bit of bugfixes too!

DoomRL BETA 6 Windows LQ
DoomRL BETA 6 Linux LQ

Code: [Select] BETA 6
[new] -- GH#227: Ctrl+Arrows will manually move the auto-target reticule!
[new] -- GH#217: infighting is back, baby!
[mod] -- GH#217: all AI's got a refactor, might behave differently
[mod] -- GH#161: drop item action continues if no enemy/damage is present
[mod] -- GH#226: enemies keep to their patrol area (spawn area)
[mod] -- GH#230: Gun Kata - 1/5th time to fire after any move!
[mod] -- GH#230: finesse bonus 15%->10%, dualgunner penalty 20%->0%
[fix] -- GH#098: fixes Mastermind AI getting stuck
[fix] -- GH#000: emergency animation break added
[fix] -- GH#228: explode wall levers leave debris
[fix] -- GH#229: explode wall levers destroy doors
[fix] -- GH#229: City of Skulls - lever can't be destroyed
[fix] -- GH#223: Abbysal Plains raising walls will clear tiles and destroy items
[fix] -- RCFIX : fixed multi-melee animations

 on: February 11, 2025, 10:36 
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Omega Tyrant
I don't do any of the developmental stuff myself, I've just been beta testing, proposing ideas, and giving + organizing feedback. I would recommend joining the JH Discord to ask Kornel/Epyon that stuff, he might see it here but you could get a faster response asking him directly there. Here is the link to the Discord. If you don't have a Discord account, you could also try posting on the Github page itself.

 on: February 11, 2025, 03:33 
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Kantarza
I used to be a developer. So in an effort to repay the group a little I've downloaded the source. I've attempted to get the environment up and running but have got about 50% of the way there following the readme. I can compile a drl.exe (that crashes) and cannot seem to find suitable instructions to compile the wads or fpcvalkyrie (if that's even necessary).

I don't want to waste anyone's time. Is it worth trying to set it up and contribute (initially by documenting the process into on the development branch) or is there a tight-knit team that would rather not have someone extra poking around?

 on: February 10, 2025, 19:48 
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Omega Tyrant
I hate to mention this because you guys do a fantastic job. It's a just a little graphical issue.

I died in the Arena in N! doing AoSh, second group of monsters (second attachment).
I then jumped into a fresh game with the same parameters, and found that the level feeling had not been reset. It still showed the Arena Master's voice booming (see attachment).

I tested and can confirm this bug is in the current beta (killed myself on the second floor and upon immediately restarting another run, Phobos Base Entry did indeed have the same level feeling).

 on: February 10, 2025, 19:20 
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Omega Tyrant
Certainly that was my first thought too. As much as I enjoyed the win, it's better to recognise genuine skill. Completed my first AoB/N! yesterday on the same strat but didn't watch my kill count and just drifted below 60%. Given what you've said, I'll switch to some other challenges (rather than cheesing) and reassess when comes out.

Shame to come just short of the Diamond like that, will be making some changes to Nightmare to make it less tedious, and one such change is that the respawns will no longer count towards the kill percent, though several of the badges that require a certain kill percentage on N! may end up changing. Ain't nothing wrong though with getting badges by whatever means the game grants you, but yeah I would recommend trying to branch out to other builds and try to take HMP then UV games with them, to help build your fundamental skill at the game and better prep you for challenges where the cheese option isn't available.

The manuals sometimes skimp on detail (which leaves the experience appreciably open).

Funny you bring this up, as a recent topic of contention about DRL in the JH Discord is how much of a "wiki game" DRL is and how much it detriments the game. Some things have been discussed to make ingame guides available and general information more available ingame, though nothing concrete yet (other than a new modding UI that shows what the mod you're applying to your equipment will actually do).

Haven't even attempted one yet, although I did punch the odd barrel to start berserk mode.

Nice, this is a fun trick to do in AoB (or in any other scenario where you don't have rockets) when you need to trigger Berserker before taking on a pack of enemies (especially Arachnotrons or other enemies that can't trigger Berserker from hitting you) or for just a general speed boost when you need it. (Napalm Barrels will nearly always trigger it, Acid Barrels usually will but can sometimes fail and their acid damage is harder to get good resistance against, and normal Barrels will have a slightly less than 50% chance of doing so)

As a new player, I searched but failed to find any information on why Sereg got his name on a difficulty mode. This fills in an important lore gap for me.

Yes, was an easter egg added in to reference his infamy with exploiting AoOC. You can check out the old Badge Hunters thread to see all the Diamonds he got from his namesake strategy. Speaking of the Badge Hunters thread, I added your run to the new thread, it is nice to get a new name on there as it has been a while!

tbh that was a weigh up too. However I wasn't sure if they would perish on lava or acid. The help files don't declare it even though it makes physical sense.

Antigrav Boots do retain the Nano mod's durability regeneration, so you don't really need to worry about their durability (especially if you make them out of Plasteel Boots or better Phaseshift Boots), and they also can't be destroyed even if you were to run on enough acid/lava in such a short period to actually wear them out.

Wunderbar! and a huge thanks for taking the time to level me up.

Always happy to help people when I can!

 on: February 10, 2025, 05:10 
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Kantarza
I hate to mention this because you guys do a fantastic job. It's a just a little graphical issue.

I died in the Arena in N! doing AoSh, second group of monsters (second attachment).
I then jumped into a fresh game with the same parameters, and found that the level feeling had not been reset. It still showed the Arena Master's voice booming (see attachment).

 on: February 10, 2025, 04:21 
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Kantarza
Thanks so much for the advice. Solid gold!

Nice job, good thing you got this done now, because Vampyre is slated for some pretty serious nerfs in as it is super busted in :p

Certainly that was my first thought too. As much as I enjoyed the win, it's better to recognise genuine skill. Completed my first AoB/N! yesterday on the same strat but didn't watch my kill count and just drifted below 60%. Given what you've said, I'll switch to some other challenges (rather than cheesing) and reassess when comes out.

still survived clinging on to crummy Blue Armor
I only kept that in case level 100 turned up a surprise. The manuals sometimes skimp on detail (which leaves the experience appreciably open). I'd say over 70% of the levels were in the nude. The rest was spent vainly trying to keep some clothes. a Nanofiber Red Armor, even with no TaN and no Power mod on it, it on top of Berserk resistances stacked with the Marine's resistances will be enough to reduce any fire hit to 1 damage, reduce a max damage Baron acid ball to 2 damage, and reduce a max damage Shambler bolt to 3 damage while any lesser plasma hit can't deal more than 1).
This is great info for players like me. Cheers.

Also don't ditch the Rocket Launcher, it's Vampyre's best friend as rocket jumping will cover for your lack of movement speed to let you close gaps against troublesome enemies instantly, and you can face rocket yourself to trigger Berserker whenever (when Berserker triggers from being hit, its resistances are applied before damage is inflicted to you, so you'll just be trading 1 HP for 20 actions of Berserk if you got any half decent armor on).
Haven't even attempted one yet, although I did punch the odd barrel to start berserk mode.

getting lucky AoOC stair dives are far easier ("Sereging" as it's known)
As a new player, I searched but failed to find any information on why Sereg got his name on a difficulty mode. This fills in an important lore gap for me.

The lack of guaranteed items and extra EXP from special levels makes the early game hell of Nightmare even worse in A100, and trying to just stair dive through is far less viable when you got 100 floors to get through and some inevitable very nasty ones if your level and equipment aren't up to snuff (though I suppose that makes it more bragworthy to have Centurial as your first Diamond).
I had no idea what horrors were below so I didn't dive very much (maybe 5 or 10 levels). Vampyre meant I didn't have to once I got past its level. From then on 60% of the time I explored the majority. 30% a minority and 10% rushed the exit after taking damage.

Powered Red Armor (or even Powered Blue Armor) definitely would have been the better option, it would be already reducing basically every hit to 1 damage when you're berserked and would reduce many melee hits to 1 damage without berserk too.
Next time!

while more importantly, it wouldn't have slowed you down at all (which Vampyre greatly appreciates when the Hellrunner block is basically its only hindrance in
I used to think Hellrunner block was reason to give up on Vampyre. Having attained it it is currently unnecessary.

Alternatively, Antigrav Boots
tbh that was a weigh up too. However I wasn't sure if they would perish on lava or acid. The help files don't declare it even though it makes physical sense.

You just need to copy paste your mortem inbetween the mortem tags
Wunderbar! and a huge thanks for taking the time to level me up.

 on: February 08, 2025, 23:41 
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Omega Tyrant
Nice job, good thing you got this done now, because Vampyre is slated for some pretty serious nerfs in as it is super busted in :p

As a testament to its power, I see you didn't even get any sort of indestructible armor and still survived clinging on to crummy Blue Armor (a tip for if you try getting more badges with Vampyre before its nerfing, just build a Nanofiber Red Armor, even with no TaN and no Power mod on it, it on top of Berserk resistances stacked with the Marine's resistances will be enough to reduce any fire hit to 1 damage, reduce a max damage Baron acid ball to 2 damage, and reduce a max damage Shambler bolt to 3 damage while any lesser plasma hit can't deal more than 1). Also don't ditch the Rocket Launcher, it's Vampyre's best friend as rocket jumping will cover for your lack of movement speed to let you close gaps against troublesome enemies instantly, and you can face rocket yourself to trigger Berserker whenever (when Berserker triggers from being hit, its resistances are applied before damage is inflicted to you, so you'll just be trading 1 HP for 20 actions of Berserk if you got any half decent armor on). Without using Vampyre, I definitely wouldn't recommend going for Centurial as someone's first Diamond though; if someone just wants to get Diamonds no matter how, trying to cheese them through getting lucky AoOC stair dives are far easier ("Sereging" as it's known), and otherwise I would say stuff like Strongman Diamond and Gatekeeper Diamond are far easier than Centurial (ignoring the pure grind badges like Technician and Armorer). The lack of guaranteed items and extra EXP from special levels makes the early game hell of Nightmare even worse in A100, and trying to just stair dive through is far less viable when you got 100 floors to get through and some inevitable very nasty ones if your level and equipment aren't up to snuff (though I suppose that makes it more bragworthy to have Centurial as your first Diamond).

My chief regret was wasting a nano mod. I couldn't work out whether to take a powered armor, or to nano a cerberus red.

Powered Red Armor (or even Powered Blue Armor) definitely would have been the better option, it would be already reducing basically every hit to 1 damage when you're berserked and would reduce many melee hits to 1 damage without berserk too, while more importantly, it wouldn't have slowed you down at all (which Vampyre greatly appreciates when the Hellrunner block is basically its only hindrance in Alternatively, Antigrav Boots or even a Nanomachic Rocket Launcher would have been even better options for Vampyre, as the former makes you way faster for a build that wants any movement speed it can get, and the latter would grant you infinite rocket jumps and Berserker face rockets.

The forum help file suggested I post my victory. I found the file but couldn't work out how to make it look schmick like @Tormuse does.

You just need to copy paste your mortem inbetween the mortem tags
Code: [Select]
[mortem] [/mortem]

 on: February 08, 2025, 18:22 
Started by Kantarza - Last post by Kantarza
This is to inspire all those players who might know a bit about DoomRL and are looking to gain some confidence.

I'm just a moderate player who has repicked up DoomRL in the last month (previously played fifteen or twenty years ago upto HNTR). I've played about 25 games so far and haven't taken on a HMP game yet. However after this run I'm now at 2|9|0|0|1. My badges are 20|12|7|1|1|0.

After reading a post about someone's only diamond badge being Ao100 on Nightmare, I realised this it could be a very achievable challenge compared to others.

My first two games perished on level 1. However after getting a bit of luck on the first few levels, I made it to Vampyre and never looked back. I think I used one large health kit from that point, might have touched the chain gun and shotgun a few times (but it wasn't necessary). I didn't bother with any rocket launchers, plasma guns or the BFG 10K that I found. The key pieces of equipment that were useful were the phase devices (might have used 5) and the Hell Staff (lev 58 and maybe 3 times) just to escape trouble.

My chief regret was wasting a nano mod. I couldn't work out whether to take a powered armor, or to nano a cerberus red. In the end I went down the cerberus path and watched in horror as it got demolished. However it really didn't matter as I played nearly all the game with no armor on. The great part with Ao100 is that if you don't like a level, you can drop down without feeling like you're missing a key treasure. There are plenty of levels to get something better.

The hardest levels were nightmare arachnotron caves. They tend to deal so much damage even in berserk mode. Most other damage types can be shrugged and the health recovered.

As I noted above. I had no victories above HNTR so I'd really recommend this for anyone who wants a moderate challenge.

The forum help file suggested I post my victory. I found the file but couldn't work out how to make it look schmick like @Tormuse does.

 DRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Kantarza, level 23 Mancubus 1st Lieutenant Marine,
 completed 100 levels of torture on level 100 of Hell.
 He survived 116222 turns and scored 3950897 points.
 He played for 2 hours, 48 minutes and 14 seconds.
 He opposed the Nightmare!

 He killed 2904 out of 5051 hellspawn. (57%)
 He was an Angel of 100!

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 0
  Levels visited   : 0
  Levels completed : 0

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  UAC Star (bronze cluster)  25+ kills without taking damage
  Experience Medal           Reach experience level 20+
  Dervis' Medallion          Win Angel of 100 on Nightmare!
  Centurial Platinum Badge   Complete Ao100 on UV
  Centurial Diamond Badge    Complete Ao100 on N!

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 87/60   Experience 678566/23
  ToHit Ranged +6  ToHit Melee +16  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +15

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Marine

    Finesse          (Level 3)
    Tough as nails   (Level 3)
    Eagle Eye        (Level 3)
    Brute            (Level 5)
    Juggler          (Level 1)
    Berserker        (Level 1)
    Intuition        (Level 2)
    Whizkid          (Level 2)
    Badass           (Level 2)
    Vampyre          (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   blue armor [1/2] (37%)
    [ Weapon     ]   chainsword (8d3) (P)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   cerberus protective boots [0/0] (100%)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   BFG 10K (6d4)x5 [50/50]

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] napalm launcher (7d7) [1/1]
    cerberus red armor [0/0] (98%)
    [c] rocket (x10)
    [d] power cell (x50)
    [e] power cell (x50)
    [f] power cell (x50)
    [g] power cell (x50)
    [h] large med-pack
    large med-pack
    [j] large med-pack
    [k] homing phase device
    [l] homing phase device
    [m] thermonuclear bomb
    [n] technical mod pack
  • bulk mod pack
[p] shockwave pack
    [q] shockwave pack
    [r] hatred skull
    Hell Staff
    [t] gothic boots [10/10] (200%) (A)

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    bullet     - internal 60%   torso 60%   feet 80% 
    melee      - internal 60%   torso 60%   feet 80% 
    shrapnel   - internal 60%   torso 60%   feet 80% 
    acid       - internal 80%   torso 80%   feet 100%
    fire       - internal 80%   torso 80%   feet 100%
    plasma     - internal 80%   torso 90%   feet 90% 

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    104 former humans
    180 former sergeants
    200 former captains
    76 imps
    95 demons
    726 lost souls
    113 cacodemons
    119 hell knights
    287 barons of hell
    101 arachnotrons
    8 former commandos
    88 pain elementals
    137 revenants
    162 mancubi
    229 arch-viles
    12 nightmare imps
    25 nightmare cacodemons
    81 nightmare demons
    38 nightmare arachnotrons
    7 nightmare arch-viles
    15 elite former humans
    11 elite former sergeants
    6 elite former captains
    3 elite former commandos
    41 bruiser brothers
    11 shamblers
    21 lava elemental
    3 agony elementals
    5 Cyberdemons

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  Entering level 3 he was almost dead...
  On level 17 he ran for his life from lava!
  On level 20 he assembled a chainsword!
  On level 21 he was bombarded!
  On level 22 he stumbled into a complex full of mancubi!
  On level 23 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
  Level 26 blasted him with an unholy atmosphere!
  He left level 27 as soon as possible.
  On level 31 he assembled a fireproof armor!
  On level 33 he stumbled into a complex full of arch-viles!
  Level 35 blasted him with an unholy atmosphere!
  On level 36 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  On level 36 he assembled a cerberus boots!
  He left level 39 as soon as possible.
  On level 40 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  On level 41 he ran for his life from lava!
  On level 43 he found the BFG 10K!
  On level 45 he was targeted for extermination!
  On level 46 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  Level 48 was a hard nut to crack!
  On level 56 he was stumbling in the dark!
  On level 58 he assembled a cerberus armor!
  On level 58 he found the Hell Staff!
  On level 66 he stumbled into a lava elemental cave!
  On level 67 he found the Nyarlaptotep's Boots!
  On level 68 he was bombarded!
  On level 78 he was walking in fire!
  On level 79 he was bombarded!
  He left level 82 as soon as possible.
  On level 83 he assembled a cerberus armor!
  On level 84 he was stumbling in the dark!
  On level 92 he ran for his life from lava!
  On level 96 he was stumbling in the dark!
  On level 100 he was stumbling in the dark!
  On level 100 he finally completed 100 levels of torture.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood! There is power cell (x20) lying here.
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 There are stairs leading downward here. You need to taste blood!
 You did it! You completed 100 levels of DRL! You're the champion! Press

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 24 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 12 of those were killed.

 12 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
 1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 6 killed the bitch and survived.
 5 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.


 on: February 01, 2025, 04:31 
Started by Tormuse - Last post by Tormuse
So I beat the Summoner on level 50 and...  unexpectedly won the game.  This was a surprise to me, since the description says there are a hundred levels.  (Kornel tells me this was an error)  I fully expected the game to continue until another boss on level 100.  It makes me feel a bit silly that my previous game that got this far died on level 50;  I didn't know I was so close to the end.  Oh well...

Anyway, this was with last week's Gauntlet where pistols do double damage.  I would have preferred doing it with a Gun Kata build to make the most of that, but my attempt at GK didn't fare so well.  Survivor did much better, which is a bit embarrassing, since it makes me seem like a one-trick pony, since my last attempt that got this far was also with Survivor.  :P

The medusa's fang relic I found on level 18, which makes any hit against biological targets an instant kill at the cost of reducing your max health, turned the run into easy mode, relatively speaking, especially since it turns out there's a cap on how much it can reduce your health.  After it brought my max health down by about 50, (I think?) it no longer had a drawback, and I was able to insta-kill everything except bots for the rest of the game, and stockpiling multitools to increase my health at health stations mitigated the damage it had done in the meantime.  :)

I found a railgun on level 25, which does piercing damage, so it was my backup weapon for dealing with any bots, but once I got a nano mod for it on level 37, it became my primary weapon, freely wrecking anything that came my way for the rest of the game.  :)

Tormuse, level 47 Marine,
defeated The Summoner against all odds.

He survived for 43756 turns.
The run time was 10h 45m 0s.
World seed was 87102.
He scored 13332 points.
He challenged the Gauntlet trial.

Gauntlet L24 - Exalted Curse
Gauntlet L25 - Exalted Curse
Gauntlet L32 - Exalted Summons
Gauntlet L40 - Infestation
Gauntlet L48 - Volatile Storage

  Medal of Prejudice (+200)
   * Won with 100% kills
  CRI Star (bronze cluster) (+50)
   * 25+ kills without taking damage
  Blind Luck Star (+50)
   * Won despite getting down to 1hp at some point

He killed 2688 out of 2688 enemies.

 63 former grunts           27 toxic fiends
 22 former grenadiers       10 CalSec sentries
 8  corrupted grenadiers    9  security sentries
 8  hellish grenadiers      6  military sentries
 20 former CRI  grenadiers  2  CalSec bots
 4  CRI grenadiers          3  security bots
 14 former soldiers         2  military bots
 81 corrupted soldiers      5  guardian bots
 57 hellish soldiers        90 reavers
 38 former CRI soldiers     13 cryoreavers
 24 CRI soldiers            46 toxic reavers
 9  former sergeants        166archreavers
 16 corrupted sergeants     63 kerberi
 12 hellish sergeants       91 cyberi
 17 former CRI sergeants    12 cryoberi
 8  CRI sergeants           28 toxiberi
 32 former guards           64 medusae
 24 CRI guards              86 archmedusae
 15 former commandoes       63 ravagers
 44 corrupted commandoes    85 armored ravagers
 54 hellish commandoes      21 siege ravagers
 24 former CRI commandoes   61 plasma ravagers
 22 CRI commandoes          67 CRI marines
 5  former heavies          25 CRI bots
 14 corrupted heavies       131guardians
 28 hellish heavies         69 frost guardians
 12 former CRI heavies      27 sentinels
 1  CRI heavy               60 warlocks
 15 fanatics                34 archwarlocks
 185fiends                  5  watchers
 84 fire fiends             9  cryowatchers
 34 ice fiends              9  pyrowatchers

  Skilled L1
  Ironman L2
  Furious L3
  Hellrunner L3
  Son of a Gun L3
  Reloader L3
  Sustained fire L1
  Tough as Nails L3
  Rip and tear L3
  Army Surplus L3
  Cover Master L2
  Gunslinger L3
  Bloodhound L3
  Field Medic L3
  Whizkid L3
  Angry Motherfucker L3
  Running L2

Trait order

  Slot #1 : AV3 7.62 sidearm BVE
   * Efficient
   * Vampiric 3
   * Disruptive 3
   * Calibrated 2
   * Sustain

  Slot #2 : AV3 plasma shotgun BAC
   * Second chamber
   * Stabilized 1
   * Freezing 2
   * Calibrated 2
   * Deadly 20
   * Slowdown

  Slot #3 : ERI railgun BCN
   * Hunter 10
   * NanoTech
   * Freezing 2
   * Efficient
   * Europan Recon Initiative
   * Electromagnetic rail

  Body : medi-fiber armor B3
   * Fire-resistant
   * Compartments
   * Auto-repair
   * Padded
   * Medi-fiber

  Head : ERI adrenal helmet PA2
   * Critical 10
   * Filtered
   * Crit Enhancer 25
   * Aim assist
   * Europan Recon Initiative
   * Cleanse protocol

  Utility : AV2 utility AMP
   * Metabolic boost
   * Carrier

  Relic : medusa's fang
   * Kiss of Death

  Adrenal overload
  Relic Corruption
  Medusa's Curse

  energy cell (x100)
  energy cell (x92)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  gas grenade (x3)
  EMP grenade (x1)
  krak grenade (x3)
  frag grenade (x3)
  CRI phase kit (x3)
  multitool (x5)
  multitool (x5)
  stimpack (x3)
  stimpack (x3)
  stimpack (x3)
  stimpack (x3)
  stimpack (x3)

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